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Remarks by President Trump During Iowa Disaster Recovery Briefing

FULFORD: CBC News attacks Ontario doctor for Covid-19 tweets on HCQ

The silence before mandatory vaccines

COVID: the invention of false reality, the hypnotic persuader

Rush Limbaugh Points Out Scary Omission Made by Democrats

Trump Calls for Boycott of Goodyear Over Their Ban on Workers Wearing MAGA Gear

WATCH: Airplane flies massive ‘Unborn Black Lives Matter’ banner over Dem National Convention

‘No Catholic can vote for Joe Biden’: Pro-life priests explain

Taiwan Says China Behind Cyberattacks on Government Agencies, Emails

The same Bill Gates pushing vaccines and depopulation is also a key figure behind Impossible Foods, the FAKE MEAT virtue signaling corporate monster

BREAKING: Live guided air-to-air missile discovered at Florida airport near Tampa; markings indicate a Matra R530F radar-guided missile that could bring down Air Force One

Politics Virginia State Senator Turns Herself in to Face Charges Over Statue Toppling Incident

The Fake News About Iran & the Taliban Aims to Achieve Three Strategic Objectives

For Iraqis, the Choice Is Between Pandemic and Poverty

Trade Wars Threaten Post-pandemic Global Economic Recovery


Ghost Convention Slams Into Trump's Third Term As Unicorn Massacre Feared Coming Next

X22REPORT: Another Piece For The Storm, Welcome Home Snowden, Watch The USPS- Episode 2252


Smashing windows to stop a virus?

Why you shouldn't believe anything the government says about vaccines and viruses

MANDATORY “quarantine camps” were just rolled out in New Zealand, a globalist testing ground for the mass extermination of humanity

FEMA camps gearing up to provide necessary “slave wage” labor to U.S. corporations as manufacturing returns to America

52 people shot in NYC over the 72-hour weekend as left-wing lawlessness explodes due to “defund the police” agenda

We Finally Know Why Trump Ordered a Drone Strike On Iranian General Soleimani

Gowdy Tears Into Mainstream Media For Ignoring This Huge Story

Track and Tracing: UK Government Accused of New ‘U-turn’ on Local COVID Contact Tracing

NATO War Crimes: NATO’s “Humanitarian” Bombings, the Balance Sheet of Destruction in Yugoslavia (1999)

US Firestorming of Tokyo Rivaled the Hiroshima Bombing

Trump Assassination Feared After Air Force One Targeted And His Helicopter Fired Upon

X22REPORT: This Is Just The Beginning, Do You See What’s Happening, Go Back To The Beginning – Episode 2251

US Federal Court Stops Kamala Harris From Disarming Black People Fearful Of Police

Coup Plot Against Trump Officially Turns Criminal—Mueller Gang Becomes First Target

Rebel Military Leaders Call For Trump Overthrow—Barr Fires Back Durham Bombshell

Robert Trump, the younger brother of President Donald Trump, dead at age 71

Trump Deploys “Reapers Of Death” While Preparing To Slam China With Financial Iron Curtain

Biden Ordered To Pick Black Woman For Vice President—Chooses Slave Owning Asian Instead

Explaining the wave of terror

Astrophysicist claims CIA staged forced UFO “abductions” as psychological warfare experiments

BREAKING: Millie Weaver wasn’t arrested; she was ABDUCTED by the deep state and is being held for possible interrogation

Health Ranger update: A government-engineered FOOD COLLAPSE means citizens must practice “extreme preparedness” or be starved into vaccine compliance

CDC reports thousands of coronavirus deaths involve other contributing causes, raising questions about America’s real death toll


Trump Mysteriously Splits FBI Into Two Parts—Then Gives It Control Over Guantanamo

X22REPORT: The World Is Watching, They Never Thought She Would Lose, Now They All Lose – Episode 2246

Trump End Game Moves Have Rumors Swirling That “Something HUGE Is About To Drop”

DNC Delegates: Biden Team ‘A Horror Show’ of ‘Disastrous’ Foreign Interventionism

FULFORD: UFO Disclosure shows Elite Planning to follow up on Fake Pandemic with Fake Alien Invasion [Short Report]

COVID: is the virus real?

Chicago sees 139% increase in gun-related murders, and 75% increase in shooting incidents under gun-grabbing Mayor Lightfoot

Facebook bans hashtag #savethechildren – Big Tech now protecting PEDOPHILES

Coronavirus came from a Chinese lab and no vaccine will ever cure it, declares renowned scientist

Sex Offenders Among Those Being Housed by De Blasio in Upscale NYC Hotels for $2 Million a Night

Barr Warns of ‘Urban Guerrilla Warfare’ Slams Media for Lying to American Public

Inspector General Exonerates Trump Admin on Emergency Sale of Weapons to Saudi Arabia

How Video and Online Reading Is Undermining Cognition. Protecting and Sustaining Classroom Teaching

America’s Political Crisis: Organized Riots and the Economic Lockdown


China On Guard Against “Black Swan” While Fending Off “Gray Rhino” Watches Trump Smash “Red Line”

IMAGINE! by Patrick H. Bellringer

X22REPORT: Marker, Watch The Water, Elections Secured, [DS] Plan Failed – Episode 2245

Biden Plantation Claim That Black People Are Monkeys Shocks World

Fire along San Andreas Fault in California

Don’t Delay Military Withdrawal from the Middle East

NRA and Trump Respond to New York AG’s Suit

5 Health benefits of mangoes (as well as 3 healthy recipes)

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”

War Crimes in Afghanistan Covered up by UK Ministry of Defence

Free Advice to the GOP on COVID-19 Stimulus Bill No. 4 (or 5?)

UK government empowers local councils to DESTROY buildings they suspect of harboring COVID-19

BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin, Portland just received a large cache of weapons in preparation for coordinated multi-city “TET offensive” against America

Trump Warns “This May Be The Last Time You See Me For A While” As Lebanon Admits Beirut Hit By Bomb

X22REPORT: Operation Green Light,POTUS Insulated & Protected,Time To Take The Country Back – Episode 2244

The Smithsonian denounces “dominant white culture,” its rugged individualism, the family unit, the scientific method, and the value of hard work

Trump Issues Executive Order to Ban WeChat and TikTok

FULFORD: The so-called Covid-19 Pandemic has been traced to a 1976 World Bank Plot [FULL Report]

Look who just got censored

Dispatches from the War: give peace a chance, or give the surreal a chance?

Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook: The Big Four High Tech Oligarchs Appear Before the US Congress

Trump’s 6 Promises to Americans for His Second Term

Facebook BANS Ads From Pro-Trump Super PAC Committee to Defend the President

Eat chili peppers to combat rheumatoid arthritis

DEBT SUICIDE: Democrats pushing for $3.4 trillion in new “stimulus” money to bail out failing Democrat-run states

Intimidation and Censorship Campaign against Online Independent Media

Hiroshima at 75. The Doomsday Clock and the Ongoing Threat of “Atomic Horror”


X22REPORT: It’s Show Time, The Swamp Is Being Exposed For All To See,My Fellow Americans.. – Episode 2243

New York Times pushing to scrap the debates because Joe Biden is too cognitively confused to complete a coherent sentence

Trucking companies will stay OUT of cities where police have been defunded, leaving starving citizens to fend for themselves

Facebook Deletes Post by President Trump, Twitter Suspends Account

Dispatches from the War: vaccine, Gates, racism, liberals, logic

Poll: 4 Out of 5 Black Americans Against Cutting Policing of Their Communities

Tucker Carlson Blasts de Blasio for NYC Checkpoints, LA Mayor Cuts Off Utilities for Covid Violations

Doctor warns that COVID-19 vaccine could alter your DNA

There Is No Political Solution to the Syrian Conflict

The Covid-19 Pandemic, Does It Exist? The Truth is Being Obliterated. The Global Elite’s Campaign Against Humanity

Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman

Trump Breaks “Taiwan Tripwire” After Israel Obliterates Beirut Port Following Pakistan Nuke Threat

X22REPORT: Big News Coming, Absolutely Breathtaking, It’s Worse Than We Originally Thought – Episode 2242

“Beware The Guns Of August” Final Warning Issued—United States-Communist China War Unstoppable

Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots

Food as medicine: Garlic and lemon juice combined can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure

If you pay taxes, you’re funding coronavirus vaccines while making Big Pharma executives even richer

Trump Calls for First Presidential Debate to be Moved Up

Trump Goes on Massive Twitter Tear! Here Are The Highlights

The Democrats are the Party of Crime

How a Fox News Star is Helping Trump’s Reelection

Medical Team Rushed To Biden Basement As Trump In Prison Fervor Grows


X22REPORT: Storm Right Behind Trump, It’s Coming, Get Ready, Batten Down The Hatches – Episode 2240

“This Is America And It’s A War Zone” Cry Slams Into “There’s Not Going To Be An Election Night” Reality

Trump “October Surprise” Roswell And Durham Revelations Warned Will Plunge America Into Chaos

Our new ally needs your help

The Power Elite Have Always Run America. The Super Rich Bundled into the “Deep State”

NATO – Poland Will Pay Majority of Costs for U.S. Troops

Trump Campaign Signs Up Thousands More Voters Than Democrats in Key States

OUTRAGE: Michigan journalist and anti-lockdown activists hit with felony charges for daring to report on governor’s lockdown order

Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions

Dr. Fauci warns against dining out, playing sports, going to school and church but refuses to condemn protestors’ violent mass gatherings

MUST LISTEN: Civilization expert Fred Markert warns there’s only ONE way to save America from catastrophic collapse

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?

“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”, 204 Atomic Bombs against 66 Major Cities, US Nuclear Attack against USSR Planned During World War II

Trump Election Delay Question Warned Soon To Meet American Invasion Of Communist China

X22REPORT: Do You See How It’s All Coming Together, Drip, Crimes Against Humanity, Drip, Treason, Drip – Episode 2238

Russia To Begin COVID-19 Vaccinations In October And Drop Mask Mandate Due To Hydroxy Cure

FULFORD: World Intelligence Agencies Think We Live in a Matrix Controlled by an Artificial Intelligence [FULL Report]

6 Reasons the Mail-In Ballot Scheme is a SCAM

Big Tech is making sure people don’t hear about the deadly downsides of vaccines

Without immediate action, plastic flow into oceans could TRIPLE by 2040: Researchers present measures to reduce plastic pollution by 80%

Survival medicine 101: Three natural remedies for pain relief, infections and for improving heart health

GOP Rep. Has Covid, Pro-Trump Journo Attacked, Trump Issues Demands for Dems PLUS Everything Else You Missed

Racism, Sexism, Classism: Incoherence of ‘Mainstream’ Ethical Debate. Obfuscating Crimes against Humanity

2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on “Vaccine Safety” Issues

Obama and Hillary Emerge to Accuse Trump of Exactly What They Have Been Doing the Last 4 Years

X22REPORT: The Setup Is Complete, Is This About A Virus Or The Election, Delay Playbook Known – Episode 2237

Turkey’s Erdogan: From Haga Sophia to the Shores of Tripoli and Beyond

Elon Musk and the Overthrow of Democracy in Bolivia

Africa Begins Paying Reparations To Whites While Thought Police Begin Disarming Americans

X22REPORT: Optics Are Very Important, People Cannot Be Told, They Must See It To Believe It – Episode 2236

Republican COVID-19 Bill Becomes War Document As Democrats Prepare To Murder School Children

Right on schedule, the United Nations is intervening in U.S. domestic affairs, claiming Trump has no right to defend cities against left-wing terrorists

Trump Hints he Might Accept Nomination at the White House

Rep. Greg Steube grills Google CEO Sundar Pichai over deletion of America’s Frontline Doctors video

Strategic Move – U.S. Troops and HQs Going From Germany to Poland and Belgium

Trump Hints at Delaying Election due to ‘Fraudulent’ Mail-In Voting

The True Face of Covid-19: Fear and “Shock Therapy” to Impose a Totalitarian Society?

Iranian Military Exercises Prepare to Counter Aggression if Occurs

Selected Articles: Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine, Censorship of Medical Doctors

“Spider Web Of Fear” Suffocates America As Biden Terrorists Prepare To Unleash Wave Of Bombings

X22REPORT: Panic Has Set In, [DS] Exposes Their True Intentions For All To See, Trap Set – Episode 2235

Trump Administration Will Reject New DACA Applicants as it Considers Ending Program

Life or death decisions...

URGENT: Frontline doctors censored

Big Tech now maliciously censoring doctors who express politically incorrect viewpoints about coronavirus treatments

Doctor who cured 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success rate speaks out passionately in Washington D.C.

Representative Jim Jordan Plays Disturbing but Powerful Video at Barr Hearing

U.S. Household Eviction Crisis: 43% of American Renters Now Face Risk of Eviction

Elon Musk Confesses to Lithium Coup in Bolivia

VIDEO: Covid-19 and “The Spiderweb of Fear”. American Medical Doctors and Health Experts are being Silenced…

Fear is deadly...

Dispatches from the War: COVID trauma-based mind control

Expect thousands of US babies to be born with birth defects if their carrying mothers get injected with a thalidomide-laced covid vaccine

Clinical trials reveal that more people might get symptoms and be hospitalized from Moderna’s mRNA covid-19 vaccine than from a theoretical infection

X22REPORT: [DS] Comms Sent, MSM Boxed In, Time To Stand Up For Our Rights – Episode 2233

CIA Hangs “Non-Survivable” Target On Back Of Democrat Party Leader Joe Biden

Executions Of Black Trump Supporters Meets “All Under Heaven” Communist Chinese Approval

Kennedy Jr. Warns Parents About Danger of Using Largely Untested COVID Vaccines on Kids

Pressure for Sanctions Against Turkey Increases as Tensions with Greece Grow

Colonial Drug Trafficking and the British Empire


X22REPORT: Message Received, Flags Out, Treason, Sedition Arrests Coming Soon – Episode 2232

China Prepares 500,000 Strong American Invasion Force In Preparation For Biden Election Win

EXCLUSIVE: Trump may have canceled GOP convention in Florida because of threat of INDOOR drone weapon deployment with fentanyl payload from China

Trump Cancels Planned GOP Convention In Jacksonville, Florida Over Virus Concerns

The Matrix Revealed: Cartels That Run The World

INTERVIEW: Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp sounds off on the shadow government, exotic space weapons and covert budgets

Trump Sends Warning To Suburban Women Voters

States With Extra Representatives Because Illegal Immigrants Are Counted

Why the “Russia Report” tells us more about Britain’s BRIXIT than anything else

The Portland Police Attack: ACLU Files Lawsuit. Sues Trump and City of Portland

The Global Reset – Unplugged. “The Deep State”

X22REPORT: It’s Time, The Silent Majority No More, We The People, A Beacon Of Hope When Flown – Episode 2231

America Falls Into Rabbit Hole—Cheshire Cat Reminds Them “We're All Mad Here”

SCIENCE FRAUD: Florida Gov. DeSantis calls for investigation into why people are testing “positive” for coronavirus tests they never received

Trump To Consider Pardons For Those Affected By Mueller Investigation

Losing your conscience...

Judge Andrew Napolitano: "The federal government has no authority- NONE- to compel the wearing of a mask in public."

Trump admin orders Chinese embassy closed immediately amid charges of privacy violations and theft of intellectual property

Corporate giants Amazon, Apple, Google and Walmart all donating millions to domestic terrorism organization Black Lives Matter

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert Introduces Legislation to Ban Democratic Party Over Past Support For Slavery

Trump Takes Aim At Florida In Attempt To Repeat 2016 Success

German Official Leaks Ministry of Interior Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’

Is Brexit A Swindle and a Fraud? David Lammy

Zombie Seizures: The Hacking of Twitter

X22REPORT: NG Positioned In Cities, EAS Tested & Ready, It Has Begun – Episode 2230

“Eyes Wide Shut” Transformation Of America Being Led By “Rulers Of The Darkness Of This Age”

Trump Unleashes ‘Operation Legend,’ Sends Federal Agents To Chicago, Kansas City To Help Quell Violence

EXCLUSIVE: California apartment building locked down under mandatory quarantine of all residents, with MANDATORY COVID-19 testing; all key cards deactivated, security guards posted at entrances during “lockdown”

Vaccine expected as soon as...

Debbie Dingell Tells Democrats They Are Underestimating Trump, Warns Polls Likely Wrong

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