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"Hello, Central!" How Can The Queen Be In Two Places At Once?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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e in your NESARA update that the Queen Bee is in our country (along with Germany's Merkel) threatening not to leave the U.S. until all packets are delivered (... completion of this task which will be the 'official' launch for NESARA). In doing a little research, this article presented itself to me. How can the Queen be here, if she just celebrated her 80th birthday June 17? Perhaps a retinue of her representatives are here on her behalf? Please clarify what you meant by this statement.

Thank you again.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 22, 2006


Dear CM:

The Queen has clones, doubles and also uses computer imaging to create video for news releases to fool the people about where she is and what she is doing at any given time. The controllers also have stealth technology and have access to limited starship technology. Using their space vehicles and utilizing the difference in time zones properly, they can appear to us to do what seems impossible. You would be shocked to know the Truth of the technology used by the Controllers to trick the braindead people. It is not any different with G. W. Bush and others.

The Queen of England is helping to resolve the issues of the prosperity programs but not necessarily because she is on our side. By contract she cannot receive her money from these programs until we, the little people, have received ours. Yes, she is involved in these programs. The controllers always are and everyone involved always gets a cut of the action. The greater control you have, the greater the amount you get.

The time is here when the wealth shall be re-distributed to the people, and the greedy shall have nothing.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer