SORCHA FAAL: “Breathtaking Path Of Destruction” Blazed By US Supreme Court Backs Russia And China
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first revealing that a summit of Russia, India and China can be held in the near future, says in addressing this issue Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov stated: “President Putin informed Chinese President Xi Jinping about the visit to New Delhi on 6 December in this context...It was stressed that this is essentially a new kind of international platform, established on the principles of openness, transparency, mutual respect and consideration of the interests and concerns of each other”—and is a “new kind of international platform” urgently needed when viewed in the context of Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova having just revealed: “We know what security issues are…This is why we are creating armed forces, calling on our Western partners to engage in talks on ways to make the world a safer and a more stable place, prevent conflicts and resolve issues peacefully…How many proposals did we send to our Western partners through the North Atlantic Alliance and how many answers did we get?...We sent a lot of proposals and did not get a single answer”.
As President Putin and President Jinping forge this path towards a “new kind of international platform” based on mutual respect between nations to achieve lasting security and peace, this report notes, fearful Western elites terrified of this effort describe it as: “The rising entente between Beijing and Moscow underscores the growing threats to the U.S.-led international order”—but while Moscow and Beijing are being accused with evermore shrill claims of threatening the “rules-based order” with aggression, sees the actual truth being: “Saying that Russia must “deescalate” the tensions with Ukraine in order to prove that Moscow is a responsible power…But how can Russia “deescalate” a situation that has been escalated by Washington and its NATO partners with regard to tensions over Ukraine from their support to the Russophobic Kiev regime?”—and—“Beijing is being demanded to “prove a negative”, that is, deescalate tensions over Taiwan when in fact it is the US that is winding up the tensions”.
Being defended at all costs by the socialist Biden Regime and its Western allies, even to the point of pushing the world to the brink of total war to preserve it, this report explains, is the Liberal International Order (LIO), that’s otherwise known as the “rules-based or the US-led international order”—an order defined as “patterned or structured relationships among units” established in the aftermath of World War II, led in large part by the United States—are “structured relationships” between elite globalist organizations and institutions that set the rules everyone must live by under threat of imprisonment, economic retaliation and/or military devastation—but whose critical failing lies in this “rules based order” not being able to be held to account for its massive failings by the peoples forced to abide by what these globalist elites decide for them.
Among the greatest present failings of this “rules based order”, this report details, are these elite globalist “structured relationships” being able to change reality itself and force everyone to believe things that aren’t true—and as best exampled today in the United States where ruling socialist elites strictly enforce the “white supremacist myth”—a myth nonsensically declaring that America is ruled over by a “patriarchal white supremacy”—in factual reality sees America being the least racist nation in the world as it’s evolved into one of the most multicultural nations where people from all backgrounds have managed to achieve upper middle class status in just one or two generations—in America today sees the main determiners of success being those coming from households that have both parents are present and stress education—when looking at facts like 11% of Asian children, 28% of white children and 69% of black children are born to unwed mothers explains why Asian women are now more successful than white men in the United States—and when “rules based order” elites are confronted by such a factual reality, makes it no wonder it’s now being observed: “In lieu of simply accepting that America does, in fact, allow and even encourage non-white people to succeed, progressives have instead decided that Asians must actually be part of the white in-group…And as confusing as that concept may be, with the logic of intersectionality becoming more convoluted by the day, Asian women should accept the possibility that they may actually be morphing into white men should their financial accomplishments continue”.
Most dangerous about these “rules based order” fanatics, this report continues, are their social change policies—best exampled today in their failed social experiment causing America’s crime wave—a social experiment that flooded American streets with criminals released from prison and bail, and sees it being reported: “Studies show as much as $68.9 billion in goods were stolen from retailers in 2019…The economic impact of retail crime is $125.7 billion in lost sales and 658,375 lost jobs”—and most critical to notice is that the 12 American cities having the highest murder rate are all under the strict control of “rules based order” supporting socialist Democrats.
The three most powerful nations opposed to the “rules based order”, this report notes, are the Russian Federation, whose government is a constitutional Christian theocracy, the People’s Republic of China, whose government is based on collective (communist) ideology, and the Republic of India, whose government is constitutional democracy—all of whose core and common philosophies devolve power upwards from their citizens though elected local and regional (State) governing bodies to the central government, not downward—and are designed to insure the central government won’t be rebelled against by citizens whose voices and/or needs aren’t being met.
In the United States, this report continues, its top down “rules based order” system of government is enforced by what is known as Democratic Judging, which recognizes that popular sovereignty is exercised through democratic institutions that express the “internal morality of democracy”, not the will of citizens—is a subversion of the American peoples’ constitutional right to self governance from the bottom up which Security Council Members noted yesterday the United States Supreme Court is preparing to deliver a hammer blow to restore—and is why in today’s transcript it sees them taking notice of the just published leftist New York Times warning article “Populism Has Found A Home At The Supreme Court, Too”, wherein it fearfully states: “Judicial populism, like the political version, insists there are clear, correct answers to complex, debatable problems and treats disagreement as illegitimate…Judicial populist rhetoric disparages the negotiations and compromises of democratic institutions…Instead, it claims special access to the law’s true meaning”.
At its most simplest to understand, this report explains, the United States is near completely ruled over by laws made by “rules based order” socialist institutions, both public and private, linked by “structured relationships”—a process that sees the US Congress, and many States, enacting vaguely worded laws—are vaguely worded laws which unelected government bureaucrats, corporate lobbyists and private institutions decide the final meaning of—after these unelected entities agree among themselves what these laws really mean, it sees the Democratic Judging process enforcing them—a process the leftist New York Times laughably calls “compromises of democratic institutions”—sees them saying such things like: “Regulatory statutes are purposely broad to allow different interpretations to emerge through discussions over time”—and then sees them striking back against: “Opinions that denigrate the decisions of legislatures and administrative agencies — the key institutions that mediate disagreements in our democracy”.
Unlike these “rules based order” socialists supporting unelected “structured relationships” making laws, however, this report continues, the United States Supreme Court believes that the only way to “mediate disagreements in a democracy” is to allow the American people to settle them at the ballot box, not “key institutions”—is exactly why this high court took up and heard the case American Hospital Association v. Becerra, that they intend to use to deal a death blow to the Chevron Deference doctrine—when this doctrine is overturned would see American lawmakers having to write their own laws and explain what they mean, and thus be wholly accountable to the people that elected them—and to understand how fed up this high court is with unelected entities making up their own laws, in 2017, it saw Chief Justice John Roberts questioning whether it would be legitimate for the court to limit partisan gerrymandering, after all, that would mean that the high court itself “will have to decide in every case whether the Democrats win or the Republicans win”.
Along with its plan to destroy the Chevron Deference doctrine and restore self governance rights to the American people so they know who’s making their laws, this report concludes, the United States Supreme Court is also preparing to rule on multiple cases that will eviscerate the “rules based order” and its “structured relationships”—rulings that will align America more closely to the bottom up ruling philosophy of nations like Russia, India and China—and in knowing what’s soon to come, explains why the leftist New York Times, in their terror-filled just published article “The Supreme Court, Weaponized”, exclaims with maximum fear about what’s really happening: “The resulting path of destruction of settled precedent and long-established norms is breathtaking”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
December 16, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]