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X22REPORT: The Insurrection Occurred On 11.3, Jan 6 Details Emerge Exposing The [DS] Operation – Ep. 2658

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The Insurrection Occurred On 11.3, Jan 6 Details Emerge Exposing The [DS] Operation – Ep. 2658

The Insurrection Occurred On 11.3, Jan 6 Details Emerge Exposing The [DS] Operation
Gas prices in Europe are now surging, the economy is imploding and they are feeling the pain first. The Biden administration is in their own world, the people are not fooled. Polls continue to show that the Biden Admin and soon the [CB] will be held accountable. The [CB] thinks they are in control , they are not. The [DS] is now pushing everything they have, they know it is game over if the people are not fully vaccinated. The tests are about to change and the truth will be revealed. They will continue to push pressure but this will fail, the more they push the people will not comply. The fear tactics do not work anymore. Trump continues to remind everyone that the insurrection occurred on 11.3. The Jan 6 [FF] is now being exposed. The people are now seeing how the FBI and others orchestrated the entire operation, the [DS] narrative is falling apart. Trump is going to hold a press conference on Jan 6, interesting timing.



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