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"Hello, Central!" Are The Chemtrails Going To Be Stopped Soon?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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eings now to help save our people and the planet.

When I look out my windows these days it is so Twilight Zone with all of these constant Chem Trails in the sky everyday!

Do you know if they are going to be stopped soon? This is a very toxic soup and is making people sick and they are dying by unknow causes at hospitals, by the air we breath and the food we eat. And, it's making our mother earth sicker also...



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 11, 2007


Dear BF:

Thank you for your letter. The Darkside is not about to top chemtrail spraying unless forced to do so. The little people have little power to force change, as governments today refuse to respond to their demands. Chemtrails are likely to continue until Mother Earth decides to dump the Darkness.

You can protect yourself and your family from any harmful effects from chemtrails by requesting such protection from the Lighted Realms and Creator God Aton. Simply petition for such, then believe that you are protected, and you are. Doubt and you are not protected. Its a matter of faith, asking and then believing!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer