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Covid Crisis Actors Working Overtime - Watch

Top health official: We misled parents to scare them into vaccinating kids

X22REPORT: Ep 2665a – The System Is Rigged, Watch The Corrupt Politicians & You See The Economic Truth

SORCHA FAAL: Covid Counterattack Destroys Biden And Leftist Media Fear Propaganda

Both Moderna and Pfizer Spike Protein Contain the ADE-Related Epitope - and I Found Something Weird Encoded by Pfizer's mRNA

X22REPORT: The Pandemic Is Fake, The War Is Real, The Stage Has Been Set, Panic – Ep. 2664

SOTN: Here’s how desperate the Covid bioterrorists are planning to cover up the exploding “Pandemic of Vaxxed” in 2022!

X22REPORT: Ep 2664a – [CB]/[JB] Exposed For All To See, The Economic Truth Emerges


New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right?

How to Avoid Depressions? Foster Saving and Investment

Lawyers for five men charged with conspiring to “kidnap” Michigan governor want charges dropped because FBI set them up

Masks purposely being forced on children to dumb them down by depriving their brains of oxygen

Truth about Pfizer COVID shots getting fiercely suppressed

Unvaccinated workers who were fired now suddenly being begged to return

Aaron Rodgers bombshell: NFL secretly administering derided COVID drugs

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Dies at 82

The CDC's plan for isolation camps . .

X22REPORT: Chatter Amongst The [DS] Has Begun, Option Two Chosen, Collapse – Ep. 2663

Coronavirus Rand Paul: Thousands Dying Every Month Because Of Fauci’s Obsession With Pushing Vaccines

X22REPORT: Ep 2663a – Countries Are Preparing For Inflation, The Middle Class Is The Key

Arizona Drug Bust Nets 1.7 Million Deadly Fentanyl Tablets, Fake Pills

Outside the Reality Machine

The Real Antidote to Inflation: Stoking the Fire Without Burning Down the Barn

Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs

Globalist corporations begin seizing farmland in America under eminent domain, to halt food production in the name of fighting climate change

More hospital nurses blow whistle on “overwhelming” number of heart attacks, blood clots occurring in the fully vaccinated

Coronavirus Rand Paul: Thousands Dying Every Month Because Of Fauci’s Obsession With Pushing Vaccines

‘Global coup’: Archbishop Vigano’s Christmas letter to the American people

Kaboom! Judge lets inspection of 2020 Dominion voting machines take place

New study finds vaccines make omicron infection MORE likely

Mask mandates, vaccine passports fail as COVID explodes in one state

Top paper tracks down, locates suspected Jan. 6 FBI informant

Ben Fulford: Pope Francis Murdered!! All McDonalds Across the Globe Ordered Closed after FBI Discovered they had been serving human meat.

Anti-vax protests erupt worldwide amid plan for major D.C. event

X22REPORT: They [DS] Are Fighting For Their Lives, Panic Mode, Something Big Is About To Drop – Ep. 2662

SORCHA As World Teeters On The Brink Of War, Western Lunatics Brand Milk In Coffee RacistFAAL:

SOTN: Why are ineffective and dangerous vaccines being pushed onto children who are not at risk to the advertised infection?

NYC announces door-to-door vaccination teams that will come to your house and pay you $100 to take the death jab

They rely on us . . .

NY Mayor's 'Hookers for Needles' Vaccination Plan Exposed

Video: Fauci Admits Mandates Are ‘Just a Mechanism’ To Get More People Vaccinated

How Much Should You Exercise?

11 BIGGEST holiday health mistakes

The Great Worker Shortage Is Causing Basic Services To Really Break Down All Across America

Hope in a hopeless world

Hospital ERs filled with symptom-less, COVID-positive people in one state

X22REPORT: Ep 2662a – The [CB] Economic Disease Will Spread World Wide, The People Will Be The Cure

Cinema ModeOff Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence (from The Concert in Central Park)

SORCHA FAAl; American Mask Nazis Recoil In Horror And Shame After Covid Counterattack

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Warns Russia “Has Nowhere To Fall Back To” As Biden Floods Nazi Ukraine With Troops

X22REPORT: December 1776, The Darkest Days Brings The Light, Everything Is About To Change – Ep. 2661

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Offers To Defend Father Christmas While Biden Repeats “Let's Go Brandon!” Chant

X22REPORT: Ep 2661a – If The Economic Playbook Is Known, Can You Trap The [CB]?

Shock! Doctors given bonus to euthanize 'severely hospitalized' COVID patients

CDC admits this is not working . . .

"Alexa, You're Fired" - A Quarter Of Users Abandon Spying Devices Within 2 Weeks

Five Important Stories Mainstream Media Has Been Ignoring in Favor Covid Fear and Divide

Save the Children Claims 38 Killed in Military Massacre in Burma, 2 Staff Missing

Top 10 Ways the Biden Regime HOODWINKED Americans’ safety, health, livelihood in 2021

Mark of the Beast is here: Microchip implants that track your vaccination status are now being used in Sweden

2022: Let’s Stand for Our Children ! Where is our Righteous Anger?

🌎 COVID WORLD WAR 💀💀💀 Another Funeral Director Verifies EXTERMINATION PROGRAM

Dr Bhakdi: Vaccines Are Killing Us! Killer Lymphocytes Invading Hearts & Lungs Of Vaxxed People


Christmas Photos

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Embraces Vax Refuseniks After WHO Reveals “Some Countries Are Using Boosters To Kill Children”

X22REPORT: Scavino Message Received, Think George Washington And Durham, We Are Ready – Ep. 2660

US military to roll out Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID vaccine (SpFN) that we fear is designed to kill active duty troops and weaken America’s military defenses

FULFORD: Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde turned in major white hat victory [FULL Report]

Creepy, Babbling Biden's Freudian Slip Hints Of Military Actions Against The American People As Trains Full Of Military Tanks Are Seen Across America And 'Assets' Are 'Pre-Positioned'

New Satellite Images Purport To Show Russian Force Build-Up Near Ukraine

YEAR IN REVIEW: Most popular LifeSite articles from 2021

Rapidly Intensifying European Energy Crisis Deliberately Manufactured by Globalists DURING COLD WINTER to Turn Every Nation Against Russia

Steve Bannon: "War On The Unvaxx'd Is About To Commence"

School censors 'Jingle Bells' because it could be 'offensive'

X22REPORT: Ep 2660a – Gold Will Destroy The Fed, Crypto Is Very Dangerous, Are Not Just Catch Phrases

China orders lockdown of up to 13 million people in Xi'an

SORHA FAAL: Supreme Court Starts 15 Day Countdown To Save America

SOTN: Pfizer’s Own Stats: 1200+/40,000 Trial Participants Dead (Video)

X22REPORT: Ep 2659a – The [CB] Great Reset Just Fell Apart, Panic, Trump: Crypto Is Very Dangerous

SOTN: Bicarbonate Proves to be Cheapest Fastest Safest COVID Treatment

Are cow's milk and over-the-counter drugs the simple key to crush COVID?

They deserve justice . . .

Hollywood movies featuring "deadly viruses" on the loose

Shortages Are Getting Worse As The Global Supply Chain Crisis Enters An Ominous New Chapter

What Good Is Poetry? Shakespeare’s ‘Winter’ and the Hard Joys of the Season

Ohio criminalizes letting babies die after botched abortions, law could close 2 abortion mills

The ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ is a lie: COVID is on the rise in populations that received the shot

SOTN: Fearful Power Elite + Failed Covid Plandemic = Distracting World War 3

Absolute Visual Proof How The BioWeapon Destroys The Blood And Circulation - Photos, Video

Data show triple-vaxxed more likely to get omicron than vaxxed

Michael Flynn Sues Nancy Pelosi and Jan. 6 Panel

Supreme Court Will Hear Vaccine Mandate Challenges in January

WHO urges people to nix holiday plans amid Omicron

X22REPORT: Ep 2658a – [CB] Moves Forward With Their Economic Controlled Demolition,But They Are Not In Control

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Trump doubles down on death

Killing the supply chain . . .

The new sexual mandate

Damning report shows key instigators of Jan. 6 riot remain unindicted

News ‘We will not be intimidated’: 200 Austrian doctors warn against jab side-effects, risking sanctions

Mike Adams tells Brannon Howse about global effort being pushed to achieve depopulation – Brighteon.TV

Illegal aliens exempt from covid “vaccine” mandates because they can sue drug companies (but you can’t)

STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination

SOTN: Covid19-Triggered AIDS + Vaccine-Induced VAIDS = Forever Plandemic

Face Masks Are Lethal - Canadian Workplace Test Confirms Dangerous Oxygen Deprivation

SORCHA FAAL: Americans Have Been Warned—But They Forgot How To Think

X22REPORT: The Insurrection Occurred On 11.3, Jan 6 Details Emerge Exposing The [DS] Operation – Ep. 2658

New lawsuit over Jan. 6 seeks class-action status on behalf of everyone innocent

At least 83 dead when boat crashes in ocean, search helicopter crashes too

Steve Bannon thrashes vaxxed-up Jim Cramer who now has COVID

CNN medical analyst: Cloth masks merely 'facial decorations'

Gigantic Mothership Only Partially Cloaked - Video

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Warns US Can't Be Trusted, Stops Gas Supply To Germany—Biden Responds With Pentagon Purge

X22REPORT: How Do You Defuse A Bomb, Dark Clouds Are Forming, History Is Being Made – Ep. 2657

X22REPORT: Ep 2657a – In The End China Will Pay, The Economic Stage Has Been Set

Election fraud "grinch" is BACK . . .

Installing new memories of the past

Austria Hiring People to “Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers”

Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on ‘Vaccines’ – Requires Informed Consent

US Population Growth Falls to All-Time Record Low, Census Figures Show

Steve Bannon rips into Mitch McConnell, says he set Democrats up to shelve “Build Back Better” so they can shift to federalizing elections

Lactoferrin, diphenhydramine combination found to inhibit covid replication by 99%

The Most Important Podcast You Can Hear About COVID-19

Lest We Forget The Predictive Programming Of The Bizarre 2012 Olympics Opening - Watch

Joe Manchin Saves America

State lawmakers asked to approve concentration camps for the sick

Vaccine inventor: Omicron could be 'a Christmas present'

How dare we support the chemical castration of children



FULFORD: Winter solstice to trigger big changes [Short Report]

X22REPORT: Ep 2656a – Trump Confirms The Economic Plan, Watch Gold & Digital Gold

X22REPORT: Proof To Begin 11.3, Iron Eagle, Long Term Solutions In Place, Knockout Punch Coming – Ep. 2656

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Activates Nuclear ICBM’s As NFL Jabs Covid Reality “Tip Of Spear” Into Biden

WATCH: Mat Staver on

Power Outside The Matrix: The Free Individual Returns from the Dead

REVEALED: CDC Massively Inflated Number of ‘Vaccinated’ Americans

UK Health Minister Awkwardly Admits ‘One’ Omicron Death As Gov’t Prepares More Lockdowns

Facebook admits in court that its “fact checkers” are just truth censors

Florida Gov. DeSantis pushes back big-time on society-destroying critical race theory by introducing ‘Stop W.O.K.E. Act’

U.S. Military Begins Discharging 30,000 Servicemen for Refusing the Jab

Biden predicts dark winter for the unvaxed What's Next? Public Executions?

Bombshell Document Dump on Pfizer Vaccine Data

The Green Agenda and the Plan to Collapse the Industrial World Economy

House Democrats Block Bill That Would Make DHS Complete Border Wall

Unnerving: Dr. Peter McCullough warns Americans of biggest public health crisis

Veterinarian wins round in free speech fight over talks with pet owners


SORCHA FAAL: Shadow Government Initiates Biden Takedown After Russia Reveals World War III Has Begun


BREAKING: Canadian Senate passes bill that could cause pro-life activists to be jailed for 10 years

WATCH: NY Cops Arrest Multiple “Unvaccinated” for Trying to Eat Dinner Without Showing Papers

X22REPORT: Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself,The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World – Ep. 2655

FULFORD: December 13, 2021 Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde turned in major white hat victory [FULL Report]

X22REPORT: Ep 2655a – The [DS]/[CB] Was Caught, The Entire Economic Agenda Will Implode On Them

Our votes must count!

The Matrix Revealed: My interviews on space-time manipulation

The Secret Goal of Mind Control is Transhumanism

80-year-old Islamic Scholar Relates Islam’s Violent History — Gets Thrown in Prison

Raiding the World Bank: Exposing a Fondness for Dictators

The Real Anthony Fauci’ Exposes the Controlled Demolition of Democracy: R.F. Kennedy Jr.

Thomas Renz: Everything about the plandemic is based on fear and manipulation

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Reinstates Biden's Vaccine Mandate, Setting Stage For Supreme Court Battle

School district warns parents of 'sudden cardiac arrest' in students

SORCHA FAAL: “Breathtaking Path Of Destruction” Blazed By US Supreme Court Backs Russia And China

X222REPORT: First Arrest Will Verify Direction, Marker [9], [DS] Will Fight, We Have More Than We Know – Ep. 2653

X22REPORT: Ep 2653a – The [CB] Confirmed The Controlled Demolition Of The Economy

Biden’s Build Back Better Monstrosity Is Dead

The Artist against the Syndicate

The War on Words: The Orwellian Agenda to Control Thought by Limiting Language

Ships Wait At Sea to Offload ‘All-Time Import Record’ of Consumer Goods

Julian Assange suffering torture, abuse in prison as deep state tries to MURDER him

SOTN: Covid19-Triggered AIDS + Vaccine-Induced VAIDS = Forever Plandemic

Watch: Biden Asks "What's The Big Deal?" About Vaccine Mandates; Says It's "Patriotic" To Take COVID Jabs... AND DIE BREAKING: BIDEN’S Desire To Pass Disastrous Build Back Better Bill Before Christmas Is Dead

Columbia study: True U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000

SORCHA FAAL: America Warned Is “Past The Point Of No Return” As Supreme Court Hammer Blow Looms

X22REPORT: Message Received,11.3 Marker,In The Midst Of Chaos,There Is Opportunity, Down She Goes – Ep. 2652

Urgent: BBB vote could happen tomorrow . . .

X22REPORT: Ep 2652a – Trump Sends Message, Are You Seeing Inflation Like I Am, [CB] Exposed

EU, UK, US combined report 7 million COVID vaccine adverse events, over 42,000 registered deaths

The non-existent virus: why I keep pounding on this

Power Outage? Too Bad. California Just Banned the Sale of Gas-Powered Generators, Lawnmowers, & Leaf Blowers

Congress cashes in: Report finds dozens of DC politicians held shares in vaccine companies

Japan puts warning labels on COVID vaccines in a move radically different from the rest of the world

No Politician Dares To Utter The Obvious

Aftermath of Devastating Tornadoes in Mayfield, Kentucky

Iran Shows Off Mystery New Ground-based Vertical Launch Missile System - Video

US Senate Advances Final Version of $768 Bln Defence Spending Bill

N.Y. Times columnist urges Biden to announce he won't run in 2024

Gov. Kristi Noem Proposes New ‘Fairness in Women’s Sports’ Legislation

Jan. 6 Committee Admits to Altering Texts Between Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan

SORCHAFAAL: Something Very Bad And Very Evil Is Happening As Global Elite Suffer Colossal Loss In Covid War

X22REPORT: Hold On, Trump Is Coming Back, Operators Are Standing By, Panic In DC – Ep. 2651

Watch: Assange Is All Of Us

X22REPORT: Ep 2651a – [CB]/Fake News Getting Ahead Of Inflation, The Narrative Already Failed

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Forcing Biden Administration to Restart ‘Remain in Mexico’ Program

US hospitals: fraud, murder, cash; federal assassination-for-hire program

UK lawmakers quietly authorize terminating citizenship without notice

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