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"Hello, Central!" People Are Tired Of Seeing News Of Earth Changes On Fourwinds. They Want The Leo Wanta Story And News of the Fund(Updated 1/24/07)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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es to say I read Poof's latest letter. In it there were comments you made to another. Pat, DO NOT GIVE IN NOW. You were among the first to bring news to the people of the Farm Claims, NESARA, and going on of world activities concerning such. I know many people who are complaining about your web site now. People want news of what is happening concerning the Farm Claims, NESARA, and yes Leo Wanta. They are tired of seeing all these other stories that do not address such.

I have been involved in the Claims for over 15 years. Roy S. told us it would probably take 10 to 15 years. He also said that the government would dig a hole so deep that there would be no way out. Also that there might have to be 10 million people taken out. Looks like they are dong just as Roy said. We think that probably Leo and Roy at one time worked together. Now according to Poof and Casper things are just about there. Also look what Leo Wanta is doing. All HELL has broken loose in D.C. and the rest of the World. Other countries are involved. The Bush, Clinton, Senators and Conagress are drawing there last breaths. All the world knows about what is happening except us. THANKS TO WORLDREPORTS we and the world are awaking. When the truth is finally known in the U.S.A. every Judge, Congressman, Senator, President, etc. will be like an open season hunt. This is just what they deserve for the TREASON they have committed against the American People over these hundreds of years.

I will ask you again to PUT THE WORLDREPORTS on your web site. You have a great following and I know the people would appreciate and love to know what is happening by Leo Wanta. The more people that are informed the better it is.

So Pat, do not give up now when it looks like the last shot is getting ready to be fired? Do you not want to be part of what is happening? Advise the people of what they want and are looking for. Get away from the 3D, earth quakes, peoples dreams, etc. People do not understand or want to know about such things now. It is now and always has been a war of the American People against the Government. Address these questions and forget the other stuff.

ONCE AGAIN, PUT THE WORLDREPORTS (WANTA) on your we site. People deserve to know the truth and support Wanta in every way possible. Let us have another Chris Story here in America by the name of Pat Bellinger.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 23, 2007


Dear RR:

You have it backwards, my friend. Fourwinds is not here to present what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. Our work is to give you Truth, not to feed your ego. For years the money roller coaster has continued. Now, we have, yet again, another loop of this wild ride to navigate.

So many people think that money is going to fix everything, and we do need time to play awhile before the big bang ending happens. For years Fourwinds has held to the NESARA Mission and we have not given up, but times are changing. The signs tell us that Mother Earth has not long to go before throwing up.

She agreed to hold until August, 2006 for us to bring goodness to her. We have increased the Light, but wars and evil intent continue unabated. Thus, Mother Earth is moving on to accomplish her needed cleansing, and the people need to know this. We still hope for success in the funding of the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims to bring balance in the wealth on our planet, but many people are focused on greed.

The Leo Wanta money does not belong to the people of the U.S. It belongs to the people of Russia. President Reagan sent Leo Wanta to Russia to help destabilize Russia by stealing their money through manipulation of the exchange rates. As his name suggests, Leo Wants the money. Bush and Co. want it, Treasury Secretary Paulson wants it, and the people of the U.S. think it is theirs. Not so! No one will get this money except the people of Russia, and there is absolutely no connection between the Wanta money and the Prosperity Program and Farm Claim money.

We have in the past posted the World Reports concerning the intrigue of Wanta's activities, but that is not a high priority. Those who wish this information may go to the World Reports website and get it for themselves. Yes, Poof and Casper keep on with their reporting the progress of the funding from their perspective, and they think Bellringer has "jumped ship", but Fourwinds has only done a course correction.

You say, "get away from the 3D, earthquakes, people's dreams, etc. People do not understand or want to know about such things now---forget this stuff!" How foolish! I am reminded of the words of Esu Immanuel, "As in the days of Noah, so it will be at my coming again in 2000 years. Before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark. They did not know until the flood came and swept them all away. So it will be at my coming again."

Some people say I am preaching at them. So be it! Esu's disciples asked for a sign when the end would come. Esu told them that he had already given them many signs. Be wise, my friend and read the signs of the times, and focus on what is truly important. Fourwinds shall continue to present not what people want to hear, but what they need to hear! That is our Mission!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: JW


Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:55 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Dear Patrick, Ann and Light Family:

I am writing this today to help give some hope to my fellow "Lights"! To give a little background: I am 60 years old, a health care professional and most recently led to become a Buddhist! I have had quite few unique experiences in my lifetime...the "best one to date" was a few years ago. I was alone and sitting outside looking at the sunset when I heard a very clear, calm and gentle voice (I did not see anyone)...The voice said, "Esu is here." I had no clue who Esu was, nor had ever heard the name before, nor was I used to hearing voices...I said, WHO?" The he said .."Jesus...Sananda". I knew who Jesus was (I was raised in Christianity) and had heard the name Sananda...but never all together. Then he said, "Hold out your left hand"...which I did. He then said, "I give you the gift of Grace." I was crying by that time...To make a long story short...I went to the computer and typed in Google, "Esu Jesus Sananda"...and came up with the fourwinds10 site and the Phoenix articles...My confirmation that this was indeed real! Since then I have been given 2 more gifts..."Insite and Discernment". I am very humbled and thankful every day for my 3 gifts, especially as the first one was delivered in person.

To all the readers of fourwinds..."Please Believe and never give up the Good warriors for the Light and Truth! Esu Jesus Sananda is real and present with us today and always! Blessings to Patrick and Ann for generously and lovingly giving us what we Need to hear (The Truth)...not what we all think we Want to hear!
