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"Hello, Central!" Is The Bird Flu Outbreak In Europe And Elsewhere Staged By The Darkside?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d scared,even more when it is said that no vaccsine is actually working.People run to the drug stores buying all sorts of medecine.Personally,I am not scared ,but now would be a a good time for NESARA to be declared.There is a lot going on now that should be put to an end soon as possible,all kinds of suffering.How much more must mother earth and her peples take it ?It is understandable that people get frusterated,and sometimes it is hard to stay focused,after all we are not all that enlightened a lot of us,although we would like to be.We do have our daily life to tend to.I am not talking about loosing faith,just that we are waiting for i to happen as soon as possible.I pray everyday for it to happen,as I know milliones of others do as well. I know you do not have all the answers,but weather you like it or not,you are front figure for all of us,and for that we raelly thank you.I hope I make some sense with all this.

If you like you can put his out on the net

My best to your family,you are in our thoughts



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 19, 2005


Dear FR:

Thank you for your letter and question about the bird flu. Yes, the Darkside is desperate to win and is using disease to create fear and death worldwide as in 1918. I urge you to read the article on the 1918 flu pandemic which is posted on Fourwinds home page under the title, "The Cure For The Bird Flu/1918 Spanish Flu (

I will give you a quick summary. Our body's first line of defense against viral infections is to raise the body temperature to above 101 degrees F. This high temperature (fever) of 101-103 plus prevents the virus from reproducing and spreading. With rest and plenty of liquids the body's immune system will remove the virus in a day or two and the temperature will return to normal.

In 1918 aspirin was being used widely to reduce pain. It was found that aspirin would also reduce fever, so people spread the word that one should use aspirin and similar products to reduce a high temperature. Thus, the viruses which exist normally in the population, could multiply quickly when aspirin was used to reduce the body temperature to below 101 degrees F.

In a day or two the body is overwhelmed by the multiplying virus, and by day three the victim is in the doctor's office or hospital seriously ill. When overwhelmed by bacteria and/or virus the human body's second line of defense is to try and flush out the microbes by fluids. As a virus usually enters the body through the lungs, the lungs become infected first.

If the victim reduces the fever to below 101 degrees F. by a drug and the lungs become overwhelmed with a virus, the body responds by sending fluids to the lungs to flush out the invaders. If fluid cannot be removed fast enough from the lungs, the lungs fill with liquid and the person suffocates or, as the doctors say, "dies from pneumonia". This may happen in a matter of hours. We should be concerned with temperatures of 104 degrees F. and higher because brain damage could occur at that level. Otherwise, a fever is a normal function of the human body to cope with viruses and other disease agents.

I remind you that colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic with no known side effects that has been used for centuries to destroy bacterias and viruses in humans. The medical profession tossed it aside in the 1920's, because it was in such common use, they could make no profit on it. They then introduced synthetic antibiotics such as penicillin, which were less effective, but which greatly increased their profit margin.

I have written an article on colloidal silver which is posted on Fourwinds, "People of the Lie: Colloidal Silver ( May we be wise in our understanding of this "media created flu" today. There is no flu epidemic, and there will be no flu pandemic worldwide, unless we create it. Bird virus is only another name for the virus that is always present in our environment worldwide, and our body has the means to cope with it, if we are wise. Let us not be fooled by the Darkside's media lies and by the vaccines they use to give us the disease.

Neither fear nor any fake flu virus pandemic created by the Darkside media will stop our good health or the coming of NESARA. May you be healthy, always, as are we.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
