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"Hello, Central!" I Love My Partner Very Much, But I Have Doubts About Marriage. What Wisdom and Insight Can You Offer Me? (Updated July 17, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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of respect for you and your wisdom and Truths that you speak. So I come to you today Brother, to share my heart and seek council on my life and my responsibility to mankind, Creator God Aton of Light and to the Creator of All that is the Creator Source.

I have lived with my partener for five years now and although we have never been married in the eyes of man... I have always considered myself married to her in the eyes of God. Over the years, I have supported her emotionally, financially (not for several years do to illness), and raised our children (non-biological) in the best ways that I could. I have taken this responsibility very seriously to honor my promise to her and to God Aton. We have spoken of marriage several times and planned and unplanned just as many

do to troubles in the relationship... just recently, I had told her I had doubts again on marriage. Ever since, my spirit and heart have been in utter turmoil. Not understanding why, I have been seeking God and His wisdom so that we all may have peace. I have a hard

time distinguishing God's voice and wisdom. It is like I have three eyes and my God Spirit is whispering in one, the antichrist in one and myself whispering in the other. This woman has been my greatest friend I have ever known. She has been there to dry my tears,

lift me up and support me and someone to grow with and learn great wisdom from. We have both grown in great

ways having been together in this lifestream. The problem is love. I love her very much, but I dont believe I love her in the way a man is to love his wife. I care for her a great deal... but when I look at the bond a man and his wife share, I dont see that in our relationship... I see a friendship and kinship that is great and strong. She tells me that I am the love of her life and I do believe we have spent several lifetimes together... but I do not feel the same. I have tried to feel that way... I have wanted to feel that way, but it isn't so.

I dont not know what to do Brother. I have a commitment to her, the children and to God Aton. But I feel as if I am punishing innocence if I stay with her... robbing her of the love and bond a husband and wife should feel for one another. I also feel as if I am breaking my commitment to her and God Aton if I choose to disolve the relationship and focus on our friendship. Over the years we have supported one another and taken care of eachother in our illnesses (physical and mental), so there lies another problem as well. I do not feel good about leaving her alone and neither will she. Over the years when we have had problems in the past, we have discused living with

eachother as friends ... but how would God Aton feel about that? Aren't I robbing her of the companionship she could have with me still living with her? This is all so complicated and I feel that no matter my decision... I am wronging someone.

Brother, above all I want to honor the Master Creator of All The Creator Source and live by the laws of Creation and honor my Creator God Aton of Light. I want to treat this woman with the love and respect she deserves. What would God want me to do? I have

willfully given my freewill unto Him and I only seek his Truth and Wisdom. Please Brother, can you help me by sharing your wisdom and insight? I know of no where else to turn. Thank you for taking the time to hear my heart and thank you for any wisdom you may have to

offer me.

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 16, 2006


Dear DE:

Thank you for your letter and kind words. You are asking most important and difficult questions for our time. Marriage is first and foremost a union of the heart's intent between a woman and a man. It is a commitment to love and care for another person at the deepest levels of living, a spiritual commitment and not just a physical 3D commitment. Few people achieve such a bond. True marriage is a commitment with no conditions attached.

The "live-in" situation today is a superficial relationship to avoid responsibility, so that one can leave the relationship to avoid commitment, so that one can leave the relationship at any time with no strings attached. In many cases it is nothing more than a walk-in, party-time, walk-out experience leaving much guilt behind and stress ahead, for lessons repeat until we learn them.

The best of marriages tend to have bumps in the road, but these are no big deal in the long haul. The formal wedding and signing of a marriage contract, some argue, is control by the church and state. That is true but it does have its merits. From a practical point of view a marriage contract gives the marriage partners certain lawful rights and protections under the law. It also causes the marriage partners to make public commitment to their intentions. In a public wedding friends and family members become witnesses to this commitment, which tends to hold persons to their marriage vows more seriously. For many people marriage holds little meaning, when they can split and run because there is no lawful agreement. This is apparently not the case in your situation.

The fact that you have turmoil in your spirit over avoiding marriage with one you say you deeply love, should tell you something. Do you really love her? Are you afraid of commitment, or responsibility? Please understand that with commitment goes responsibility. In Commitment you promise to be there for your partner in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, until all conditions and unconditionally, with no excuses! None! In today's world people want to be free, have no commitment, no long term relationships, so they can do what "feels good" at the moment that they want to "feel good".

You say you are unsure of the depth of your love for your partner. Know that true love grows with time. Few marriages begin without a certain amount of trepidation, because it is a new experience in human relations and involves great faith in another person. Commitment is the key. Are you willing to work together to overcome all obstacles and build a relationship of true love, caring and sharing in total honesty and integrity for as long as you both shall live? Do you have the desire to commit to this new experience?

This is Creator God's plan for human living, loving and procreation. Such a bond of love provides peace and security for the marriage partners and for the children, under the blessing of Heaven.

You have a freewill and you must choose your pathway you must take to learn your lessons in soul growth. Follow your intuition, the guidance of your God Spirit within. Ask for wisdom and for your Guardian Angels to help you choose wisely. Find out that of which you are afraid and remove it, and discuss these deepest concerns with this one for whom you care. Together you can find the answers. He, who sincerely seeks to know Truth, shall surely find it. Know it!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: AM


Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:25 PM

Subject: Re: Common Law Marriage!

Dear Patrick:

I love to read your responses and know that you are a Man Of God! When I get a message that requires a correction I go before Creator God and ask if I should respond! If yes, then tell me what to say! Here is what I received::

I read your answer to D.E. Re: marriage licentiate as per State and Church.

STOP!! Do not give the State or Church authority by licensing the marriage for the State become the third party to the marriage!

Common Law is of God, becomes Law by a witness to the fact!

Jeremiah 32: starting with number 6; a situation { a marriage} -> number 8 a directive {a man of God (you)} -> number 10 comfirmed {a witness} -> to number 19 can not be broken {bound for ever}!

State and Church laws allow for divorce!

Breaking any Common Law is creating treason . (THE AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE) Says: (1) Violation of allegiance towards one's sovereign +++++++ (2) Any betrayal of trust or confidence:


The Constitution states that treason during the time of war is punishable by hanging or a firing squad. A little harsh but it get the point. Marriage is forever! That is my relationship with GOD!

Lovingly always,