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"Hello, Central! What On Earth Can An Ordinary Person Such As Myself Do?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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though? i cannot just sit and wait for events to transpire, what on earth can an ordinary person such as myself do to help, sitting idle involved in the materialistic and bills that need paying world, is distressing because what on earth is there to be done? I want to pledge my efforts and resources(not that I have any material wealth only my spirit and energy)to be of service.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 2, 2007


Dear H:

Thank you for your letter.

You have as much potential, as any of us ordinary people have to help bring the needed changes---your spirit and thought-power. Sananda calls it the power of your Spirit. Pray for the changes needed. Think positive thoughts of those changes and imagine them happening. Thoughts are little packets of energy and carry much power into the ethers to be combined with thought-power of like kind, either positive or negative. Positive energy can neutralize negative energy and help create goodness or vice versa. With enough "power of our spirit" we can defeat the darkness.

We continue on with our mission for as long as our Mother Earth will allow us to do so. Even though the time is short, we can create good things to happen and restore as much balance and harmony as possible.

We may have passed the point of no return for our planet's recovery by us, but we are not to sit and twiddle our thumbs. I honor you for wanting to help. Our united energy can create much goodness. Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer