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"Hello, Central!" I Am Becoming Cynical About The Changes. Do You Have Any Encouragement For Me? (Updated Jan. 23, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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nment is obviously slipping apart, which is good, still no announcements, first contact, letters, banking changes, etc. I find myself looking for info from Poofness and Casper and I don't even know who they are. My peaceful feelings of believe in the changes are slowly becoming cynical and this saddens me. I'm not trying to sound like I am crying on your shoulder, as there is always reasons for everything and you my friend have no control over the length of time this is all taking. Is there anything encouraging that you can tell me that you are unable to print on your site? There must be some news somewhere that makes some sort of sense! I would appreciate it if you would share something with me. I would be thrilled to have a craft beam me up at this point, but even that doesn't seem to be happening. I frankly am very weary with this very sick and disturbed world in which we live and am tired of seeing the unnecessary struggling of my family, friends and strangers the world over!!!!

Light & Love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 19, 2007


Dear VP.:

Thank you for your letter. Do not hang your hopes on funding and NESARA. We have passed the milestone of good intent to make this happen. There are now only promises to fool the people, that quickly turn into broken promises again and again. The Titans are fighting over the people's money, and they promise to take it and keep it for themselves.

The NESARA Mission people are too tired, too threatened, too disillusioned or too bribed to continue the Mission. There are a few signs of hope that the "system" is cracking, but cooperation from the Darkside is taking far too long for Mother Earth to survive in "3D Intensive Care". It is doubtful that our "War President" and his warmonger Cabinet and Congress will have a change of heart any time soon, and allow goodness to flow.

I am not stating these things to be negative, but to be realistic about the future. This past Wednesday (Jan. 17, 2007) Esu Immanuel Sananda gave Anne and me a brief personal message concerning his view of the future.


"I AM ESU IMMANUEL Sannada of the One Light of Creation/Creator Source and I come to you in full stature and of the Mighty Forces of Light. I am in charge of this Planet Earth Shan and for the evacuation procedure which has been initiated.

The wars have not abated as per the wishes of the people. Nay, indeed, in your country, there is total lock-down of those who would disagree with the WAR and Killing of innocent blood. People have been arrested for criticizing the war plans. Your nation is in a Police state. This has reached the climax of evil, and neither Creation, Creator God, St. Germain, all the Lighted Realms and myself, Sananda can tolerate any more of the evil.

I have come to reclaim mine ones, and the time is now. I do not know the day or hour of Mother Earth’s tipping, but it is at any moment. Suddenly, the cataclysms will start, and people will be running to and fro. Then the ships will lift off the children, the Lightworkers, and anyone else who wishes to be aboard ship. I have told you ones over and over in the Journals the scenario, and yet there are many who discredit the Journals and say that things have changed.

No, things have gotten worse on your planet! The nuclear war planned in the early 90’s has again been born in the evil minds of those controlling, and they are preparing nuclear weapons to use, in spite of the fact they were told this was not allowed. Their intent is there, their evil deeds are showing, and the wars continue unabated. The evil has gotten more evil in your irreclaimable nation, and we are losing more Lightworkers than gaining. Thus, it is time for the Evacuation.

I have spoken to Mother Earth and she is in agreement. Know that at any minute in your time, it could happen, and that is a fact!

I come with the sword of Michael to smite mine enemies, and smite them, I shall! Mine Lightworkers are weary and tired, but holding the course to the end. Know that I AM THAT I AM, and I AM IN CHARGE of this Planet Earth Shan. She shall be brought to her new being in 5th Dimension where no evil shall again destroy her very being. She shall shine like a new sun.

I welcome you aboard ship, mine Lightworkers. It shall not be long before we have a glorious reunion.

I AM THAT I AM. I AM Esu Immanuel Sananda of the One Light of Creation/Creator Source. Adonai to mine Lightworkers."

This message gives us hope that the end of the Dark Age on Earth Shan is near. You may suddenly get your wish for a trip in space. History tells us that salt water does wonders in refurbishing a planet. So be it! It is certainly time for relief to arrive for the Lightworkers. Be in peace.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


Original Message -----

From: VP


Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:41 AM

Subject: Re: Good Afternoon...

Dear Patrick,

Thank your letter this evening and taking the time to get back to me. I have to be honest with you, I felt several things as I read your response. On the one hand I feel relieved and elated to be taken off of this poor, sick planet so the healing can begin for all of us. I feel no fear. I can vision myself practically running to the beam of light and stepping into it with pure joy in my heart. I suppose that is my Spiritual Self that feels this rush to HOME. On the other hand, my ego self feels very sad that there will be no Blue & Black cards to play with. I had great plans for some shopping, spreading the wealth among family and friends and doing good for the world with creative projects. For over ten years these plans have swirled in my mind, my constant companions. They have kept me from doing things that I probably should have done and they have given my hope and peace through much chaos. They are so hard to let go of because I really, really, really wanted that to happen! I feel like a small child within me wants to lay on the floor and kick my heels! But then, I have to laugh at myself because why did I want that money, NESARA, etc. I want it for Peace and Joy for myself and my loved ones. I wanted the TRUTH to be told to us. I wanted the people on the world to have a chance to express their inner beauty and be the best that we could be as a people. So, if we go straight to that, if we skip the money, and banking changes and governmental changes and go straight to that--our Ascension. Why would I feel sad over the loss of some shopping! I've always wanted to travel and travel I will, but apparently I won't have to buy the ticket!!!!

So thank you Patrick--I pray this scenario is REAL and will come quickly. The mundane is getting more and more difficult to endure!

Love & Peace,



----- Original Message -----

From: TW


Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 7:07 AM

Subject: Waiting

Hello Patrick,

I feel that your post about the NESARA annoumcement,the funding not occuring, and evacuation was to occure is something we needed. I don't think it will decrease the positive energy for NESARA, but if one has read the Phoenix Jounals the realization of evacuation is very real. Either option is OK. I feel the increase in energy and I feel the stress in the world and on Mother Earth too. In my opionion, as long as something happens either way..within a few weeks or so. Something has got to change soon.

Having read your report and reading Caspers update, at this point in the 'Game" let what will happen happen. If NESARA is announce, that is great; if evacuation needs to occure that is great too. A calm feeling has settled. What needs to occure for the betterment of Mother Earth and the people will happen.

In Light and Love



----- Original Message -----

From: Tom from Portland, Oregon

To: bellringer

Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 3:27 PM

Subject: the heart and soul

Patrick-I have been reading what you write for a few years now....and I like what I see and feel there in the soul you put into your work. You may not always be totally aware of just how much of who you are goes into your work to help the rest of us see....but in fact much of you is present there. Right now I see/feel the very same thing reflected by you that I have often felt coming from myself-I believe that we are of a similar nature even in the greatness of The One we all hail from.

Those of us that carry The Light for all to see have some things in common-we all have the inner drive to push onward in the direction only the higher self really knows-regardless of how well we have progressed into The Light as ever-increasing as it is here in this plain. I carry onward as guided every day sometimes wondering how I will be able to stay and why I am doing what I do....I am not young, nor am I physically as healthy as I would like to be. My daily 3D work is as a mechanic-I work outdoors here in the northwestern USA and have endured whatever weather comes in order to make what I may of a living-I am no victim and am grateful for the chance to be of service and to get to be out with the people. It sometimes seems as though I am able to carry The Light, but not to use very much of it for my self. I feel that it is not for me to have such use in the ways the 3D part of me would like to see. The higher self knows the what, why and the where of it all and it is that which I follow calling it my heart.

I have been able to feel the pulse of the masses and see much of the divine plan in action....becoming somewhat more sensitive over the years of direct contact with the public as I am. What I am getting that perhaps there are others in service to The Light in their own unique way that are not always given the chance to see their work take hold, grow, and become the beacon that lights the way for as many as are able to see it. YOU have been ( for more than this life) such a beacon....I see it, as do many others. I can feel the dedication, the drive, the direction and amplitude of who you are-and I am not special nor particularly sensitive.

My small part in the divine plan may perhaps be to help other light workers feel the same in others that is seen in them. If I am able to help anyone at any time I will do so-as long as they wish to be lifted up as much as I am able to lift. We all need some help now and then. The light calls us to carry each other onward no matter if one of us has fallen significantly or just having one bad day in joyous service to the many. Love is never wasted! It must be given away to be felt at all.

NESARA never has been a was supposed to be part of a plan....I feel it still is. Being able to continue to focus upon it IS work that builds momentum towards the ascension we strive for. The ascension is not a too is just part of a plan that goes ever onward unto infinity upwards to the realms we can now only dream of. I serve the many-I serve the ONE and I serve all that are able to see my small works. I will carry onward as the best example I am able to. Sometimes, when I am tired, feeling old, and aching from my work day....I go to my computer and go to four winds-there to read from your site and be lifted just reading from your daily work. See...? You were there for me, for the many, and for The Light, for The One. You have the love of myself, my family, and so many others that you could never count them just looking at the site counter. Some of us are right there with spirit, in service, and in the ever-increasing light of God. I hope you are able to feel the support that is there. I am no poet and writing is not my normal way of serving....maybe today it was-if so I am again grateful for the opportunity.

Yours in Light

Tom from Portland,Oregon

PS You may post this anyplace you wish to if you feel the need to. If you read it, another piece has fallen into place.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Tom from Portland Oregon

DATE: Jan. 21, 2007


Dear Tom from Portland, Oregon:

I am humbled and up-lifted in Spirit by your sincere words of appreciation for our work at Fourwinds. All credit goes to you and the many other readers of Fourwinds, who have supported our work with their prayers, gifts and encouragement, and to the Masters both great and small, who have taught us so much. You have helped in so many ways to create the "wind beneath our wings", so that our Mission could go forward in these "End Times".

As Lightworkers, Way Showers, and Warriors of Light, our task has been and still is, to present Truth to the Fourwinds of Earth Shan. My brother, it is an honor to work with you in this most important Mission. Indeed, we shall not fail, for we shall hold high the Torch of Truth to our sisters and brothers, for as long as Heaven asks us to do so.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: D


Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 8:46 PM

Subject: [PagPawnt] Re: "Hello, Central!" I Am Becoming Cynical About The Changes. Do You Have Any Encouragement For Me?

I am sorry...but Bellringer here is sounding more and more like a born again country preacher, preaching hell, fire and damnation. My discernment says his message is not true. In fact, it says the opposite.

This world no longer needs fiery preaching and sermons.

As Dennis Miller would say...

"But that's just my opinion and I could be wrong."

I am sure that my discernment will either be ignored or blasted as "anti-Bellringer". But the voice within tells me something entirely different.

Shine On....