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"Hello, Central!"


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site every day. More and more, my soul's intuition is telling me that the coming year of 2007 will be the watershed year, the year that we have all patiently waited on for all these years. Not coincidentally, last week I was led to what I feel is one of the key vehicles for helping "We The People" to externally facilitate the needed monetary shift from scarcity to Abundance. It is helping thousands escape the rat race, take control of their consciousness, while at the same time helping to dismantle the current fraudulent system of money that we have all been subjected to for far too long. In short, it is simply spreading light at an exponential rate and will only help speed up the manifestation of the internal monetary revolution (NESARA) that is already taking place. If anyone resonates with this message and would like to find out exactly what this "movement to abundance" is all about, they are welcome to email me at and i will simply guide them to the information. Then, they can simply follow their soul's intution.

Many blessings and much love to all...JG