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"Hello, Central!" Why Do You Say the Galactic New Year Begins on August 17? All Other Sources Say July 26

Patrick H. Bellringer

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sages resonate with me quite a bit. I am curious as to where you got your date of Aug. 17 for Galactic New Year. All other sources that talk about this (including a wonderful calendar that I personally use) speak of the day of July 26 as being the galactic new year. Just curious. I guess it doesn't really matter as we are on the brink of some amazingly beautiful times! Much love to you my brother. See you in the celebration. Blessings....Jason


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 30, 2006


Dear JG:

Thank you for your letter. As you know a journal is a record that is kept of daily events and is dated as such. If you have noticed, the Phoenix Journals are dated at the beginning of each chapter by our present calendar time and also by Cosmic time.

As an example, Phoenix Journal number seven, The Rainbow Masters, chapter 10 on page 81 is dated Sun. Apr. 9, 1989 7:00 a.m. Year 2, Day 236. Our calendar date and time are shown first, followed by the Cosmic year and day. Why year 2? This is based upon the Harmonic Convergence that occurred on August 17, 1987, when the Cosmic/Galactic calendar turned a new page.

What our scientists wrongly call our Milky Way Galaxy is in Cosmic understanding the seventh Super-Universe named Orvonton, which orbits around the Greatest Central Sun every 206 million years. Also, our Apsu Solar System orbits around Alcyone, the Great Central Sun of Pleiades every 26 thousand years. Both Orvonton and Apsu returned to the zero point in their orbits at exactly the same time on August 17, 1987. Thus, it is called the Harmonic Convergence, and the Cosmic Calendar started over at that point. Therefore, 1989 is year 2 of the new Cosmic Calendar, and August 17 is New Years Day.

Creator God authored nearly all of the Phoenix Journals, and their Cosmic dating is based upon the Harmonic Convergence point in time. If God Aton/Hatonn says that the Cosmic/Galactic New Year begins on August 17, I guess I would believe that over any and all other sources. Check this out for yourself, and tell me what you learn as Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer