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"Hello, Central!" What is the Difference Between A Person Seeking Knowledge for Their Spiritual Growth vs. a Lightworker?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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person seeking knowledge for their spiritual growth vs. a lightworker?????

I am sure you have addressed this many times, however, I dont seem to be able to find it.

Thank you so much again for both yours and Anne's tireless efforts.

Much Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 11, 2006


Dear BB:

Thank you for your question. I apologize for the lateness of my reply. My wife, Anne, was hospitalized for four days this week with congestive heart failure, which slowed our work at Fourwinds a bit.

Two terms used frequently to describe people of the Light are Truthseeker and Lightworker. In a sense we are all Truthseekers, until we reach perfection in our soul growth and return to Creator Source. A Lightworker is one, who has learned to live the basic Truth of the Laws of God and Creation. He understands both the physical world and the spiritual world and is able to utilize the resources of both worlds in his life for the good of All. It is a lifestyle of caring, helping and loving, regardless of what one may do to make a living.

One may hold a survival job, raise a family or run a company or a farm and still be a Lightworker. One may be a singe person, a highschool or college student, an elderly or retured person or a professional and still be a Lightworker. It's all about atitude and lifestyle. Wisdom, discernment and love for all of Creation characterize a Lightworker. A Lightworker has a spiritual mission in life and seeks to accomplish it.

A true Lightworker knows the power of thought and uses it to crate goodness and to solve problems. A Lightworker knows the power of Heaven that is available to everyone and uses this for the greatest good of All.

As is everyone, Lightworkers are at various stages of soul growth. Some are old Masters returned to do a mission, and others may be fledglings, but each has his own niche in the scheme of Heaven.

Sometimes people confuse Lightworkers with spiritual Gurus. A Guru's claim to fame is, supposedly, spiritual enlightenment. This is not necessarily the case. Often such persons are caught up on their own ego, as they seek recognition, power and control and usually money in exchange for their pontifications.

Most Lightworkers go unnoticed by the mainstream public, though they are the "power people", who create the positive energy that sustains their families and their communities. Know that all Lightworkers will be greatly honored in our coming Golden Age of Peace for their assistance in the transition of our Mother Earth and her people into the higher Realms of Light. May you be such a one!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer