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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" Why Do You and Dove Have Such Different NESARA Information?

"Hello, Central!" Why Do You Say the Galactic New Year Begins on August 17? All Other Sources Say July 26

"Hello, Central!" Patrick and Anne Bellrniger are not of the light, My Friend!

"Hello, Central!" My Wife and I Seek Further Understanding about Forgiveness

"Hello, Central!" My Friend Says I Need All My Body Parts To Ascend. Should I Get Rid Of My Organ Donor Sticker? (Updated July 15, 2006)

"Hello, Central!" I Love My Partner Very Much, But I Have Doubts About Marriage. What Wisdom and Insight Can You Offer Me? (Updated July 17, 2006)

"Hello, Central"! I Request Fourwinds Viewers to Pray for My Brother (Udated July 21, 2006)

"Hello, Central!" Can You Give Me Insight On How To Make Childbirth A Spiritual Experience?

"Hello, Central!" Jehovahs Witnesses Claim It Is Wrong To Have Blood Transfusions Because Blood Is Sacred. Is It?

"Hello, Central! Can You Enlighten Us About the Violet Flame? (Updated July 8, 2006)

"Hello, Central!" Do You Have Any Insight About the Practice of Circumcision?

"Hello, Central!" I Have Some Questions About Gods Laws Concerning Cohabitation and Sexual Relations

"Hello, Central!" The New PBS!

"Hello, Central!" What is the Difference Between A Person Seeking Knowledge for Their Spiritual Growth vs. a Lightworker?

"Hello, Central!" I Have a Few Questions Regarding our Subconscious!

"Hello, Central!" What Exactly Does Full Consciousness/Fully Conscious Being Mean?

"Hello, Central!" What Happens To Special Needs Children and Helpless People At Evacuation?

"Hello, Central!" Will The Positive Energy From the Coming Events Allow Mother Earth To Regain Her Balance Without our Having to Leave?

"Hello, Central!" Any NESARA News Would Be Welcome!

"Hello, Central!" How Can The Queen Be In Two Places At Once?