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"Hello, Central!" Toss Me A Longer Rope, Please! I Am Very Tired Of Waiting. Please Share Your Thoughts On "Focus!"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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n't learning patience one of our hardest lessons? If I left that question in the realm of the rhetorical, it would mean one thing, but in the world of "reality", it means entirely another.

The wait is so hard. It seems like we are so close, that we get so close. The many voices make their predictions and hopes get high. Then hopes are dashed when the voices are proven not to be accurate.

So here is my question. (I know the difference between being a human "being" and a human "doing",) I don't want to fill my world with busy work for the sake of being busy. But what can we do to make the wait bearable? I realize that we as lightworkers have a job to do, that of shining our light. But beyond that, it's really hard to make plans when the wolf is at the door, when the pressures are mounting, and it seems that the dark is having a heyday. It doesn't seem to make much difference whether we pass out flyers, stand on the street corner hollering NESARA NOW, or quietly waiting in the wings. Days still pass, weeks still pass, months and years have passed for many. While most are still remaining ever hopeful. Yet the rope is getting pretty short.

Your thoughts on focus would be greatly appreciated given that we are all very tired in the waiting process. Everyday, the ntional and worldwide reasons for NESARA become more glaringly evident, and it does seem like more people are becoming aware of the evils of our administration. But it also seems because of the prevailing power of the Bush administration, like there is a futility of effort summed up in the phrase that says, "You can't fight City Hall."

As a lightworker, I think I have a pretty good handle on my next move in a post-NESARA announced world, it's just getting to that world that is driving me nuts!

Toss me a longer rope, please!


and thank you Patrick.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 17, 2005


Dear DV:

We are being taught lessons in patience, endurance and faith. We must learn to "let go and let God" carry us sometimes. Usually, our Guardian Angels and Helpers are sitting around doing nothing, because we have forgotten that they actually exist.

It is definitely not true that we "can't fight city hall!" We can and we are fighting city hall all the way to the White House and to the Illuminati behind it. Patrick Fitzgerald is proving that so. He needs our positive energy and protective Light support to complete his mission. Focus on that.

It is futile to focus on the fake media. Read between their lines and see the Truth. We have the choice to see life as a treadmill of daily struggle to survive, or as a pilgrimage where the obstacles are brushed aside easily with the help of the Angels, because our focus is on the prize at the end of our mission. So, I encourage you to look beyond the daily challenges, beyond the maze of 3D, beyond the waiting--to the Golden Age of Peace. Make plans now for what you can do to assist in bringing balance and harmony. Focus on what could be, and the miles will fly by.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
