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"Hello, Central!" Do You Have Any Insight About the Practice of Circumcision?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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my baby boy because it went against every instinct I had as a mother to protect my son. I question a God that demands parents to mutalate their babies. Do you have any insight into the real "hidden" reason a religion would demand this of their followers?

Thankyou, in love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 11, 2006


Dear TW:

Thank you for your question about circumcision. The removal surgically of the foreskin or tissue covering the head of the penis of a male child at birth is a long standing requirement of the Old Testament Mosaic Law. The practice which continues today has no merit medically or religiously.

Circumcision was advocated by the Pharisees/Zionists, as a means of religious control over the people under the guise of personal hygiene. Today the medical profession makes the same claims. Hatonn/Aton in the Phoenix Journals says circumcision was done, especially to the goyim (cattle) or non-Jews (Gentiles) to increase sexual stimulation and desire for perverse sexual activity to destroy the morals and increase disease among the people. Hatonn/Aton also asks the question, "Do you think that Creator God does not create in perfection?"

In other words, if the foreskin were a problem for humans, the male baby would be born without a foreskin. Man in his perverted thinking wants to improve upon the human body by doing circumcision. You were quite right in your instinct as a mother to protect your son by not allowing him to be circumcised.

I taught Health Education to high school students for many years, and the medical profession put out much hype about the need for circumcision to prevent cancer. I found this to be unfounded. Considering the fact that the Zionists control nearly everything today, including the medical profession, the media, the churches and the writing of public school textbooks, it is no small wonder that people are brainwashed concerning this subject.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer