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"Hello, Central!" If Aliens/E.T.'s From Other Planets Have Advanced Technology, Why Do They Look So Ugly?

Anne Bellringer

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We "blind" earth humans have been taught by the evil controllers that we are the only people in the universe, when life is teeming with all sorts of "people". The controllers have taught us that anything other than "human" as we look, is very evil. This has been a hoax that we must overcome. With the landing of the starships, we will probably see the Plieadians and Sirians, who look like us, but we may also see others who are just as enlightened and wonderful, but they don't look like us.

I have an example to tell you. We know a person who claims to have full memory of all his past lifestreams, and said he remembers being aboard a starship. He was sitting at a counter drinking some juice, and next to him sat a Walrus person. No words were spoken between them as communication is generally by thought. As he was sitting there he thought, "My, isn't this guy ugly!" Immediately the Walrus person turned to him and spoke out-loud, "Well, you're not good-looking yourself!"

We have been so brainwashed as to think that we are the only ones. It will be a big shock to know that in Creator God's Cosmos there are many different beings, and all are His creation. Just remember, when the starships land we shall meet our brothers and sisters. Some will look like us, and others will not. They are friendly, peaceful, helpful, and above all greatly enlightened. All the evil aliens have been removed from this planet and are not allowed to come back, good looking or not.


Anne Bellringer
