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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" People Are Tired Of Seeing News Of Earth Changes On Fourwinds. They Want The Leo Wanta Story And News of the Fund(Updated 1/24/07)

"Hello, Central!" I Am Becoming Cynical About The Changes. Do You Have Any Encouragement For Me? (Updated Jan. 23, 2007)

"Hello, Central!" Comments For Discouraged And Weary Lightworkers

"Hello, Central!" When is "Enough" Truly "Enough" (Updated Jan. 15, 2007)

"Hello, Central!" How Best Can We Present Truth To Others? (Updated Jan. 12, 2007)

"Hello, Central!" Are The Chemtrails Going To Be Stopped Soon?

"Hello, Central!" Is It True That Our World Is Run By A Tight Group Of Secret Socieities?

"Hello, Central!" What Are Your Relfections On Unconditional Love and Human Sexuality? (Updated Jan. 8, 2007)

"Hello, Central!" What Do You Mean By Your Statement, "Meditate And Prepare Yourself For Your Future Placement"?

"Hello, Central!" I Am So Confused, I Don't Know What To Do!

"Hello, Central!" A Challenge To All For 2007 To Help Reverse Plan B "Evacuation" (Updated Jan. 3, 2007)

"Hello, Central!" How Should I Present Truth To My Loved Ones?

"Hello, Central!" How Can God's Plan of NESARA Be Abandoned, As A Failure, And Replaced by Evacuation?

"Hello, Central! What On Earth Can An Ordinary Person Such As Myself Do?

"Hello, Central!" Mother Earth Needs Healers!

"Hello, Central!" It Seems That The Only Way God Knows How To Defeat Bush Is To Destroy The Earth! (Updated 12/14/06)

"Hello, Central!" Can You Give Me A Bit of Encouragement?

"Hello, Central!"

"Hello, Central!" Is NASA Blacking Out Planet-X In Their Pictures Of Our Sun?

"Hello, Central!" When Will It Ever Be Enough?