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"Hello, Central!" It Seems That The Only Way God Knows How To Defeat Bush Is To Destroy The Earth! (Updated 12/14/06)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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earth as we know it now, but I am a fighter, not a quitter. Why can't Bush and his gang be exposed and Nesara announced and the funds be delivered so people can enjoy a little peace

on earth as we know it today before we are lifted.

You once told us that we could ask that our family and friends be lifted off this earth and then later they could decide if they wanted to stay or come back. Is this still a true statement? It seems that the only way GOD knows how to defeat Bush is to destroy the earth. GOD forgive me if I don't understand, but I will ask the question again. What kind of deal did Bush make and who did he make it with???

GOD help us all

For your eyes only



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Dec. 12, 2006


Dear WC:

Thank you for your letter.

G.W. Bush has made many deals and broken them all. It is all about power and greed and taking your money. He and his evil minions will never quit until they are stopped by the Light of Truth. Why that has not yet been done by now is beyond my understanding.

There are too many of the White Knights, who have been bribed and/or threatened and compromised. Too few stand for Truth and goodness to complete the Mission. You lack much wisdom when you say, the only way God knows how to defeat Bush is to destroy the earth". God does not destroy, and this is not His problem. We have not kept our stewardship of Mother Earth. It is we who have destroyed the earth. We created the mess, and it is our responsibility to help set things right.

Too few people have stood against the Darkness and claimed their birthright. Mother Earth has waited eons of time for us to choose the Light and fulfill our mission of helping with her transition into 5D. Because we have failed to bring the needed help to our planet, she is dying. To prevent her own death she must take action now to save herself. It is as simple as that. Do not blame Creator God for our wrongdoing, my sister. A polar shift is nature's way of restoring our planet back to good health.

It would be nice to have closure by completing the funding, announcing NESARA, having all the tricks of the Bush Gang exposed, having peace and a time to "spend our money". You would be unhappy, if this does not happen? Is it revenge that you seek? Would not being washed away with the salt water of the oceans bring justice?

You ask, "what lessons would people learn", if earth changes and evacuation happens before people learn the Truth about "Bush and his gang?" At a soul level everyone already knows the Truth. Do not think that "Bush and his gang" would escape justice. Under Cosmic Law everyone is held accountable for their actions. There are no exceptions! We each have our lessons in soul growth to learn according to our contract we made with Creator God, and only each individual knows what those lessons truly are.

You asked about your family and friends being evacuated, if such is needed. Yes, you can request that of God Aton, and it shall be done according to your request. Their decision to stay or return to Earth Shan will be honored later aboard ship.

Whatever the future holds, be hopeful and joyful, and at peace.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: J

To: Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:47 AM

Subject: WC has it right!!

Hello Patrick,

WC posed a question that needs even more contemplation than your answer delivered. The answer that humans have not been good stewards of the earth altough is true, is just a simplification of the larger cause and effects. A great number of us are jumping up and down screaming that it is impossible, totally impossible for humans to do the right thing as long as the evil forces are manipulating our thoughts. People are basically followers and if the good guys drop the ball and idally stand by while the darkies scoop up the ball and the game, then how in infinite wisdom can the blame be shifted on the humans who even at this juncture can not see the truth due to all of the mind control that has been allowed to happen.

By golly ..........there is a consortium of us that believe a time out is in order so that the rules can be re-established.

Order the darkies to stand down on the interference of human perceptions, allow all the horrible events to be shown, let people understand the predictament. Give us a chance to fix things. Don't just say that earth is done for and the plug needs to be pulled. Don't just say that irregardless of the humans being hypnotised and in a trance is no excuse and therefore the plug is to be pulled.

Make things right.....create a level playing field and give us a fair chance and stop coddling the dark side. It seems that this bunch has gotten just about everything that they want. I say put a stop to this practice of coddling the wrong ones and handicapping the right ones.

Stop the interference and let us humans finally....FINALLY!!!! ......use that ability called Free Will!

We sure as blue blazes have not been allowed to make decisions that were not highly influenced by the darkies.

It is time for hands off!

Let us do the cleaning up of this sure looks like the white knights and those superior don't know where to begin.

Thank you for listening
