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"Hello, Central!" How Should I Present Truth To My Loved Ones?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I feel it should be their full-out decision.

But when I want to confront them personally about what to and not to fear, I do not know what to say to them without sounding absolutely nuts. Could you give me advice on how to present such things to loved ones?

Thank you once again for your time in reading this and previous messages; I do not know how you do it all, but I admire it anyways!

God Bless,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 3, 2007


Dear RW:

Thank you for your letter. You ask a key question. Truth is, and to change it to make it more acceptable makes it no longer Truth. Because what you are trying to tell people runs counter to what they absolutely believe, the Truth hurts and is often flung right back into your face.

You can not make another person believe something they refuse to believe. You know the old story about the watering trough. There are many ways to drag your mule to the watering trough, but if he won't drink the water, you can't drink it for him.

Everyone is at their own level of enlightenment and understanding. Each has their own interests and topics of discussion. You need to fit the Truth you present to the occasion. If there is an interest in the stars, you might point out the starships in the sky. If the Bible is of interest you, might raise a question about the life of Esu Immanuel. What did he teach, did he die, who was he? In the Christmas story I like to ask, "How does one follow a star?" Do stars move? Of course not, the Wiseman followed a starship, but words like starship and reincarnation were removed from Esu Immanuel's teaching in 325 AD at the Council of Nicia to bury the Truth.

Our task is to present the Truth and let people receive it, however they choose. Sometimes I simply dump it all out and blow everyone's mind, and everyone is "lying on the floor" and calling me "nuts". That is the risk you take, but I do not care what people think of me. If they call me crazy, that's ok. because I got over self-pity back when I helped built the Ark. I think those words, "he who laughs last, laughs best" must have come from Noah.

How do you present Truth to your loved ones? Go with your heart. You can use subtle ways like asking a question, making a suggestion, leaving an article lying around, or you can use more direct methods. It is your choice. The Gerald Ford funeral is a good topic right now to use. You could consider his evil past, the secret government, reincarnation, etc.

Just remember that it is not your task to convince anyone of anything, but only to present the Truth. It then becomes the person's decision what they will do with it. Creator God Aton has said that all seeds of Truth will always bear fruit, if not now, then in a future lifestream. My friend, just living the Truth in caring and loving ways can be very convincing. Positive energy always attracts others and their questions.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer