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"Hello, Central!" What Happens If My Soul Decision/Contract Is Different Than My Intentions? My Pure Intention Is To Remain Here In Our Heaven On Earth!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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kyou so much!

I have read in many places that the decision to Ascend is taken at Soul level and that this depends also on ones contract.

It is my pure intention to remain here in this heaven on earth and to partake with our dear Mother Earth in the Ascension process.

But if the decision has already been made by my soul, what about my intention?

I´d appreciate your thoughts on this one Patrick.

Thank you.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Lemuel

DATE: Sept. 29, 2005


Dear LC:

Thank you for your letter. Why would your intention be different than your soul decision contract? Do not your pure intentions and desires stem from your God Spirit within? If your pure intention is to remain here in our Heaven on Earth, so you shall!

Your freewill decisions are based upon your heart's desires. Your soul contract with Creator God is not set in concrete! Things may change and you may desire to re-negotiate your soul contract with Creator God for your good and the good of All. Creator God is not a dictator but a loving and merciful God. He understands and will work with you for your highest good.

When you have learned your lessons, you move forward, and upward in frequencies. If you have learned your lessons, there is no need to repeat them. When you have learned to follow the Laws of God and Creation, you will graduate and ascend into 5D to begin your next series of lessons in soul growth toward perfection.

Life is ever changing and challenging,and your soul contract may be changed by you and Creator God for your highest good and the greatest good of all, if that is needed. You would not even be asking this question if you were planning to leave Earth Shan for another 3D experience!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: LC


Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 1:12 AM

Subject: Re: Decision to Ascend by Soul or intention?

Dear Patrick, thankyou so much for your very speedy reply.

Just one thing regarding ones intentions. I learned long ago that ego, being

ego, can "allow" us to pursue our spiritual quest but that it will do

anything to prevent us from "getting there", so to speak, as part of our 3D

duality! Thus my doubts as to my intentions. Is my ego getting on the

spiritual band-wagon or is my intention really prompted from my Higher Self?

In Light and Love.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 30, 2005


Dear LC:

I can not answer that question for you. Only you know the answer. Petition Creator God and your Guardian Angels for guidance and to help you set aside any negative ego. Good intention from the heart originates from your Higher Self. What could be more authentic?

Act in faith, you know, "Let go and let God." Pray, believing and act accordingly. Trust yourself!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
