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"Hello, Central!" Can You Give Me A Bit of Encouragement?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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going through a lot Patrick, but I keep on a positive note and know things can happen at any minute. Patrick is their anyway I can turn things around to the positive side. I await the package like everyone else and the Announcment, and know that it has been a large undertaking by all to turn us around. Can you give me a bit of encouragement from your




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec.10, 2006


Dear R:

Most of us, who are enlightened, have been through much hardship and testing, and the difficulties continue. It is not for me to try and answer the question "Why?", for we each have different answers. The point is that we each are to be responsible for ourselves. Whatever happens to us, we have created, and we have the ability with the help of our Guardian Angels to find our way.

I do not know your future, but we know Who holds the future of our planet and we know the plan. We do not know the exact timing. All I can say to you is to "hang on" a bit longer. Ask for help and expect goodness to prevail very, very soon. We are here for our lessons in soul growth, we have endured much, and we shall be rewarded accordingly.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer