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"Hello, Central!" Is It True That Our World Is Run By A Tight Group Of Secret Socieities?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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reason why the rich stay rich and the middle class stay in the dark, paying most of their income to taxes and struggling to get an education (and pay back that education), feed their families and buy a home. Is their such a thing as secret societies that really do run things? I've heard of many, but know anything about them, except that I was not to be a member of one. My parents were strong believers in never getting involved in something I knew nothing about. They were good, hardworking Christian people, but I saw what WWII did to my father, including how it left his mind at the very end. Noone should have to go through what he did - the trauma, the horror, the death. He was one of the heroes of Ortona, Italy and Holland. There's just something wrong out there. I can feel it, I can see it and it's time for good people to rise to the fore front and stop any more of this from happening. The soldiers heading off to battle (for what??) are no better off than my Dad was, even with the advances in weaponry.

Lately, as I've become more aware of how society works, I'm becoming more and more frightened by the Government. Dealing with student loans, I see that the Government can do absolutely anything they want and we have no say or control. They prevent citizens from going bankrupt, they can take your wages, your tax returns, absolutely everything with no regard for a person's situation. I once sent a letter questioning the Federal Government about it's policies with regards to student loans and guess what?? I got no response! Surprise, surprise. I even know of one situation where they decided to audit a farming area in my small community. The auditor went house to house, claiming that these were not farms, for reasons such as: A woman can't operate a farm while her husband is at work. The auditor took every bit of life savings these people had. This was years ago and one family I know never really recovered. They are still working - as senior citizens, in order to have money to live!!!

Have you heard of these stories before? Is it all true? Am I not the only one who is scared?


A concerned citizen


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: A Concerned Citizen

DATE: Jan. 9, 2007


Dear Concerned Citizen:

Welcome to Fourwinds! You are quite right about our world being run by secret societies that are all connected. Lucifer and his Serpent People laid the plans for a One World Order under their control. This plan is spelled out in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Beneath Lucifer/Satan is the Black Pope in the City of London, who controls the Jesuits, then the White Pope of the Vatican, who controls the Roman Catholic Church and the Masonic Order, then the Club of Rome, The Illuminati, The Trilateral Commission, The Council of Foreign Affairs and so on right down to your local Chamber of Commerce and all churches and religions.

Dispersed throughout this whole evil hierarchy are the Khazarian-Zionist-Bolsheviks (KZB), who were known as the Pharisees of the days of Esu Immanuel. Today, they control the governments of most of the countries of our world, the main ones being the US, Britain and Israel, who make up the Triangle of Zionism that controls these three countries totally, and are pushing hard to control the world through their One World Order. The Darkside has nearly taken our world, but Creator God has a Plan, also.

Yes, I have heard many stories of how the Darkside has trashed the good people of our planet. There is good reason to be afraid, unless we know the power of our God Spirit within and understand Creator God's Plan for these "End Times". Just know that God wins, always, over any and all evil. The Darkness cannot stand in the Light of Creator God.

I encourage you to read, read! The Phoenix Journals were written to awaken you to the Truth, and to learn how you can not only survive these chaotic times, but to also walk your pathway in peace and joy. Please stay in touch, if I can help you further in your journey along the Red Road of Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer