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"Hello, Central!" Comments For Discouraged And Weary Lightworkers

Patrick H. Bellringer

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eekly for anyone who wishes to join us, the Master Konar spoke through and gave us a suggestion for these times of trial and tribulation. He suggested that for 17 days, we look within ourselves and 1st, give thanks for all the good in our lives. Next, to really examine ourselves and become aware of the good we give others: to really acknowledge our skills, talents and the Divinely-given power that comes through us all. And finally, when we become of aware of the wonderful and unique gifts we have, then look around us and see how we can use these for empowering others and bring greater love and hope to the world. This focus, for the greatest effect, gets repeated for 17 days. Then see what amazing Grace occurs! We are VERY powerful beings and we have the ability to change this world. But we must not give power to our discouragement, the appearance of evil and negativity: we must focus on the power of love and the good that is in the world NOW..

This wonderfully diverse world we live in is going through a birthing process. As a mother of four, I know from first hand experience how painful the process can be. And yet the pain doesn't seem to stop women from having more children. Our desire to bring love into the world is far greater than our fear of pain! So let it be also with our courage to birth a new planet. We all have our roles to play, none more important than another. There is no one else in the world who can take over our unique job because no one else has had our unique set of experiences. So let us let go of our need or desire to see the unfolding of our good in a particular way. God has infinite number of ways to manifest love and goodness and we are definitely not alone in our work to bring this consciousness and goodness to humanity and our Mother Earth!

There is an inspiring book called "Me to We: Turning Self-help On It's Head". It is written by 2 brothers from Canada, Craig and Marc Kielburger. (When Craig was about 10, he founded Free the Children!) This very inspiring book is about people who made a huge difference by following their dreams to help others. One of the amazing stories is about a man, Keith Taylor, who always wanted to be rich so he could be a philanthropist. At some point, he realized at the rate his life was going, he never was going to be wealthy. So Keith decided he would find a way to help people with what he had. He sold stuff he didn't need anymore, and moved into a cheaper apartment so he would have a little extra money each month that he could donate to someone in need. He pledged that he would donate 10% of his income every month to help someone who needed a helping hand. He created a small web site called Modest Needs on the internet, announcing that he would give small grants to people in need. His first donation was to a man who needed his car insurance paid. (he had the man send the bill to him so he could pay it) Keith figured that he would maybe get about 5 requests for help per month and he would pick one to send a little money to. Well, a couple weeks later, a friend of his posted a link to the Modest Needs web site on a community bulletin board. Keith was almost immediately inundated with not only requests for small grants, but 90% of the responses were from people who wanted to know how they could help out too. The money to fulfill these grants also poured in! Things really took off. He was invited to appear on the Today Show and on CNN'S Morning Edition. When he returned home, it took him over three hours to download his emails!

In 2004, Modest Needs was helping an average of 1 person a day, from grants given from donations as small as 4 quarters taped to a card. From March 2002 to 2004 (the publishing date of the book), Modest Needs had given away almost $250,000. Check out their web site : you can help out too.( They have now helped 2906 people! So let's stop putting all our hopes onto NESARA and the funding, roll up our sleeves and give our best to God and humanity! NOW! We CAN change the world by changing our perception of ourselves! Blessings to you all, KM


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 23, 2007


Dear KM:

Thank you for your letter and the thoughts of Master Konar. The true power in all of Creation is the power of Love. Lightworkers become discouraged when they fail to utilize this power within.

I would like to comment on the meaning of "to birth a new planet". You said, and I quote, "Our desire to bring love into the world is far greater than our fear of pain! So let it be also with our courage to birth a new planet."

Many Lightworkers feel their task during this transition period of Earth Shan is to literally help create a new physical planet. So they focus on reducing pollution, restoring the rainforests, re-cycling of waste materials, conversion to non-fossil energy, cleaning the waters, etc. These problems are the result of our neglect of our stewardship to our Mother Earth for a very long time. We are now past the time to focus on such things.

Yes, they are important to understanding and in keeping the Laws of Creation, but the Lightworker's task at this late hour is to focus, as you say, on the power of Love to help the people of our communities in their soul growth in preparation for their graduation to life on a 5D planet. It is Cosmic Law that Earth Shan shall cleanse herself and become a pristine planet again, without our physical help, but we help her and her people by the positive energy of Love we create.

Discouraged and weary Lightworkers have all the help that Heaven allows, if they but realize it. The power within is the key to not only survival but also victory in these difficult times.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer