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"Hello, Central!" I Have Some Questions About Gods Laws Concerning Cohabitation and Sexual Relations

Patrick H. Bellringer

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1. I was re-reading the 2nd phoenix journal the other day, and I was reading the part about the cohabitation laws. I have no problem with the actual laws, but i was wondering what was ment by "they should be sterillised" (those who break the laws). Is the journal saying these people should be literaly sterillised or just that until they align themselves with hamonious laws they should refrain from procreation?

2. And for the Child Molestors, are they really saying we should put them to death??? Because as disgusting as child molestation and rape is...personally I don't want to kill anybody.

3. Is the journal actually condoning lezbianism, since they are both bearers and not inseminators.

4. Is the journal really saying we should ban homosexuals from society?? How should they learn love, kindness and the laws if we expell them from society??

5. It says in the journal that no animals go against the laws of the creation, yet they (scientists i guess) say that some animals like dolphins have sex for pleasure sometimes and that some animals have been found to be either homosexual or bi-sexual. What's up with this???

Thankyou for your time

Always seeking light, love and truth



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 7, 2006


Dear FB:

Thank you for your letter. I apologize for the lateness of my reply. My wife, Anne, was hospitalized for a time and I got behind in my work. I shall answer your questions as best I can.

Q. 1: Cohabitation is allowed but without any sexual relations. Contrary to popular thought, under the Laws of God and Creation, also called the Laws of Balance, sexual intercourse is sacred and only for procreation. Yes, Sananda is saying those who choose to cohabitate for sexual reasons are to be sterilized, because they are flaunting the Laws of God and Creation, and thus, have forfeited their right to procreation.

Q. 2: Consequently, based up sex being sacred those, who sexually molest children or commit rape, have forfeited their right to life.

Q. 3: The term "lesbian" has a mixed meaning. Two women living together as friends and companions is different than two women living together for sexual exploitation of each other. Two people living together and sharing for economic reasons, or who are friends and care for each others, either female or male is allowed under God's Law, but any sexual relations is strictly prohibited.

Q. 4: People need to be educated according to the Laws of God and Creation to bring balance in their life to increase their soul growth, the true purpose for being here in 3D. If people lived these Laws of Balance, there would be no homosexuality. We must teach people the meaning of real love and kindness, which is so often missing in today's society.

Q. 5: Scientists do not know the whole Truth. They interpret their findings according to their own limited understanding of the Laws of God and Creation. They love to label and classify things, which the public usually accepts as "gospel" Truth. Animals do not go against the Laws of Creation. Humans do, because they have a freewill to choose.

By our standards God's Laws seem harsh and unbending. They were given to us to learn how to live here in 3D in preparation for our moving into the higher frequencies of 5D, where no evil is allowed. We can choose to obey these Laws now or later, but no one moves into the fifth dimension without fully living them. God intends that sexual union occur only within a monogonus marriage and soley for the prupose of procreation. For those loving and faithful husbands and wives Sananda gives some admonition on kindness and consideration, while dealing with our modern world's fixation on "sex".

Those who take issue with these Laws of Balance will enjoy more 3D lifestreams until they learn to live them. We always have a choice. To fully comprehend the intent of God's Laws of Balance it is wise to read the full explanation of them presented in Phoenix Journal #27

I honor you in your search for Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer