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"Hello, Central!" Patrick and Anne Bellrniger are not of the light, My Friend!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t what you publish. The message through Lauren for the telepaths was not to be published, and yet is circulating the Internet now, and has shown up in Candace's email, and on her website, and DA.

Also published is the works of the July 22 meeting, and these were not to be published either. You are hurting our cause in the eagerness for truth to be out there. I am now going to ask you a painful question. We have not located "Casper the Ghost" who is giving information to Patrick Bellringer. Since you have information from Germain, that shows up in Patrick's reports, could you possibly be Casper?

I see a problem coming up, and I advise you to rethink what you are doing. If you truly want NESARA, you must be less careless. That which Patrick has posted, has harmed our cause and plans on several occasions, because Patrick lets it out, and he also has his contacts that he feeds information to. He and Anne are not of the light my friend, even if they do still have the Journals. You must be cautious with your doings, please.

I also am asking you to publish the channels real names, or real pen names, and stop this hiding of this. I have read at your site many a time, and I see daily updates from Hal called Angela, and many people have thought you were Angela. In other places of updates, you have taken lines from several channels and placed them altogether, creating an abstract that creates the wrong impression of what is going on. If you wish to be in integrity, you must post the entire channeling and works of any author, and not post only that which you wish to use. Please inquire of the channel sharing the works with you about publishing, or I and Sananda are going to request the channels do not share their information with you. Enough said for now.

Namaste, I AM The Christ ( ATON) of Nebadon.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Readers of Fourwinds

DATE: July 28, 2006


Dear Readers of Fourwinds:

This e-mail from Candace is an example of the phony Christ Michael messages that are floating about the Internet today, causing confusion and harm among the Lightworkers in these "end times". I have had many such attacks from this person. I have held my peace, but it is now time to bring balance, and so I shall respond.

Should Candace Frieze choose to continue her attacks against Fourwinds and against Anne and me, I shall be forced to publish all of her communications and let the readers and Lightworkers discern Truth for themselves. So be it.

I encourage you to use great discernment in everything you read. Do not be deceived by the words, but check the energy level. Does the energy vibrate with goodness, Truth, and Love or does it carry the subtle reverberations of negativity--of ego, fear, anger, hate or condemnation? Your gut feelings are usually telling you the Truth.

Anne and I do not use fake Christ Michael messages to chastise other Lightworkers. I assure you that had we been working for the Darkside these many years, life would have been much easier. If you have any doubt about which side we are on, Light or Darkness, please read our writings, updates and "Hello, Centrals!" , and use your discernment.

It is humorous to think that I would have connections to some "Casper the Ghost" or a CIA Mole, or that my NESARA Updates have harmed or delayed in any way the NESARA Mission. Quite the contrary is the case, for any one of the true Ascended Masters will tell you that these updates have given hope and encouragement to many people. The end result has been the creation of much positive energy, that has pushed the NESARA Mission forward rapidly and even changed the plans of Mother Earth.

You will recall that earlier this year, Candace used a phony Germain message to tell Bellringer to shut up, and also a phony Soltec message to tell Bellringer again to shut up! I find this interesting, for her handlers do a poor job of covering their tracks. The sad part is that those, who lack discernment, are pulled into the lie.

I assure you, my friends, that Anne and I journey the Red Road of Truth with the Ascended Masters, Esu Immanuel Sananda, and Creator God Aton of Light, and no amount of trashing from those, who walk in the Shadows, can detour us from our mission. No fake messages can deceive us, and no evil shall pull us from our pathway! We have asked for and have been granted complete and permanent protection of the White Light of Creator God and the Golden Light of Sananda, and the Forces of Light have provided us with an invisible plasma bubble of energy that surrounds us, and which nothing from the Darkside can penetrate. It is free for the asking, if you have faith to do so. Once you have asked, believe you have it and you do, but doubt and you do not have it. It is that simple.

Also, I assure you that the Phoenix Journals are Truth given to us one last time by Creator God Aton of Light, Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters. They are given to you freely to gain knowledge and wisdom, and you avoid reading them at your own peril.

We send compassion and encouragement to our brother, Milson Mcleod, in this time of soul searching and discernment of Truth. May the Adversary soon be banished from Earth Shan.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer