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"Hello, Central!" How Do You Answer Those Who Read You Article, 'Heaven' and Recall The Heaven's Gate Cult? Also, Are You Prepared To Be Shot Or Burned By The Military And Government?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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s they now read your article on Heaven

I have asked the Spirit within and receive an answer. I wonder if your answer is the same????

As a silly question, are you prepared to be shot or burned by the military and government???? Guess not as we are protected now.

Love and Light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 2, 2005


Dear SP:

The Heaven's Gate "cult" in California was far different than the lies told of them by the media. These people were computer hackers and very brilliant people. They had hacked into the CIA/FBI files and had learned the Truth about the Star People being here to help us remove our evil government. These "cult" members were planning to announce to the world that they had accessed "Heaven's Gate" and had found out that Creator God had sent the Hosts of Heaven to help us.

The CIA/FBI were ordered to stop them, therefore, these hackers were all killed, placed in their bunks and everything arranged to make it look like a mass cult suicide. The story of them being in a cult was made up to fool the people. That they were trying to reach Heaven by suicide was a U.S. Government-made lie!

To commit suicide to reach Heaven is a very evil plan by Satan to fool the people. By committing suicide you are murdering yourself, and in so doing, you are breaking a basic Law of God and Creation: "You shall not commit murder!" By committing suicide you are short-circuiting your lifestream of lessons in soul growth and breaking your soul contract with Creator God. When you have not completed your lessons in 3D, you will simply return to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation and cycle back to another 3D experience, picking up your soul growth lessons right where you left off in your last lifestream. You have gained nothing, and certainly, you have not even come close to entering Heaven. The Heaven's Gate people knew far more about Heaven and the Truth of the Star People than most of the Christian cult churches today.

Why would you ask, if I am prepared to be shot or burned by the military or government? Do you think they are planning to do that to me? My dear sister, the evil U.S. Government and their controllers, the Illuminati, have used everything in their arsenal against me, my family and Fourwinds for years to try and stop our work of presenting Truth to the world, but to no avail. We have asked for and have received complete and permanent Divine Protection. We would have disappeared from the scene long ago had we not had such protection. Our plasma bubble shield that extends even into the earth beneath us, has stopped every technology used against us. You can have the same protection, if you but ask for it from Creator God. Ask for it, then believe that you have it, and you do. You, then, live your life in goodness without fear. If you are foolish in your actions and take unnecessary risks, you cannot expect to have Divine protection. You can be another "Daniel in the lion's den", when you walk in faith without fear. Ask, and your Guardian Angels will protect you, always!

Yes, indeed, I am well prepared for any fire or bullets from the military or government. I have my shield of faith.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
