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"Hello, Central!" What Does "Soon" Or "Near" Mean? Could It Be That The Ascended Masters Use "Soon" To Mean Years Or Decades While We In 3D Think In Terms Of Hours, Days Or Weeks

Patrick H. Bellringer

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all the ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation and other Spirits have used these words and obviously we have been and continue to be 'near' and in the time domain of 'soon'. Could it be that the ascended Masters, high spirits, angels, etc. etc. that are operating in the infinite can say these words and we here in this 3-D planet are thinking in terms of hours, days and maybe weeks, whereas their expressions might mean, years, decades and these terms relative to the infinite, are 'near' and 'soon'. The Farm Claims were suppose to be paid 'soon', a decade ago, does this illustrate my point? St. Germain has been saying 'soon' for years. I hope I am making this somewhat understandable. Your erudite comment is solicited. I am steadfast in Faith and thankful and appreciative for all you are doing, I am sincerely yours, RS


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 9, 2005


Dear RS:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

You suggest that there may be a difference in the perception of time by the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation in contrast to us living at this time in 3D. I do not believe that is the explanation for the ten year delay in funding the Farm Claims program, nor in the five year delay in implementing NESARA, nor in the fifteen year delay in funding some of the prosperity programs.

Occasionally, we have been given bits of information about the progress of Creator God's Plan 2000 of which NESARA and the various money programs are a part. We see only facets of this Earth Shan Plan for creating the Golden Age. I see several reasons for the slippage in time.

The agreement made at the Harmonic Convergence (August 17, 1987) allowed for the Forces of Light to intervene to a certain extent in our 3D affairs on Earth Shan. This they did, and the Darkside was thwarted in their evil work enough to allow the Lightworkers to gain a solid foothold for Truth.

The Darkside responded by ferocious attacks to maintain the upper hand. They refused to honor their contracts and stand-down. In 1998 to stop the Darkside's plans for nuclear world destruction, Creator God issued the decree that such would not be allowed. No use of nuclear technology would be allowed for evil intent ever again on Earth Shan.

The Darkside turned to other sophisticated technology and continued on with their plans. The Forces of Light did not anticipate the evilness and the tenacity of the Darkside to win at all costs, even to destroying the entire planet and her people, as they had done to Mars, Venus and other planets. There was far more help needed from the 3D people of Earth Shan to topple this evil regime than had been expected.

The basic Cosmic Law for the schoolroom of 3D must be understood. The Lighted Realms will come to our aid when we ask for their help, but they can not do everything for us. They are allowed only to assist us in defeating evil and bringing goodness. We would not learn our lessons if they did everything for us. In fact, we would not be deserving of their help, if we did nothing to help ourselves.

So it is that it has taken time for the people of Earth Shan to awaken to Truth and turn to the Light. Fifteen years ago the prosperity program funds would not have been used responsibly for good intent, but would have fallen into the hands of the Darkside. Ten years ago the people of Earth Shan were not demanding peace and an end to war. Five years ago the people did not support NESARA because they did not know of its' existence or of its potential to bring sweeping changes for good for our planet's people. In fifteen years "we have come a long way, baby!"

We have come a long way since April of 2005. The Forces of Light have removed the 4D evil aliens from all underground facilities and neutralized their war technology. The base supporting the Illuminati New World Order is now gone. Two major hurricanes have removed much karma and softened the hearts of the people of the United States. The response of the government to the needed disaster relief has shown their true colors.

The same holds true for the disaster areas in other parts of the world from South America to China. The most recent earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan and India has brought indescribable destruction, injury and death to a region that has been filled with hatred and violence for hundreds of years. It is interesting to note that Esu Immanuel chose Kashmir as the home for his family for many years, and there he died at the age of 107 years.

For fifteen years the Iraq-U.S. conflict has subtly destroyed our world's Cradle of Civilization. Why? Was it done for oil and power, or to destroy the most highly educated people in the world, or to gain access to the Sumerian knowledge, or to gain control of the Stargates? One thing is certain. This conflict has turned the world against war. We are finally demanding world peace and preparing the way for NESARA.

The Lightworkers, Ascended Masters and Forces of Light did not foresee such Darkside opposition to Truth. They did not anticipate the reticence of the people to awaken and assist in bringing change. The slippage of time has allowed for the energies to change. Our world is now ready to welcome "peace on earth and goodwill toward men", along with the Star People who foretold it. Our world is finally ready for NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming. The last scenarios are being played out with indictments coming against the leaders of the evil U.S. Government.

Mother Earth is shaking and warning all of us and even Creator God that it is time for change. Read the signs and know the time is "near". " When will it happen?" you ask. Soon, my friend, sooooon!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
