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"Hello, Central!" There Is No Perfect Time! What Is Christ Michael Waiting On?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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for the people. I found the article on the Bush behavior, not accepting great help that is needed, it is disgusting, he and his ego, my God, he has no follow feeling, he is cold as ice when it comes to the true needs of the people, I want him gone sososooooo bad. Did Creator hear our pleas ? or are they going to wait once again, all this waiting on things just a little longer has brought a very bad situation. It is as I have said many times, there is no perfect time, things are gong to keep happening until he is brought down, that is he and is group of night marish people. Things could be done so well by the forces of light, the story of one woman tryng to walk out of the city, carring her small child, with nothing but she and her child, the reporter gave her a bottle of water, he should have put her in the truck, and taken her to safety, honestly news before safety, he was from cnn. I know I sound preturbed by the delays over things, but it never seems to stop, and it won't until those horrors of humans like bush are gone. Yes I feel somewhat angry, becuase we have ask and ask and ask, we know how 3d humans act, it has to stop to get better, oh I love and respect Christ Michael, Sananda and Germain, of course with all my heart but, this must stop so we can get on with the carring for people and fixing this mess, and boy has bush boy created a big one. God save us from this , horror happening to people around this world, I cry with each and every situation, feeling frustrated that I can do little but pray for them. Of course I pray that our Creator and the angels of light wrap their large arms around these people who are suffering so very much,and help them to safety

and shelter and food, may all their needs be met loveingly. Thank you Patrick for your beautiful prayer. Let me know what you hear. Thanks so very much, for your guidance,

I am eternally grateful,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 23, 2005


Dear CP:

I do not see and know all, therefore, I do not question Creator God's perfect or right timing. Everything happens for a reason. We cannot focus only on 3D. These things are happening to people for reasons we may not understand. Just be thankful that you are not in their situations, but that you have other lessons to learn and other actions to do in this grand scheme of things.

Remember, even Christ Michael has said that he is not perfect. This is the first time ever for such a Grand Experiment and some is trial and error, as the Lighted Realms deal with our 3D freewilled world. Our task is to put our own lives in order, help where we can and hold positive energy for as long as it takes to complete this mission.

You feel the pain of others because you have been there. Send them positive energy, relax, let go and let God deal with the rest. All will be fine in the end.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
