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"Hello, Central!" My Wife and I Seek Further Understanding about Forgiveness

Patrick H. Bellringer

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several U.S. presidents, but in particular, that of Bill Clinton. At one point Larry King asked Mr. Graham if he could forgive this president for certain errors made while in office. Mr. Graham said, in effect, "I have completely forgiven this man". (Haton responds, in effect, "What gives this man the right or power to forgive anyone"?)

Have we not been very mis-guided by the man made doctrines of "churchianity" as to what forgiveness really is? Is not forgiveness really aprivate matter, a one on one, between the individual and Creator, even if that person has chosen to reject God and the Laws of The Creation? What of the person who has caused another person harm, asks the person that was harmed to forgive them, yet the one asking for forgiveness does not see or accept any accountability for the harm caused?

In your opinion, which particular passages in Church scripture have survived being tampered with by the protocols of men regarding forgiveness? Is feeling compassion and understanding from one's heart toward one who caused harm the same as forgiveness?

In Love and Light,

A & C


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: A and C

DATE: July 23, 2006


Dear A and C:

Forgiveness is really a simple concept. It is a personal matter between you and Creator God Aton of Light, and in 3D between you and your fellowman whom you may have wronged. In 3D we judge ourselves according to the Laws of God and Creation, that we have been given by God Aton, the Laws of Balance. If we find that we are in error in our living, we must change our ways. Once we know Truth, we then are held responsible to live by it.

If we have been living in error, we must first forgive ourself and bring balance within. Then, if we have wronged another person, we must sincerely seek to make amends and ask for their forgiveness. We must also forgive those, who have "wronged" us. Lastly, we are to ask Creator God Aton to forgive us for our errors. This requires sincere repentance from a contrite heart, and a vow to endeavor to follow the Laws of Balance. Once we have done this, we are to drop the baggage of the past and move on.

No one is perfect, and we will make mistakes, but as we strive for goodness and ask our Guardian Angels for help, we will create greater harmony and balance in our lives.

You ask the question, "Is feeling compassion and understanding from one's heart toward one, who caused harm, the same as forgiveness?" To forgive someone is a spiritual thought process that you do within and the feeling of compassion and understanding would be the proof of that action of forgiveness. Compassion follows forgiveness, just as fear and anger and revenge are often the feelings prior to forgiveness.

As you know, the Holy Bible is not so "holy" due to the great distortion of Truth in it. Forgiveness is one area of great distortion due to its entanglement with the blood cult of forgiveness of sins and the requirement of sacrifice. God Aton's and Esu Immanuel Sananda's discussion of forgiveness throughout the Phoenix Journals may be a greater source for Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer