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"Hello, Central!" My Friend Says I Need All My Body Parts To Ascend. Should I Get Rid Of My Organ Donor Sticker? (Updated July 15, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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body parts to ascend. However, cremation and scattering ashes is ok because the body is already destroyed as 1 unit by fire and that's ok. Should I get rid of my donor sticker?

Thank you,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 14, 2006


Dear RW:

Ascension is a matter of increasing your frequencies to a higher dimension and changing your carbon-based cells to crystalline cells. There is no basis in fact for needing all your body parts to ascend. Are you all there now? (!!!) What about all the operations that have been performed by the medical profession? In fact, there are some organs we will not need in 5D, and we are growing some new organs even now in preparation for living in the 5D frequencies, where we will be using Light for our body energy and much less chemical energy from food.

Donating body parts or your blood to help another to maintain life is one of the highest forms of giving that one can do. Such selfless giving adds greatly to one's own soul growth and raising one's frequencies. This would speed your own ascension process. You are also helping another greatly by donating your blood or body part that may have higher frequencies than they have. That, along with your good intent will greatly increase the positive energies to speed the healing process and the restoration of life.

Do not limit Creator God. He created us, and if we have parts missing that we need for some reason, they will be restored to us. Remember that our physical bodies are to be restored to perfection to live in the frequencies of fifth dimension. So, if we have run a good race and helped our sister or our brother along the way, it really does not matter the physical shape we are in when we reach the "finish" line. Creator God looks at the heart's intent, not at the condition of the physical body. Thank goodness for that!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: RW

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:38 AM

Subject: Re: Contact Request From

Hi Patrick --

LOL! You must know me, everybody seems to think I have "parts" missing. :-) Now my friend says she refuses because of soul regeneration (?), that if we accept somebody's body part, we carry that part of their soul, which could be a negative or bad energy, into eternity; also that if we give up our parts, they get part of our soul and it won't come back to us. I had asked my guides to send out a master shaman to bring back whatever parts of my soul are missing so wouldn't that cover it? It kind of bothers me to think that if I needed an organ, I could be carrying around a serial killer's negative energies if that happened to be where it came from. That's a radical example but you know what I'm trying to convey here.

Thanks again -



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 15, 2006


Dear RW:

Your physical body is most certainly not your soul, and no body part conveys any part of the soul with it. That is nonsense. Your soul is you, and your physical body is the house you live in while in third dimension. If you give someone your porch, your house does not fall down, nor do you go with the porch. Comprende?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer