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"Hello, Central!" When Will It Ever Be Enough?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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's very frustrating, not to say too much.

Everybody I have ever introduced NESARA to now believes me to be totally crazy.

they always suspected it but not they know for sure, because I still believe this is real. I just don’t know why I believe it so strongly when nothing happens.

We still don't have the most simplest of things done, and that is the delivery of the program packages. This has gone on for twenty some years. Nothing have ever been done that can be seen.

When the dark has to hide everything it is hard for the light to see. They are good at what they do. Confusion, half truths, then lies, lies, and more lies.

It's bad enough when we get lied to by the dark side but also feel we are lied to by the light side also.

When will it ever be enough?

Thanks for your thought and in site.

I remain



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 2, 2006


Dear GR:

Thank you for your letter. No one but you can ever truly answer the question "why" for yourself. There are so many facets to the answer, that only your God Spirit within has the full knowledge needed to answer it.

You are not "crazy"! That is only the perception of those still caught in the Lie! They remain blinded to the Light of Truth and refuse to see. With your pouting and whining, my friend, it sounds like you are slipping into their pattern of denial and disbelief. You say "nothing has ever been done that can be seen". Since when? You mean seen by you.

Delivery of the program packages began in January, 2005, and have been on-going to this very day. Thousands of recipients have received them and are waiting for the banking change to a gold system to safely access their funds. Blessed is he who has not seen, yet believes.

Yes, the Darkside is very good at what they do. Had we learned from them and had we been half as determined and courageous and stalwart as they, allowing no compromise of our "warriors", we would have driven the Darkness from this planet long ago, for we have the power of thought and the help of the Forces of Light at our disposal, but we do not believe our power and we do not ask for help.

You say, you feel you are being lied to by the Darkside and by the Lightside. Such is impossible, for the Lightside does not lie! You are being fooled by the adversary to think nonsense. Clear your thoughts, my friend, and go within for the answers you seek.

I declare firmly to you and to all who doubt the success of this "Mission", that we are at the point of declaring victory to the world! Many good people from other countries have come to our aid this very week. Because freewill decisions have finally been made to complete the NESARA Mission, now, many of our Star Friends can now assist us. By Divine Law they cannot intervene and do it for us, but they can assist us, when we take action, and then ask for their assistance.

If you recall, Job of the Bible was tested severely by the Darkside. His friends told him to give up, curse God and die, but he refused to do so. In the end Job was greatly blessed and given great honor for his perseverance. You do the same, my friend! Believe me, it will be worth it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer