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"Hello, Central!" When is "Enough" Truly "Enough" (Updated Jan. 15, 2007)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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s had to change for the better.

Which brings me to why I am writing. I am grateful that our Creator has given us life and freewill and choices and the like, but I am EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED and DISCOURAGED with the fact that THE EVIL DOER'S freewill gets to have precedence over mine and the rest of the world. The people of the world desire peace, but the Queen of England, Bush and all their cronies continue to have free reign in the world to do their despicable works, laughing at us all the way, like we're the fools, when the people think they can trust their government, as we once could - for the most part- when they are being purposely deceived by them for their own greed, AND they are laughing all the way to THEIR PRIVATE BANK with OUR ill-gotten money.

I've read that we are under Galactic Federation law, and that Master Germaine has taken a stand for us and said "Enough", and that Aton was in agreement. But when is "Enough" truly "Enough"? How is itjust for the free will of a select few to supersede the freewill of the VAST MAJORITY especially when their freewill causes such suffering and despair? Why can't our Starfriends with God/Aton's leadership/help just do what NEEDS to be done and get this terrible situation over with? Haven't we ALL suffered enough? Have we not TOILED enough under a regime that oppresses us? How many more innocents have to die? How much more must our beautiful planet be polluted because we don't have access to non-polluting, free energy technology?

I've read that we are in the middle of a Great Experiment in free will, if you would want to have a really successful experiment in FREE WILL, it would be nice if there weren't EVIL entities/people trying purposely to ruin everything for their own personal gain. Why can't we be allowed to evolve and grow without negative influences trying to tear it all down?

I would really appreciate it if you would post my message on your site with your response, I'm sure that lots of people are wondering the same things, and would desperately like to know the answers.

Please, God, save your beautiful creation and people from these EVIL-DOERS! We have suffered long enough! It's time to usher in the GOLDEN AGE OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY for all, and not just the ELITE!!!


Thank you for your time, Mr. Bellringer, and please keep up your good work we all desperately need it!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Jan. 13, 2007


Dear JS:

Thank you for you letter. Many people are asking the same questions as you. Let me begin by saying that our perceptions of our freewilled planet may not be totally accurate. We forget or do not know that Mother Earth is our hostess, and she is a sentient being with a freewill, also. We were to live on and inside her and be caretakers of her, as any good visitor would do, who is dependent upon their hostess.

Over time people became selfish and greedy and trashed our hostess, Mother Earth. We have now reached the "End of the Age" of Darkness. This is now the time of reckoning and bringing balance to all the wrongs of Earth Shan, but the music continues to play, as the Darkside Dance does not stop. We choose Light. They choose Darkness, and Creator God allows, until Mother Earth makes her decision to dump her evil parasites.

Yes, we say that we have had enough, that our freewill is being over-ruled, that the Darkside has an unfair advantage, and that Creator God should most definitely intercede in our behalf to stop the Darkside Dance at this time. My friend, we agreed to return to Mother Earth in this lifestream to hold the Light for as long as it takes. We were selected for this task because we were "tough" and had proven our courage and tenacity in the past.

We knew it would be difficult and that 3D life is not fair. We knew that this "trip" would be most difficult, and that probably few of our group of Returned Masters would awaken to their Mission. We knew the risks were high, but still we rose to the challenge and the prospect of great soul growth.

We are not quitters. We are not whiners about the hardness, the unfairness or the duration of the Mission. We are Lightworkers, Truthbringers and Torchbearers, and we hold the Light high for all to see, for as long as it takes. It is not for us to question, "why!"

The ball is now in Mother Earth's court, and we keep to our tasks until our Hostess chooses her destiny and in so choosing, ours as well. Those, who have not awakened, have already chosen theirs. They have chosen to ignore the alarm clocks and wake-up calls they had placed along their pathway prior to entering this lifestream. It is all about freewill.

I cannot tell you when "enough is enough". Has our freewill been over-ridden and rejected? That is only our perspective! We will be amazed when we learn how much goodness and positive energy we have generated over these long years to thwart the Darkside's agenda. We think it impossible, but our world would have been much Darker without us.

We are not the fools, and do not think for a second that we are. We are the Winners, and time will soon prove that so. No, we have not suffered enough, endured enough, toiled enough, been oppressed enough until we reach the "finish" line! There are no excuses for us not reaching the "finish" line, because we have all the help that Heaven allows---and that's a lot! All we need do is ask.

So, my friend, take heart, put the wind to your back and with the sun in your face, march on in the strength of the power of your God Spirit within. We are winners, and our journey is not long! Our Mother Earth shall soon decide when "It is enough!"

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: R


Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:07 AM

Subject: "Hello, Central!" When Is "Enough" Truly "Enough?"

My impulse to state the following was strong. But I m not a preacher, nor anoted author. There may have been better words than those I chose. I leave the worthiness of the following to be posted to your judgement. Feed back is welcome


Dear Patrick,

Much appreciation for all you do!

I too am a relatively newcomer to this forum. And, while I would not presume to challenge any of the excellent responses you give to readers, I too am EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED AND DISSAPPOINTED with events as they have evolved. We Humans are always focussed on our own difficulties and into comparisons. We feel that we are the "good guys' and therefore "we" should be the primary consideration, not the EVIL DOERS. Being fully human and impatient like the rest of us, I often feel the need to rant a bit. But there is a direction of thinking I don't ofter see articulated.

That which we identify as God or Source is truly our Father/Mother, and is the same to every Lifestream ever created ( evil doers included). We have managed to awaken a sufficient sliver to see where the truth is, while our siblings got engulged in the negative side of truth and will spend many more lifestreams to learn their way back Home. Does that make us of higher priority to Father/Mother?

As a loving mother, I would like to draw a parallel with the heavenly parents. If one of my children chose to be a murderer would I abandon him/her in favor of the "good" one? Would I love them any less, even hating the choices they made and the harm they do. When I meditate on this , I imagine what I would be feeling if one of mine was a Hitler , or a Rothschild, or a Bush. Then I remember Esau Immanuel's parable of the prodigal son.

The Shepard left all the rest of the flock to search for the lost one. Would we not do the same? Better yet, would we not hope for the same enduring, forgiving love if we were the one lost? So, should the heavenly father give up on the evil-doers when we humans run out of patience? Unlike ours, Divine patience is eternal. When is enough enough? And does compassion only flow from heaven to us? Does the Divine Parent ache any less than we do at seeing so many "lost ones"? And do we love them any less than they love us?

We have long been told that events will flow til the time is right for them to manifest, and that the timing rests very much on our own growth and abilities. Aren't we being given that same consideration? Does anyone rush us to "see/hear" truth? Is there a deadline for our soul growth, or a boat that will depart without us? What would we do if Divine patience was as short in supply as ours?

My empathy goes out to all the frustrated and discouraged siblings on this planet. We came to do a job and we were judged worthy to do it. I, for one, will endure, as long as it takes, for as many of us to be harvested as possible. As children of God/source we will not give up before it is Done.

and so it is.

Love and Peace



----- Original Message -----

From: SF


Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 1:53 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

Message: Thank you greatly for the post: When is Enough, Enough? It really does help to understand not only the frustration of many of us, but the wonderful response that you gave. I think that when we truly ponder what a 'good and proper' response would be, that we all ought to take the example of this particular article into consideration and take to heart and mind that which was stated! I am proud to be bearing whatever light I am able to bear in this lifetime in service and in faith for all concerned, and especially for our Mother Earth. Thanks again for all your wonderful postings. SF


----- Original Message -----

From: FB


Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 2:42 PM

Subject: "Hello, Central!" When is "Enough" Truly "Enough"

Hello Patrick,

as always your answers are really helpful to keep the light strong until we reach the finish line.

I admire your work and send you lots of love to keep being the best at what you do!

I would like to share an event that happened to me once that might help everyone understand that even if the situation on earth keeps continuing with the darkside trying to keep control over this planet, this is just like a bigger scale dream.

I once had a dream in which I lived more than 1 entire year! I don't know if this happened to anyone else, I guess so?

Well I just want to say that it was really scary when I was dreaming. I had failed an exam, then university wouldn't give me a diploma, they even made sure I would never be able to get one, just because I came late to that exam... etc. Life became worst and worst, I ended up on the street, I was not allowed to have money, became really sick, ... etc.

A real nightmare, like life on earth would seem for some.

The dream was longer than a year, and yet it lasted maybe 5 minutes of earth time!

I woke up and realised and felt so happy again.

That is to say, this life we think is solid and physical is just another dream from the oneness of everything, everyone will wake-up someday and realise it happened just so that we could learn lessons in the proper environment to really know what bad is and good is, what is the way of god and what is the way of evil.

Life is infinite, what does 100 years represent on infinity??

So I wish everyone to have loads of fun in the dream we call earth! Before you know it it will be over and will seem like it lasted 1second, so keep your light strong, and be the lightworker you decided to play in this dream and enjoy it.

Keep faith in GOD and the infinity and oneness of everything and know that you are just here to learn, so do your best! Your future is guaranteed anyway in ways you cannot understand!

Many beings from higher dimensions who channel messages, especially kryon always say that we cannot not even in our wildest dreams imagine how they see life, but that when we'll be on the other side of the veil we will remember it in an instant!

Thats exactly what happens in a dream!

Again have fun and keep faith in GOD that he will wake you up when necessary!

In love and light.



----- Original Message -----

From: DK


Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 2:09 PM

Subject: response to Hello Central When Enough Is Truly Enough

Hello again dear Patrick,

Your work through is an inspiration to all of Us Patrick. Blessed is He who talks the talk and walks the walk, which brings Me to this response.

I commend all of You Lightworkers who are holding the higher energies of Love and Truth as Your state of being. This is Our most important task at this time! Does Your heart tell You that We have already crossed the finish line and the rest is simply a matter of who wishes to step up and take

advantage of the most glorious opportunity available to Humanity and individuals that We have known on Earth thus far? Mine does and has for quite some time.

I have read much since joining this community about 'please have God end the suffering, enough is enough, We're ready for the Golden Age...' What is suffering? What is Hell on Earth? What is Heaven on Earth? These things are all a matter of perspective, which puts the ball in Our court. What are We choosing to experience at this time? The Darkside wants nothing more than for Us to remain locked in the mindset of living in Hell on Earth; it is their only hope to control the Light. It all starts with Our thoughts and when We align Our thoughts with what We naturally Love, manifestation is destined to produce what We Love in Our immediate Life circumstances.

You think You Love having money and physical forms of power? Perhaps You really do Love those things, and if it is in Your and Our Highest Interest, You will have it. If You don't have it and feel Yourself to be aligned with God, then accept that it is not in Your and Our Highest Interest for You to have it at this time. There will always be aspects of God's plan that We do not understand since there is always a higher level of understanding to achieve so We of the Light may as well get used to not always having things go as We would like them to. Remember, We are blessed to be here in these times of glorious awakening!

At the same time, desire is a powerful energy, and I enjoy seeing so many People with the desire for change. I write this to remind Us to use that energy to help the changes that are continuing to bring about Our Golden Age. We all have a beautiful darkside and from time to time, that darkside

is going to emerge. This is natural and healty and will always lead to more opportunities for Us to experience the manifestation of Our desire as long as We remember to use that energy to inspire Us to co-create change as We would love to see it created. Every moment is a perfect opportunity to help Mother Gaia heal through conscious intention to be sharing God's grace with Mother Gaia. Indeed, as the Keepers of 3D, it is impossible for Us to be a part of God's grace unless and until We are sharing it with Mother Gaia as well as receiving it from Her. If We truly desire to reach out and do something that will assist the manifestation of Our Golden Age, retaining this state of grace is imperative.

Find the silver lining in every situation and Mastery of this Lifeform will be Yours. Suffering at the hands of the US gov't? There is always gratitude for living in a country founded on freedom and honour. Twisted gov't, media, education, legal and banking systems, etc. at the hands of the Darkside? Let's remember that in order to experience Heaven in this differentiated reality, the experience of Hell is absolutely mandatory. Ignorance in the masses that allows the Darkside to continue even though We of the Light have already won? We, as Humanity, are ascending with Mother Gaia, and this has already been decided, along with each individual soul being given the opportunity to achieve the Mastery that We all came here to achieve so that We can all remember and experience that all of this is Heaven with a lot of smoke and mirrors. If We do not go within, We go without; God and Heaven are within Us, and this is where We will find the guidance to be, do and have whatever We can to assist God's plan for Our destined transformation into the race of physical angel stewards of Mother Gaia that We were born to become.

Celebrate; Victory is Ours!

God Bless Us All,

Light, Love And Power Be Us Now,