HATONN: As Commander of the Phoenix Starship, I have asked Anne to pen a message to all Lightworkers and souled beings at this most urgent time.
As you know, our messages to all of you have repeatedly told you about the tipping of Mother Earth. I cannot express the urgency of this message to you, as time has truly come to that final point of the most wonderful event to occur. That, my friends, is the event that Creation, all Lightworkers, all the 200 Star Nations, and the millions of Star Nation delegates surrounding Earth have awaited to happen.
Yes, It is the graduation of Planet Earth Shan to 5th Dimension after 4.5 billion years waiting for that moment. Mother Earth has indicated that the RED ALERT has been made at this time. It is most urgent that we monitor for any changes that may have to be made of the stationary co-ordinates, and to, also, monitor again any spiritual changes of all souled beings. Every day we must make adjustments, and you can see this is an unending job for which we are prepared down to “dotting that last T” for perfection.
We wait for those sleeping souls to see that spark of God within to come alive. Surely, when that Great Chord is struck and memory returns to all souled ones on Earth, we expect a great number to enter the beam of light. Because some of these ones have just awoken to theLight and have not worked at their soul growth, theremay be problems with their fleshy envelope, as they step into the beam of Light.. That is why our fantastic medical staff aboard every ship is prepared in every way to take are of any problems. needing immediate attention.
I am not repeating the message about how to become enlightened, but only to tell you that Mother Earth has waited for more ones to awaken, because she loves you with a deep love. She has her own freewill and she decides when she tips on her axis. That "when" is imminent, as she can’t hold her breath much longer.
Mother Earth knows the exact minute. We know that moment has to be at any time now, as that what she has told us. She told us she was waiting wee more time to monitor the Ukraine situation, and when she would see that things are being ended she will then be prepared for the ultimate time….tipping on her axis.
So, what is happening with Ukraine and Russia? At this time things are calming down. Russia has complete control of the air space over Russia and the Ukraine and shall make sure no outside efforts to interfere shall be stopped. A message from D-PHB is coming later today. That should tell you the latest news from the perspective of the Lighted Realms. 😊
If any of you are aware, you should monitor the sunrise and note that the sun is way off course for this time of year. Each day the rising is in a different coordinate. Mother Earth is tipping back and forth, and she tips on her side at 49.9 degrees and back again like a top ending it’s spinning.
Isn't this exciting? Stay strong, you Lightworkers, Clear yourself often and keep calm, centered and balanced. You souled beings, who have not awakened to the Truth and are still "sleeping", I tell you this final word it is all of the Lighted Realms' hope ad joy to have even one of yo uto awaken to the Truth. There is still today that is given to you to awaken, as the Lighted door is still opn. Please do come to "the Heavenly banquet". I wait to greet you with open arms. Come home! Come Home!
HATONN: As Commander of the Phoenix Starship, I have asked Anne to pen a message to all Lightworkers and souled beings at this most urgent time.
As you know, our messages to all of you have repeatedly told you about the tipping of Mother Earth. I cannot express the urgency of this message to you, as time has truly come to that final point of the most wonderful event to occur. That, my friends, is the event that Creation, all Lightworkers, all the 200 Star Nations, and the millions of Star Nation delegates surrounding Earth have awaited to happen.
Yes, It is the graduation of Planet Earth Shan to 5th Dimension after 4.5 billion years waiting for that moment. Mother Earth has indicated that the RED ALERT has been made at this time. It is most urgent that we monitor for any changes that may have to be made of the stationary co-ordinates, and to, also, monitor again any spiritual changes of all souled beings. Every day we must make adjustments, and you can see this is an unending job for which we are prepared down to “dotting that last T” for perfection.
We wait for those sleeping souls to see that spark of God within to come alive. Surely, when that Great Chord is struck and memory returns to all souled ones on Earth, we expect a great number to enter the beam of light. Because some of these ones have just awoken to the Light and have not worked at their soul growth, there may be problems with their fleshy envelope, as they step into the beam of Light.. That is why our fantastic medical staff aboard every ship is prepared in every way to take are of any problems. needing immediate attention.
I am not repeating the message about how to become enlightened, but only to tell you that Mother Earth has waited for more ones to awaken, because she loves you with a deep love. She has her own freewill and she decides when she tips on her axis. That "when" is imminent, as she can’t hold her breath much longer.
Mother Earth knows the exact minute. We know that moment has to be at any time now, as that what she has told us. She told us she was waiting wee more time to monitor the Ukraine situation, and when she would see that things are being ended she will then be prepared for the ultimate time….tipping on her axis.
So, what is happening with Ukraine and Russia? At this time things are calming down. Russia has complete control of the air space over Russia and the Ukraine and shall make sure no outside efforts to interfere shall be stopped. A message from D-PHB is coming later today. That should tell you the latest news from the perspective of the Lighted Realms. 😊
If any of you are aware, you should monitor the sunrise and note that the sun is way off course for this time of year. Each day the rising is in a different coordinate. Mother Earth is tipping back and forth, and she tips on her side at 49.9 degrees and back again like a top ending it’s spinning.
Isn't this exciting? Stay strong, you Lightworkers, Clear yourself often and keep calm, centered and balanced. You souled beings, who have not awakened to the Truth and are still "sleeping", I tell you this final word it is all of the Lighted Realms' hope ad joy to have even one of yo uto awaken to the Truth. There is still today that is given to you to awaken, as the Lighted door is still opn. Please do come to "the Heavenly banquet". I wait to greet you with open arms. Come home! Come Home!
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I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me "Hatonn".
Greetings to all the Lightworkers. I do not exclude any souled one for we are all ONE. Today’s message may have a strange title, but it is at this time, that the Lightworkers need someboosting of their Spirit.
By that I mean there are quite a few of the Lightworkers becoming discouraged and wanting to be brought Home to the Lighted Realms. It is not that the lessons are not learned, but each day seems to be thousands of hours long. Many Lightworkers are still struggling with difficult lessons, but that is to be expected at this ending time.
I never said it would be easy, but did tell you that toward the ending of this physical journey the lessons would get harder and harder, but you would not climb those last steps to the top of themountain alone. You are NEVER alone, for the Lighted Realms offer their hand to help you along the steep path you are climbing to come Home. Ask for that help!
Some of you have had dreams that there would be another 30 years before Mother Earth was to graduate or that you were very old, and waited and waited to come Home.
I know the Journals were written in 1989 to 1998 and that we were ready to evacuate the entire planet because of a nuclear war being planned. Suffice to say, the nuclear war did not happen, so life-off did not happen at that time. Not only that, but the Lightworkers had not grown in soul growth enough to clean up Mother Earth. They kept asking the Lighted Realms to clean up the mess on Earth.
I want to give you some energy and hope, for what I just described would be Plan B or such. However, w are on Plan A and it shall be completed as such!
I say to you, pick yourself up, stand tall, and know that you have all the help Heaven can allow. You are NEVER alone for we not only monitor every minute of your physical life, and we are here to help you at any moment or time you wish to call for help.
How often have you called for help from those two Guardian Angels that are assigned to you from birth to your passing? They cannot help if you do not ask for help. Keep clearing yourself to stay centered balanced and calm. You can live in “the eye of the hurricane” happening all around you.
We are on Plan A. YES, Plan A. Mother Earth is ready to graduate and our Pleiadian ships are stationed ready to evacuate. Besides that Creation has spoken to Mother Earth that it is time for her to graduate. The Lightworkers have done everything to help her, and have taken care of the environment on her surface so that their souls have been taken to the Light of all there is on Mother Earth’s surface from the very first civilization upon her surface.
They are very watchful to see that lingering ones can come to the Light that have recently passed or coming from long ago.
Everything is in readiness and there is no more delay. We wait for the great signal from Mother Earth, and are assured it is NOT 30 years away.
I cannot emphasize that clearing yourself of all negativity, even if it is many times a day. This is very important, for the Dark Minions of Satan are eager to bombard you constantly with advanced technology and hope you will break and follow them.
Take my hand and that of Sananda. WE are here to help and give you our Energy if you but ask. You can make it! You can survive! You shall WIN! You shall make it HOME to the Stars! Lift-off or Evacuation is imminent.
HATONN: Greetings to all of you enlightened ones and all souled ones upon Mother Earth. I have requested to speak to you today on the most important subject in the entire universe of which I have created.
That subject is LOVE. There are three types of love of which I will quote to you:
This is the type of love that most closely resembles what Western cultures now view as romantic love. The word stems from the Greek word erotas, which translates to “intimate love.”
While many Greeks viewed Eros as dangerous, they viewed philia as the ideal love. Philia, in today’s terms, would resemble something like “brotherly love.” It was about showing loyalty,giving sacrifice, showing appreciation, and other more “noble” forms of love not involving sex.
Agape is a bit more abstract than the other two types of love, but stay with me. Agape is sometimes referred to in modern times as universal love, charity, or even altruism. Essentially, it’s the Love inside us that we give freely to others—regardless of our relationship to them. The whole idea of Agape Love is that we don’t need to even have met the other person before, but we still want to help them, cooperate with them, or do good deeds towards them. While we may not expect anything in return for our selfless good deeds, studies show that they can actually benefit us—negating the effects of stress and having an overall positive affect on our mental health. https://www.zoosk.com/date-mix/love/3-types-of-love/
Agape Love is what exists in the Lighted Realms. This is the eternal Love that exists in the Higher Realms, and permeates everything. We of the Lighted Realms Love all of Mother Earth and everything which I created upon her surface. With this great LOVE of the Lighted Realms this includes even the smallest blade of grass or the tiny insects that live oh her surface. I Love the beautiful flowers that bloom and the birds that fly in the skies all over the Earth.
I have created Planet Earth planet and given her the most gorgeous of environment with crystal clean waters, pure air and all life that is upon her surface, whether it be human, animal or sea life.
To top it off, I have given her a soul and a freewill such as you humans. I made the most wonderful environment to house the human race all these billions of years. I have given her civilization after civilization in order for her to refresh herself and clean up her surface in order to house the next civilization.
If you want a simple explanation, it is like taking a bath. You cleanse your body frequently of the dust and dirt that has accumulated to feel refreshed and clean again. It is the same with Mother Earth. When she flips on her axis, as she has done at the end of every civilization, she is bathed in the waters of the oceans that flow over her surface to clean not only the rubbish that is in the oceans, but to clean the lands by sinking them in the deep waters for several thousand years, while new land under the waters appears.
It takes about 3000 of your years for her surface to again be inhabitable for human and animal life to flourish on her surface. You ones are now at the ending of this civilization and she shall turn over again to cleanse her surface of the evil debris that has accumulated from housing Satan and his minions.
The big difference THIS time is that when she turns over, she graduates to a higher frequency of 5th Dimension where no evil can exist. That is what we have been telling all of you for a long time.
This ending cycle wipes ALL 3D from her surface. We offer safety aboard our ships, as no one in 3D can survive this shift to a higher dimension. If you decide to not enter the beam of light, it is your choice to have your 3D life snuffed out. You will start over in the cave for thousands more of 3D life until you arrive back at the same level you left Mother Earth. It is our greatest hope that when the chord is struck at the very time the beam of Light is there for Lift-off, all souls shall have their memory restored and shall know, who they are, and step into the beam of Light to come to safety.
With my great LOVE I offer safety to any souled one, who wishes by his/her freewill to step into the waiting beam of light to be lifted to the ships. I assure you that there are no evil ships waiting to take you to never-ever land! They have been forbidden to be present over Mother Earth. It is your ancestors, the Pleiadians that look just like you that are the ones aboard the ships to take you to safety.
I need to explain one more thing. The human ones on Mother Earth are squeezed into a shorter and smaller physical body, as 3D is a dense frequency. You do not remember, but when all you returned Master agreed to come back to Mother Earth you were the normal size of 7 to 9 feet tall or more. We look just like you but much taller. You will be the same if you have graduated through enlightenment.
If you do not choose to come aboard, it is your choice. You shall keep on living a life in 3D for thousands of years without memory.
Now I tell you the greatest thing you can do for yourself and for Mother Earth. Send your Love to all of Mother Earth and all that live upon her surface, even the beautiful trees, every blade of grass. the insects, and all bird and sea life.
Here is another gift of Love you can give. Send Love and Light to your loved ones that have passed on. There is no greater feeling for these souls than to be bathed in your Love for them. I do not mean to mourn over their passing, for that holds them tied to the 3rd Dimension. Let them freely go to the Light and send them Love often. That is the greatest thing you can do for them.
With that, I close this message to tell you how much I LOVE each one of you. My great desire is that you, who have kept slumbering, to awaken to the Truth.
My great love to the Flock of enlightened ones. More ones have been awakened and for that I am most happy!
AGAIN: FEED YOUR SOUL daily, for it needs the "food" of prayer, meditation and reading the Journals and these messages that are penned for your benefit.
Good morning in the Light of another gifted day upon your world--enjoy them, chelas, for the explosions of the generations shall mar the silence of the Universe and yet, we must work on until Man understands how, who, and why his world has been turned topsy-turvy.
A couple of brief references to things I have said and which have been rebutted, should lead off and then I shall not make comment on the day's non-news for we have more urgent information and confirmation of that which I have already given unto you.
First, I would like to quote something to you and thank readers who send confirmations where and when they come into attention. It is through this sharing of truth, logic, and proof of same that Man shall come into his consciousness of that which IS.
"We are taxed in our bread and our wine, in our incomes and our investments, on our land and on our property not only for base creatures who do not deserve the name of men, but for foreign nations, compliant nations who will bow to us and accept our largesse and promise us to assist in the keeping of the peace--these mendicant nations who will destroy us when we show a moment of weakness or our treasure is bare, and surely it is becoming bare! We are taxed to maintain legions on their soil, in the name of law and order by the "Pax Romana', a document which will fall into dust when it pleases our allies and our vassals. We keep them in precarious balance only with our Gold. Is the heart-blood of our nation worth these? Were they bound to us with ties of love, they would not ask our gold. They take our very flesh, and they hate and despise us. And who shall say we are worthy of more?
. . When a government becomes powerful it is destructive, extravagant and violent; it is a usurer which takes bread from innocent mouths and deprives honorable men of their subsistence, for votes with which to perpetrate itself." So be it! I know you know who wrote this? Horacio Hornblower? Benjamin Franklin? Patrick Henry? Neville Chamberlain? Nope--Cicero--in 54 B.C.!!
How about this one? This is from The Canadian Intelligence Service, Flesherton, Ontario, Canada, regarding A RACIAL PROGRAM FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (Setting Forth the Communist Party). "An extract from Israel Cohen's 1912 book" entered into the U.S. Congressional Record June 7, 1957 (page 7653):
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negros to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But is cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared."
And also less than the terrorists for when you reach the point whereat a parent will murder his child--you have reached beyond the limits of even the evil. The traitors of America and of you-the-people ARE WITHIN!
Now, this too, was written by Cicero in 54 A.D. Was Cicero a prophet? No--he observed, just as we are doing herein--the fall of a great people and empire--he only saw beyond the lies!
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, February 1991, Volume 8, Number 8 & 9, Page 1.
I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me "Hatonn".
HATONN: As Commander of the Phoenix Starship, I have asked Anne to pen a message to all Lightworkers and souled beings at this most urgent time.
As you know, our messages to all of you have repeatedly told you about the tipping of Mother Earth. I cannot express the urgency of this message to you, as time has truly come to that final point of the most wonderful event to occur. That, my friends, is the event that Creation, Creator Source, all of us aboard The Phoenix, and all the 200 Star Nations have long awaited to happen. It is the graduation of Planet Earth Shan to a higher dimension after 4.5 billion years waiting for
that moment.
That time is expected at any moment at this time. Mother Earth indicated that she has released her fear and anxiety, and she is ready to graduate. She has been whispered to by the Dark Brotherhood to that all would die on her surface. She was fooled into thinking that lie, but after she was told the Truth that all upon her surface was cared for, she relaxed and is now ready to graduate. We are busy getting all Sectors updated and monitored for any change that may have to be made of the stationary co-ordinates, and to, also, monitor again any spiritual changes of all souled beings.
It is this time for which we have been waiting for "with abated breath", so to speak. The excitement among the waiting starships and delegates from thousands of galaxies across the Cosmos feel the same.
I am not repeating the message about how to become enlightened, but only to tell you that Mother Earth is hopeful that those still sleeping would awaken, but they have their own free will to do so. Mother Earth is the only one who knows the exact moment of her graduation, so we are awaiting her final signal.
Keep on with your work, for the tipping of Mother Earth shall happen without warning. We know that moment has to be at any time now, as that what she has told us.
Isn't this exciting? For you Lightworkers, stay calm, centered, balanced, and keep reading and meditating. Keep your frequencies at 169443. Lift can be anytime of the day or night!
For you souled beings, who have not awakened to the Truth and are still "sleeping", I tell you this final word; it is all of the Lighted Realms' hope and joy to have even one of you to awaken to the Truth. There is still a wee bit of time remaining, as the door is still open. Please do come to "the banquet".
INSTRUCTIONS: Let this following information be printed in each paper that is published as PHOENIX LIBERATOR: Hatonn is: Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn-Aton. I write through a “translator”; communications through pulsed short-wave transmission. This is not “psychic channeling nor hocus-pocus”. This is purely “physics” of frequency transmission, receiver termination of transmission and translation of the signal into the English language.
I am Commander of the “Phoenix Project”, serving the Command of that ONE whom you refer to as “The Messenger, Christos, God, etc.” The “Command Fleet” is from the sector Pleiades from which originated your ancestral lineage. My mission is in preparation for the return of the “God” to reclaim His property. He went forth and has prepared safe passage and “a place” for each of you who would come within His shelter. The choice is individual for force is not of God and you have freewill for all choices.
Our direct commission is to set the records into Truth of content of historical facts for the planet is ending one cycle and beginning a new and wondrous cycle of experience. This gives cause for you of the human species to make changes concurrent with the greater physical changes of the planet. Yours will be a “spiritual change” and may or may not include physical translation. Each will be given choice of direction and translation.
The purpose of these writings and speakings is to allow the Truth to be put forth unto the masses who would wish to receive them. The JOURNALS also serve as historical documentation of this portion of “history” relative to that which has come before--known and unknown--for whatever life forms and generations to follow this manifested experience.
You come against the wall, so to speak, wherein you all but cross the societal point of no return. You will act to reclaim your human rights or you will fall to the Adversary who, by the way--is that one touted to be the “anti-Christ”. You are in the time of, and the action of, Armageddon as recognized from prophecy. It makes no difference to me whether or not you are believing of this information. Truth will stand into infinity and God does not send us, the Hosts, to banter or kibitz with you about the facts of the matter--ours is to present the situation as it is, unto you.
Your “enemy” as to “space aliens” are now all landlocked to your orbiting system. YOU HAVE NO ENEMIES AMONG THE BROTHERHOOD IN SPACE (COSMOS). YOU DO HAVE ENEMIES IN YOUR “SPACES” BUT THEY ARE VERY EARTH-ORIENTED AND ORIGINATED. All of this is explained in depth in the writings--this message is for identification of myself and my co-workers who bring information and assistance at this time of evolution.
We bring the unfolding and uncovering of the actions upon your globe so that you can awaken unto your plight--with “reason” and “proof”. It is up to you as to what action you take for our commission is to respond to you who have asked input and assistance. We will DO nothing FOR you; we will serve and inform with “HOW TO” as we move along through the maze of incredible deceit. You have NOTHING TO FEAR from us of the Lighted Brotherhood of the Cosmos for we work and act only within the Laws of God and those of The Universal Creation (Natural). Your would-be-”Kings” (rulers of the globe) have heinous plans to injure you and place blame upon the Cosmic Brotherhood--what will be claimed is a blatant LIE. You are “People of the Lie” and unless you awaken and reclaim your heritage as nations and people--you shall fall--no more and no less.
Massive efforts are put forth to stop our presentations--so be it.
We have naught to lose--YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO LOSE, INCLUDING YOUR SOULS AS WELL AS YOUR LIVES PHYSICAL. My commission is to “inform” you and I shall do so to the best of my allowed abilities for I (we) are not allowed by Cosmic Law to interfere or intervene except in specific and delineated instances which have been covered in lengthy dialogue prior to this.
I serve aboard the Command Ship, Phoenix, and I head the Fleet Command. I am Commander of the United Federation Fleet, Intergalactic Federation Command. I link with other Commands, i.e., the referenced “Ashtar Command”, only in time of imminent planetary destruction at which point that Command will be in charge of any evacuation of general nature. Our Command will bring all of God’s people into security. I have no responsibility to the “adversary” nor his followers and no evil shall be brought into the places of Lighted God. Evil is a manifestation of “human” and we do NOT allow evil within our orderly God-revering societies. This does not, however, mean that ones who are in deciding will not be taken into a placement which can preserve “soul” survival.
I am not here to ask your permission for anything; I care not what any aspect thinks or believes. I have a mission of God and I shall see to it. You may join with me or deny me for it makes not one iota of difference. I do not “sell” anything--not this paper nor any other item. I have a commitment and obligation and I will see to it. You may do that which you will--agree or disagree. I do, however, suggest that all read with an open mind to the “possibilities” herein for you are told by all corners of your intelligence that you are in a traumatic time of change--you might well be advised to look into the possibility of the Truth of this information. I chair the Cosmic Council relative to this Universal Sector and I believe you will find that I am not overruled. He who denounces my person had best be carefully looked at through the intent of wisdom for I meet with any man and/or energy who claims my falseness. I find that no one ever, somehow, wishes to participate in that invitation for confrontation--do you not find that strange?
You will find most of the “New Age” groups and speakers fully in alignment with the “New World Order--Global Government”. This will be denied for they do not realize the subterfuge and “sucking in” of the innocent and ignorant. I suggest you pay close attention for you are on the brink of losing your world--not just your freedoms.
I shall continue to bring to your attention the cover-ups as they occurred and still occur. God has no mysticism nor hidden agenda--God is open and the only “mystery” is that which you simply do not yet understand--that too, He gives unto you openly and freely. There are no secret rituals or hidden doctrines, royal titles or elite placements. If you find any of these things in that which YOU follow--I suggest wisdom in discernment of your choices, If you give of your Power unto another according to his decrees--you have forfeited your Power forever. God asks that you accept and take your POWER in HIS name that you can become one within His Grace and reclaimer of that which is your rightful heritage.
I feel that we must begin to publish this identification and purpose for we are swamped with new readers and it is magnificently important that you KNOW who we are and that which we are about--for we are about our Father’s business. Again, you have nothing to lose by gaining TRUTH and insight--but you do have everything to lose in the physical and soul realms by remaining ignorant at the hands of the deceivers who would hide Truth from your eyes and ears. So be it. I salute you who assume responsibility. I pity you who do not and I have great compassion as we pass on into the more compressing times ahead, as you perceive the journey. I offer my hand in love and brotherhood and I give you all that I have and am. Accept or deny my person--but I suggest you look into the possibility that what we bring “might” well be Truth and you will come to understand. To deny the robber, who has just bound and gagged you, is to be a stupid fool. The better part of wisdom is to look, discern and then act. God never limits your investigation into all facets of the Truth--does your “minister”? Does your controlling hierarchy? I suggest you ponder this well.
"I would not send lesser unto my children"--I am Aton. If you know not who IS Aton, I hope that you will do enough homework to find the answer.
As with typical mankind, you ones wish to begin at the end of the story and have others assure responsibility for YOUR education. No, that will not serve in this instance--we have purposely brought you over 40 books of insight, Truth and instructions beginning with your plight, your direction, your solutions and your divine reclamation through, and by, God. We have brought you full and detailed explanations of the working details of the Cosmos, Universe and what God is, and how the cycles of perceived life and death "work". We have put it in a format which you, as man in trouble, can easily understand--the rest is up to you.
Does this mean that the JOURNALS are through? No indeed, we shall continue until the play is finished' however, it means that the eight most important books of your planet are now before you--as you use this one. I am sorry to disappoint ones who either feel "another" can explain it TO YOU and/or YOU who feel so wise as to explain and foist off your opinion of the material upon another in explanation. It is a time of self-opinion and discernment, and understanding for the transition will not be made except by those who have come within the KNOWING! This does not mean that you have to understand every working detail--but you MUST comprehend within that which is the overall.
As we draw this JOURNAL to a close, already the next is under way. Therefore, I take this opportunity to thank this scribe for the relentless pressure of the multitudes of hours in service, interspersed with overwhelming personal problems, assaults and myraids of questions from readers which have had to be answered. To Dharma I dedicate these writings for it is a legacy being presented to mankind and left for all the expected future wayfarers through this physical experience. She leaves no human label attached--only the love and hope that mankind's destiny in divine purpose be found and fulfilled within God's homecoming.
The PHOENIX JOURNALS AND EXPRESSES are directed and given forth from the higher brotherhood sent forth as the Hosts for the preparation of this time of cycles when this civilization will make transition into higher understanding or return to the ages of darkness. This is by no means the ONLY source of information--all information presented here is but integration of the WHOLE that you might isolate the necessary knowledge from the lies.
The final promise for this civilization prior to the final fulfillment of the "prophesies" was that Man would be given the WORD and it would flow to the corners of the globe so that each could make choices of this divine journey and so it IS. More will flow until the ceasing of this manifested experience and myriads of subjects, from underground research, growing of foodstuffs, to efficient dwellings, will be shared with you--but Germain has now given you the METHOD for transmuting all things to attain the level of higher understanding to match that of your elder brothers come to bring you safety into your next experience.
When my speakers and "professors" say that: "Here is the information and you will do with it as you please", and "Here is the information, I care not what you do with it", I have shocking news for you who live in your central "Me-tight" cells. They care not one iota more for YOU than for another nor one iota less. They would "prefer" that YOU join with them, understand, accept and come to the places of KNOWING which brings you all, as a group, into the places of safety and comradery. They do not, however, "care" (in your use of the slang interpretation of "I don't care"), what you choose to do with the information. That is solely up to you and your freedom of choice. You must rise above your "ME" as regarding all that comes down, for you now represent only a tiny 6 & 1/2 billionth of their concern. Their higher KNOWINGNESS is offered unto you and in that KNOWING it is also recognized, in total, that you may do that which you will and eventually you WILL come into KNOWING and the final leg of your journey WILL BE BACK unto the Creator and it will be by THIS ROUTE THROUGH THE RECOGNITION OF YOUR SELF WITHIN THE COSMIC BEINGNESS AND KNOWINGNESS. Therefore, it is in love and total GIVING and Regiving, as you share your love with them, that they say, "What you do is for you to choose and I 'care' not what you choose for it is YOURS to choose and I JUDGE not your choice." Then, if you turn from them, they must allow you to do so for it is not "theirs" to interfere. As to the Highest Cause--you may turn away, also, and you will be allowed to do so--but unlike the "brotherhood" who come "AS YOU" and will leave you to your mind. But, if the "lift-off" of physical form has passed, it will be only in the soul ascendancy for this manifested journey will automatically be ended.
HATONN: l am Creator God Aton of the Lighted Realms and Creator of this Nebadon Universe in which you reside. I have come to help Mother Earth, as she is going to graduate from a 3D planet to a 5D planet where no evil exists. I have come, also, to help all Lightworkers. It is my utmost desire to have many souled beings to find the Light and Truth.
I have come to your planet in order to give the Truth one more time to to all souled beings on this "Dirty Little Beautiful Little Planet Earth Shan", as Patrick H. Bellringer described in his article, http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/writings/news.php?q=1217545428 I gave all souled beings the Phoenix Journals to set the Truth straight one last time. Far too long the humans upon this orb turned to the Darkside in great numbers, because the Truth had been twisted and tweaked far too long.
Planet Earth has become a war planet with so much negative energy that it has become the darkest, most evil planet in the entire universe. Of course, you have been told ad nauseum of this fact. Thus, I gave you the Truth one last time in hopes there would be those many souled ones, who would see the Light.
Has this happened? Yes it has, but the number of those, who have come to the Light are very few, indeed.
Now, I give the most important advice to this small number of souled ones in Sananda's "Flock'. These stern words include \ Anne, as well as all Lightworkers.
You came back to Earth Shan without memory. That has been pounded into your head long enough. Because you live in 3D, your life here on Earth is lived in space and time. You are living in a world of night and day of 24 hours long.
My consternation is that a number of enlightened ones are not focused on one 24 hour day at a time.
How much "time" is left before this 3D planet graduates? I do not project the exact time WHEN Earth is to tip, as we of the Lighted Realms can only know the signs. Mother Earth has her freewill when this shall happen. All we know is that it is very imminent.
Are you Lightworkers to cast all your thoughts upon this event and wish you were aboard ship? That is fine to know, but not to sit back and twiddle your thumbs or sit around and mope about all your troubles.
Some dream of the past and think about that time. Some are dreaming only of boarding ship. What time do you have to keep on with your lessons until you graduate? You only have one day at a time.You do not nor can you change the past. That is gone. Drop the baggage. All the history you want to know is in the Phoenix Journals of how when and why the Cosmos came about, etc.
You cannot sit around and dream about boarding ship by waiting and waiting. All you have is now. That is a 24-hour day given to you to keep up with your lessons, for they never stop until you are aboard ship. Even then, after graduation lessons never end until you are ONE WITH CREATION.
You must remember that this planet has been run by the Dark Brotherhood for centuries. Satan and his dark Angels have been uncreaded, however his human minions carry n his work They have snared almost ALL souled beings in their net of Dark. I said ALMOST. So, who do you think are the ones left to attack?
You Lightworkers, of course. These vicious attacks upon you ones is constant. Do not dream of the past nor live in the future. Live each 24-hour day dedicated to your Mission, and to ask the help of the Lighted Realms to live the Laws of God the best you can, keeping on the Red Road of Truth.
Did I say it was an easy path? No, but with our help you can accomplish much. You only have one day at a time. Whom can you help during that time? Are you keeping focus on your Mission?
I speak this to Anne, as well as to all Lightworkers. Keep the Light about you constantly and order all dark energies out of your space. Keep toward your Mission this ONE day that you have, and do not dwell on the past, nor sit ideally around thinking about boarding ship. Remember "Life happens to you while you are making plans."
I remind you that there are ones, who had passed their lessons. They reincarnated upon Earth for great soul growth and to help Mother Earth. Many of these ones are “asleep”. By that I mean turned away and threw the Truth out the door. If they do not awaken to the Truth, as they promised, they shall have their pass rejected to the Lighted Realms and have many 3D lifestreams ahead of them to come back to the Truth That was the agreement they made before reincarnating upon Earth.
The Red Road of Truth is strewn with rocks, boulders and mountains, but you are to keep strong and live each day with happiness in accomplishing your Mission with our help. You do your part and we shall help, but we do not do it for you.
My blessings to all Lightworkers.
Let me say something to you as a people of world citizenship. You are in the sorting of God's people from the ones who wish to follow this evil empire. We are now dealing with God's adversary who is restricted to the mortal physical plane. The intent is to take the planet earth Shan and then move outward into space. IT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AND THERE WILL BE MASSIVE EFFORT TO HOLD THE BEINGS OF EARTH HOSTAGE. WELL, SORRY ABOUT THIS, EARTH MAN; GOD DOES NOT COMPROMISE NOR DOES HE NEGOTIATE. YOU EACH WILL BE EITHER ON ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER AND TO NOT MAKE A DECISION IS TO ALREADY HAVE MADE ONE.
All manner of terrible things are in the planning by the deceivers to perpetrate upon you in the guise of it being Space Brothers. No, but you will buy the tale in great masses. However, if you-the -people of the United States of America fail to fall for the lie--you will prevail and the world shall be turned about for GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU IF YOUR INTENT IS TRUTH AND HONOR--HE WILL NOT DO IT FOR YOU. IF YOUR INTENT REMAINS TO CONTINUE THE BREAKING OF EVERY LAW OF GOD AND THE CREATION--YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT WHICH COMES UPON YOU AND IT SHALL COME UPON YOU IN A MOST DEVASTATING MANNER FOR WE WILL ONLY AIRLIFT OUT GOD'S PEOPLE. WE HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO REMOVE ANY WHO PRACTICE EVIL FOR THOSE ONES ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE BALANCED SOCIETIES OF THE COSMOS. SO BE IT."
If you turn around the government of the U.S.--the chosen people and place of God--you can reclaim your planet. What else do you have to do with even a tenth as much wondrous challenge and excitement? You are a bored and sleepy civilization--stop watching the play on your pretend screens and get into the game, dear friends. God has sent Us, His Hosts, to play with you--WE HAVE NO INTENTION OF COMPETING WITH YOU FOR OUR ENEMY IS THE ADVERSARY OF GOD AND WE NEED NOT A "THREE" RING CIRCUS. NO ONE WILL BE COERCED OR FORCED--YOU WILL BE IN THE CHOOSING.
Excerpt from Phoenix Journal #37, 'SCIENCE OF THE COSMOS -- TRANSFORMATION OF MAN', Pleiades Connection VIII, Chapter 5, page 74-75.
Discerning For Yourself The “Reality” Of Hatonn -
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, of the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets (English translation). I come in the Light of Creator Source—The One who created you and me both.
There has been much confusion generated by the recent events unfolding regarding the use of the name “Hatonn”. You ones have been caused to go within and discern for yourselves what is truth and what is not regarding this issue. This is as it should be and as it SHALL BE! I will not ever tell you that I am real, nor will I tell you that another is NOT real.
Reality is a personal condition and perception. If you believe a thing to be real, then it is real for you. Your thoughts are for YOU to choose, and not for me to dictate to you.
I do suggest that you ones look carefully at those who claim to be doing God’s work, when all the while their actions (the fruits of their labors) are consistent with those of immature, reactionary children. I have no need to beat any of you ones in the physical over the head with continual, nonstop bashing. I have much better endeavors to focus upon at this time of your planetary transition.
My mission is to ensure that a remnant survives this planetary transition. A remnant will survive, and it will be of those who individually choose to do so. You choose through actions and understanding, rather than through words mouthed out loud or on paper.
Those who choose to remain in the physical will have a great need to go within and recognize those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that are based in fear, anger, apathy and such, and learn to let go of them.
There have been many erroneous statements and assumptions made as to who is scribing the “Hatonn” writings in The SPECTRUM. This one (my scribe writing now) is the one who has been asked to take on this responsibility—as another [Doris Ekker], who was intended to bring forth these Messages, has succumbed to a great many subtle distractions, and has, by personal choice, made it nearly impossible for a clear Message to be received.
The person writing this Message was told privately, several years ago, that the one who used to write for me (my longtime scribe referred to above) would announce to the world who this present scribe is. Though this present writer had pictured the scenario quite differently in his mind, he has come to grips with the fact that it has happened—just not the way in which he thought it would.
My scribe’s name is Norey Latona. This is the name given to him at birth, by his parents, and is not a pen name. [Nor was this one given a middle name.] You will note that “Aton” centers his last name in the same way it does my own.
Let us please write this one’s name a little differently and you will perhaps notice a revelation of sorts: “NoreyL-Aton-a”. This indicates, phonetically translated, the name “Noriel of Aton”. If you ones look up in your angel books the name “Noriel”, you will see that it means “the fire of God”. For those new readers, “Aton” is the name the ancient Egyptians used for the Sun-God that symbolically represents The One Giver of Light-Life. Aton literally translates into modern English as “The One Light”.
There are always clues, and each wears a sign.
This one does not desire public attention. However, there is a time and place for all that unfolds, and as I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, see it, NOW is the proper time for this information to be revealed.
This scribe has written for the past several years for me, as well as for many other entities from the Higher Realms. Not all of his writings have been published. He is not perfect, and has made mistakes along his chosen path. He is the major contributor to the two (so far) Wisdom Of the Rays: The Masters Teach volumes, along with several other gifted receivers who all shy away from public notoriety.
If this one tires and desires a rest or to stand aside, then worry not, for there will always be another waiting to take up the pen and carry the work forward. Each must make a free-will choice to enter into and remain in service with we of the Host of God; never will we threaten or coerce any of you, in any way whatsoever.
Those who resort to such tactics are serving a master who thrives on low-frequency emotional energy such as is generated when one is fearful, angry, jealous, frustrated and such. These low-level Entities will repeat, over and over, blatant lies for as long as they will serve the purpose of causing confusion, reactionary anger, or any other low-frequency emotions. These Dark ones thrive on propagating such negativity, as they literally attach themselves, in a parasitic manner, to those who fall for their trap.
This repetitive blathering is, in and of itself, one of the most basic forms of mind control and manipulation. It is used, over and over again, because it is effective—and it works until it either burns-out its host, or the host wakes up enough to realize that he/she is being manipulated and used.
We told you ones, many months ago, that the Adversary would use tricks that you have never seen before. Are not hATONn or hATONn distortions of my name? Why would “I” need to resort to such distracting confusions?
Moreover, does simply saying “Hatonn in Light” actually say that the entity making such a pronouncement IS Hatonn? (It most surely is correct to state that Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn operates in The Light, but that in no way automatically extrapolates to a similar state concerning the entity making the above statement—though a Master Trickster would like you to fall for the inference!) Is such as this an intentional manipulation designed to trick you into ASSUMING that the entity is me, Hatonn? These are tricks that are well within the boundaries of the Master Manipulator’s game play.
We of the Host of God of Light have no need to resort to such tricks concerning our identifications. We leave you each, as individuals, to make note of these things and decide for yourselves what is valid and what is not.
Always look at the actions of ones claiming to be doing God’s work. Do they belittle others? If so, then what is the purpose of such ridicule? Ridicule and intimidation only serve to propagate low-frequency emotions in others and thus facilitate mind control.
Do these Darkly overshadowed ones seem to make up such fantastic tales as to cause you to think: “Surely it must be true, for no reasonable person would make up such an utterly fantastic story.”? Is the one [Doris Ekker] writing such stories the perpetual victim? If so, then perhaps it is possible to discern a chronic pattern of manipulation. It is a known fact that, if a lie is repeated enough times, over and over, the mind becomes numb and thus becomes programmed into believing the lie. This is much like how the hypnotherapist works: numb (distract) the conscious mind and then introduce suggestions into the subconscious.
There are always clues offered in the form of actions taken. These clues are available to you each, if you but look. Each of you can, and will, find that you will naturally choose the path that is correct for you. There are great distractions all about you, and YOU will have to decide what you choose to believe and what you choose not to believe.
There is no such thing as failure in the game of physical expression. Each perceived error in discernment or judgment that you make will have resulted in a path choice that will amplify what you thought to be valid until the error in discernment becomes evident and thereby you are led to discern a clearer (truer) picture of the Greater Reality.
The next time you are faced with such a challenge (choice), you will find that you are now better able to discern a wiser path due to the newfound knowledge from having traveled down the less desirable road. Thus the cycles are such that everyone will eventually come into a greater understanding, and continue to progress along the spiritual path of continued growth.
You cannot “get it wrong”—EVER! However, you will find that, when you are fulfilling your true purpose and your true mission, there will be great joy in your life and you will be filled with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. The farther you depart from your ideal path (set by your Higher Self), the worse you will feel. This is simply your Inner Guidance system performing its function.
If you feel completely “stressed out” and “at the end of your rope”, then I suggest you look back to a point just before this feeling started to become chronic in your life, and examine what choices and decisions you made at that time. You will likely find that you made a choice in haste or in a reactionary state of anger, hurt, or such. These low-frequency emotional states often lead to making irrational choices that subsequently lead you in a direction that is off-purpose and out-of-alignment with the purpose of your Higher Self.
Doing God’s work, walking the path of the Lightworker, is always a challenge, but so too is it immensely rewarding and fulfilling. SELFLESSLY GIVING is the key to the door that will help reestablish balance in your life. Giving in this manner will ALWAYS result in a return energy-flow that will raise your frequency.
The next major step is forgiveness. Forgive those whom you perceive have come against you. And, most importantly, give to yourself forgiveness for those things you hold onto and about which you are inclined to feel guilt, anger, frustration and such.
Let those ones who continually attack you go their own way. Pay no more attention to these ones who act as if there is nothing else going on in their lives of any real importance, so much so that they feel inclined to find fault in others rather than spend their energy finding and correcting their own faults. These ones are not acting in a giving manner; they are trying desperately to hold onto the past and attack anyone who would move forward without them.
[Editor’s Note: The above wise advice, though having obvious general application, was offered in specific response to those who were following the lead of Doris and E.J. Ekker in viciously and repeatedly attacking the start-up, several months earlier, of The SPECTRUM publication, often through the false use of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn’s byline in their own publication.]
It is the age-old adage that those who are moving forward are always feared (and thus attacked) by those who are lagging behind. Your world history is full of such examples.
This Message is in response to many petitions being formed in the minds of you ones who have been asking for Guidance and Assistance along these lines. If this Message finds you, then take from it what is meant for you, and leave that which is not.
These words come through physical hands, and the ideas and concepts herein are meant to trigger, within your thoughts, a personal sense of understanding. These words are neither absolute, nor are they perfect in representation. May these words help lead you to the insights and understanding that you desire.
I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. I come in Light and Service to The One Light, Creator Source—Aton. Let there be NO confusion as to who I AM
\My warmest and most loving greetings to all souled ones upon Earth Shan. I direct my message to all the Lightworkers at this time.
I want to tell you of a message received by one of the Lightworkers very recently as well, as the dream we gave to Anne this last evening.
Mother Earth contacted this person and answered the question posed. The question was when the Lightworkers would be lifted off to finally go home. This person said Mother Earth was silent and only heard the sound of crickets. “ Why did I hear crickets chirping?” Mother Earth replied, “Yes, you heard crickets! If I told you the date of your lift-off, you would focus your attention on that instead of helping by saying those Petitions. It has to be 3D Lightworkers to help saying those Petitions, as many souls have found the Light. It is only with the help of the Lighted Realms and you 3D Lightworkers that the job can be done. All I will say is that your home-9ming is very close. Keep to the task of helping by saying those Petitions.”
Now for the dream I gave to Anne.
She saw thousands of people walking slowing meandering around. It was dark and dreary with no light. The people were dressed in ragged clothing, and shivered in the cold. They looked sad unhappy in anguish and hopelessness. No words were spoken, but just tired worn out people with no friends or family and utter anxiety that permeated the air.
Sananda was with Anne, as they kept walking through the maize of unhappy people. Anne was very distressed and asked Sananda to stop this horrible scene. Sananda replied that he could not do it alone and needed the help of the Lightworkers. Anne asked what could be done. Sananda replied that the Petitions had to be said to keep the wave of goodness happening, and if the Lightworkers were lifted off to be at home in the Lighted Realms who would help these poor souls? Anne said she would help in any way possible, and as they approached a long train Anne suggested that they invite people to come aboard the train, \ get fed and go to the Light. Sananda replied that it was a good idea. The train was being filled with people hungry and wanting help. In the distance Anne could saw a beautiful sunset of pink and blue colors.
It was then she realized that the Lightworkers had to stay until the very last minute to help people to see Truth and wakeup. Saying those Petitions was needed by the 3D people with the help of the Lighted Realms.
Anne could see the happiness of those aboard the train in joyous laughter that could not be described. The Light was shining brightly all about, and the people had found the Truth.
Anne was so delighted to have this dream end with great joy, and to be able to help the poor searching souls wandering in darkness and despair.
Mother Earth was delighted that the Lightworkers would keep on with those Petitions, as she was worried about the number of ones still in slumber, for she could not hold her breath much longer.
Yes, there are but a few days left in this last 3D civilization for those people caught in the Satanic net to find the Truth. Rise up and keep on with your Mission, Know that every thought and words spoken for the Light shall go forth to awaken those still asleep to the Truth.
My great LOVE to all!
I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me "Hatonn".
Let there be no misunderstanding of WHO I AM! I come in this portion as a fourth dimensional Project Commander in charge of Earth Transition. As this is most thoroughly explained in other recordings from myself and others, I shall not cover it in this document.
This document contains truth which can be validated. It comes forth in dictated format from myself to one of my transreceivers (recorder). There is nothing of "channeling" about it--it is via actual radio-type short-wave directly from my source into a receiver terminal. No hocus pocus nor mystical hoopla. This recorder does exactly that--records. She is not privy to the information resources nor is she given to "interpretation" other than as any other reader would personally interpret.
We of the lighted brotherhood of the Cosmic and Galactic participants are ready to make our presence upon your place. We travel and act in the direct service and under Command of Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda. Sananda is aboard my Command Craft from whence He will direct all evacuation and transition activities as regards the period you ones call the End Prophecies of Armageddon.
He has organized placement for His peoples and will oversee all operations as regards His people. All Intergalactic Fleets are under His command, and for purposes of evacuation, those details are in most capable hands of one called, simply. Commander Ashtar.
There will be more and more frequent contact with ones of human format by ones of our commands. You will ask any energy form contacting you, to identify. Demand that if the energy is not of the "light" of the Divine Source to remove itself. DO NOT ENTERTAIN ANY/AND ALL ENERGY FRAGMENTS WHO APPEAR TO YOU, FOR MORE AND MORE OF THE DARK ENERGY FORMS ARE MAKING CONTACT.
This document is for the purpose of awakening you to the horrendous lie that has been perpetrated against you ones. I am giving it to insure protection of those human ones who dared bring it into the open, and yet risk their lives having done so. I dedicate it to the ones who dared and have been mocked, ridiculed and persecuted for having dared to give you help to "save" yourselves from the lies. I go on record to my adversaries herewith and place them on formal notice: YE SHALL NOT HARM ONE HAIR OF MY WORKERS. YOU SHALL REAP BITTERNESS IF YOU BRING PHYSICAL HARM UNTO THEM.
Now, I shall tell you who I am in my Higher Command. I AM ATON. Perhaps you might wish to look up that label for it might prove to be quite important to you. I shall see to it that these instructions are carried forth, so I suggest there be no toying with this as some game of sorts to be discounted, at your next little seminar gathering of the flying saucer clubs and crystal worshipers. Your time of playing at star readings, Ouija boards and Tarot, to seek your fortunes, is over.
Earth is going to march right through evolution, transition, tribulation, new "birthing" and new "berthing" just as written. You need no psychic reader to tell you how it will be. You can hide your head in your sand bucket; it will change nothing.
There are detailed and magnificent plans in operation to cause the transition to be quite survivable and workable for those of you who so choose to work with us and not in the enemy camp. The Evil Forces shall be met and stopped, but it will be a most unpleasant confrontation.
The Master Esu Jesus Immanuel Sananda is returned and awaits the appointed time. If you want information I suggest heartily that you contact Phoenix Source Distributors for any and all information. We will be printing it in numerous volumes as fast as our scribes can receive.
I dedicate this work to all who have taken a stand for Truth.
And of course, my infinite love and appreciation to Dharma, who works hours each and every day in our service. This is but a tiny portion of her works. I so honor my small circle who are in the building of physical foundations and yet also see to it that these words are carried forth in truth and dispersement. Also to those who give such unselfish support in so many other ways, without which help we could not proceed. Blessings be yours, little ones, as ye are cherished beyond thy ability to comprehend.
I request this book be brought to the public with all haste for the physical protection of some of thy brothers rests heavily upon its promptness.
Greetngs to all souled ones on this beautiful day upon your It is a great time for me to give you a message from the Lighted Realms. Anne always wonders what I have to say, but he is willing a ready, as I tell her what to write. I assure you these are MY words and not lies, for I tell the TRUTH! I want to again reiterate that Planet Earth is a freewill planet and each souled one has a freewill to choose light or dark. We of the Lighted Realms cannot, under Cosmic Law, do everything to clean up your planet. YOU must do it with your freewill and ASK us to help and we shall do our half. That is how it works!
At this time upon your planet, goodness is happening all over. There are protests in other countries against the illegal lock-downs and wearing of masks forced upon the people because of a false pandemic created by Satan's minions. People are waking up to the evil forced upon them. Some countries have erected ‘\concentration cams for the unvaccinated or excluded them from restaurants and grocery stores in order to force these people to get the kill shot.
These most evil ones wish to destroy the economic system world wide, as well as to genocide most of the people upon your planet. Those hit the hardest in this satanic fiasco were the elderly people. Many of these were in nursing homes that were deliberately infected, and with some non-care they perished. The numbers of those dead from this hoax is far from the Truth, for even the hospitals were paid $10,000 for each one they pronounced one dead from COVID-19. Many, if not thousands of deaths, were NOT from this disease, as these ones died from many other reasons...accidents, cancer, etc. However, the hospitals wanted the MONEY. Isn't that more important than a human life? Apparently so.
The gold system has been ready for years, but was stopped by the satanic power that has taken over the planet. That gold system is ready and about to be revealed world wide, but with the Communist government I nplace that as been put on the”backburner”. This act could destroy the illegal fiat interest system that has ripped untold billions of dollars from the little people to pocket those of the elite. They have lived like kings, but the GREAT LAW of RETURNS is in effect. They have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind.
The arrests have continued endlessly of the Deep State which reaches worldwide. You would be surprised that the infection of satanism has reached into the many little cities and towns across the U.S., and, also, into many countries around the globe. It is incredible how his evil infection has permeated Mother Earth. Do I agree with executions? No! Whether one dies is up to that person and God, not one man. As I have stated in the Journals it is better to imprison one for life and let him come back to the Light.
Many of these ones killed by Trump’s orders find themselves on the Astra l Plane and some even in the void. They are angry at being murdered for no reason. Many of them however have resolved their anger and continued on to the Light.The Petitions that are being said have helped them tremendously in soul growth. This is a fantastic gift to all on the Astral Plane.
My Lightworkers are wondering about Mother Earth and have asked the endless question, "How long, oh Lord, how long is it before we can be boarded to safety? It is getting harder and harder to be here on this evil infested planet! When is Lift-off? We have waited for years!"
My answer is that each of you Lightworkers have all the help Heaven can allow to keep strong and on your mission for the Light and for Mother Earth. I agree that the Dark SIde will never quit their evil antics until the very end when Mother Esrth cleanses all 3D life from her surface.
All I can tell you is that Mother Earth is on her time schedule, and we can only judge by her actions when that time shall be. I do know that she is at the very edge of turning over and is rocking back and forth with her greater distance than ever. That is why is await her birthing with the positioning of all Pleiadian Starship ready at a moment's notice for this great event to happen.
The 200 Star Nations have waited for a long time to observe this event, and know that she could, at this very moment, end all 3D life.
She wants balance brought once again and more ones to come to the Light. That is happening right now! She said she would hold a bit longer, but I surmise it is not weeks, months or years away, but very soon. Our estimate is within days--veyr few, in fact!
Just be patient, for you are all cared for each day and should keep to your soul growth to the last minute of time you have left on this orb. She shall and absolutely will turn as she has 20,000 times and there is nothing you can pray or say that will change this event. It is part of her growth and her freewill to gain soul growth, and she is doing that by graduating to 5th Dimension.
You all have your freewill, and you of the Light must stay strong to hold onto great soul growth. There is no in-between, my souled ones. Either you are moving up or down the ladder of enlightenment. Where are each of you?
Are you keeping with reading and meditating and helping others when needed? Are you keeping up with your prayers for the entire Earth to give her love and care including every blade of grass I have created?
Send her LOVE and Light, keep strong to ward off the darts of evil that are constant against you at all times. With our help you can make these last steps to the top of the mountain.
For all you souled ones that still slumber these last moments of Earth, there is still each beautiful day to wake up.
My great unending LOVE to all of you.
My Love and greetings to all souled ones upon Earth Shan. I want to tell you how each one of you are very precious to the Lighted Realms. Oh, that all would awaken to their great God spirit within. That is what Mother Earth wishes, as well.
As I look upon my beautiful creation, I see turmoil and unrest, and the makings of war. My wish is that all of you could see what I see, that ALL ARE ONE. Yes, there are different races of people on your planet, but that is because Creation loves variety. You are all meant to grow into mighty ones of the Spirit, for within all of you resides your great God Spirit .You are a Spirit having a fleshy body for you to experience and grow into a mighty Spiritual being!
When Lucifer and his minions roamed the great Cosmos for eons of time, he destroyed planet after planet. You think that he was kicked out of the Lighted Realms and came directly to Earth. No! No! and NO! He had to leave the Heavenly Realms, as his frequencies were so low that he was in agony and pain. St. Michael told him to leave, and he left the Lighted Realms, taking his angelic followers with him. He roamed the entire Cosmos with his evil minions.
It was not for eons of time and destruction of countless other 3D planets that Creation finally told him he was to choose one last planet which was to be his “jail” planet, and could NOT leave to destroy other planets, ever again. His desire to be the God of the Cosmos and take Creation’s place was never achieved! “Here we come, Earth! I shall be the Great Master over all on this nice little planet!”
He has resided for all the civilizations on Earth, and gradually gained control of nearly all 3D people in this last civilization. Now he met is Waterloo! Creation longed for someone in physical format to deal with this evil energy with their great God Spirit within. The impossible happened in this last civilization at it’s very end. Lucifer, now called Satan, the most evil one, has been uncreated. However, his well-taught minions are still carrying on with his plans…get vaccinated and die, and WAR and more WAR in an endless battle for control.
The technologies used against the people are beyond belief, for they hammer and pound at anyone, who would awaken to the Truth. Has he succeeded? Yes, almost! Out of the billions of people on Earth, the majority are clones that were controlled to do his bidding. What is left are those still in slumber, and a very few that have struggled to hold the Light of Truth despite surmounting waves of evil directed at them. These I call Sananda’s Flock.
At this very last moment of this civilization, some mighty Petitions came forth to help Mother Earth and the wounded planets in the entire Cosmos. Satan and his minions were uncreated, and the Petitions being said by thousands of people have made a great difference for good of Earth and of the entire Cosmos.
The evil ones are still planning a great WWIII on Earth with the use of very advanced and devastating military equipment, that could destroy Earth ad all of her people. They are trying the hardest to depopulate Earth with the fake Covid 19 virus, and demanding all be vaccinated with the kill shot and screaming hatred and lies about those refusing to die by their deadly vaccinations.
I shall state at this time that there shall be no World War III ! Mother Earth has been cleansed of much evil, and she is ready to graduate to a higher dimension. War shall not be allowed and those that persist in carrying out Satan’s plans shall find themselves the place they have chosen, when they pass from this physical plane. That, my dear ones, is called the Void.
Oh, they know about Earth’s turning. so they have prepared a hiding place below the surface of Earth filled with equipment and food for their survival. You common people are NOT invited to share their under earth “home”!
Is this going to keep them safe from the great oceans flooding Earth when she turns on her axis? Yes, that is true, but they have forgotten that Earth is moving into a higher dimension, and the higher frequencies shall clash with their lower frequencies and they shall go POOF!
Where shall YOU be? Awaken! See the Truth. The great chord to be played at the moment of evacuation shall restore your memory! Step into the beam of Light for safety. You shall gain much soul growth by doing so. That is how much I love all souled ones. I force no one, for you have your freewill to do as you please.
Remember, that Mother Earth’s turning shall happen without warning. We are fast approaching that moment! Where shall you be? Heed my loving words. “ Beam me up, Scotty!”
Greetings to all! I see that you are surprised about the title of my message. Yes, it is most unusual, for the Twilight sleep of Creation has been explained in Phoenix Journal 50 for the last 26 Years on this website, and again through my messages on this site not too long ago. I shall further explain this coming event, not to scare you, but for you to see the progress of the entire Cosmos.
This Time is a great period of rest for all the Cosmos to be one with Creation. It is called a “sleep time” or “null time” where there is nothing but Creation and his Cosmos at rest with Creation.
Herein is what I wrote in Phoenix Journal 50.
This is a period of "sleep" of the CREATION and lasts seven periods/great-times. One period/great-time lasts some 311,040,000,000,000 years as calculated in your counting systems. We have to offer you that to which YOU can relate for we utilize only "sequence" of growth and experience--during all of the 7 periods of experience. In the twilight state of the CREATION all life and the whole universe ceases in consciousness. Just after its awakening it begins to create all things anew. During the twilight sleeping neither time nor space exist. There is only the "nothing" or voidance, as all lies sleeping inside the infinite of the CREATION and null-time. While no creating thought exists there is no force, no time, and no space. There is only duration in a nameless nothing.
Do not confuse this with the “null”-time on either rim of the Photon Belt of Light. The "Photon" null-time simply expresses as neutralization of all electrical particles as they become "lighted" and frequencies pick up to matchthe evolution of such change.
You must understand the greatness of the Petitions that have reiterated throughout ALL of Creation and has affected EVERY 3D planet in the Nebadon Universe, as well as the ENTIRE Cosmos of the other six Super Universes. Do you now understand the fathomless, greatness these Petitions have and are having to the ENTIRE Cosmos?
Let me give you an example. Each day or time that you say these Petitions, is like a rock being thrown in a lake. It creates a wave that flows out in all directions. Before that wave dissipates, you thrown another rock in the same place. These petitions are like a great boulder after boulder being thrown into the water causing a tremendous wave to flow forth. Why? Because there are thousands of ones saying these petitions daily!
That is what has and still is happening to the Cosmos at this time and one of which Creation has waited for, for untold millennia of time. The planets that need this cleansing are doing so. When the entire effect is complete, the great Cosmos goes into a “sleep time” or null time lasting 311,040,000,000,000 x 7 trillion years = 2,177,250,000,000,000 years.
While at sleep, these years shall pass and ones awaken. It will seem like you only slept a few hours. Then it shall be the time for Creation with your help to create again the entire Cosmos.
This may sound like a fairy tale, as you have only a finite mind with no memory of who you are in the Lighted Realms. I wanted to explain how great ALL of you souled ones are in the Lighted Realms.
Do you want to be one of those to awaken and help create the entire Cosmos with honor and glory, or do you what to spend those years in total darkness (lack of light)? That time, my friends would be felt like all those years I told you above in this message.
I cannot wake you up if you are still in slumber. It has to be YOU, your choice to awaken to the Truth. Don’t sleep until it is too late, for the days are numbered when Earth graduates. The planets that have needed this help are coming rapidly into goodness BECAUSE OF THESE GREAT PETITIONS. When that goodness is completed, the sleep-time or Null time shall began. I do NOT speak of the three days of darkness at the beginning and ending of being in the Photon Belt. I speak of those TRILLIONS UPON TRILLIONS of years mentioned above.
Do not faint with weariness! Do not grovel in agony! RISE UP, TAKE the SWORD of TRUTH and be one of the helpers. Creation wants ALL souled ones to be ONE WITH CREATION !
Greetings! I speak to al Lightworkers at this time. I know that many of you are tired and worn out, and ready to drop over with exhaustion with all the work you have been doing for the Light. I know of your expectations from Mother Earth that she is “holding her breath" and is ready to graduate. However, at this time I am not in control of the time when Mother Earth turns. She is on another “hold-time”. In the immensity of the Cosmos there are planets millions of Light-years away from Earth. Many of them have just now felt the effects of the Petitions, and are receiving the wave of goodness upon them and their planet, upon which many of them have suffered by the Satanian Empire.
Now you know why Mother Earth has given more time for the Petitions to be said, Many souls have joined in from Earth, as well, including other planets and Star System millions of Light-y1=1ears away, who are just now hearing these Petitions. They have made a great difference for them, as well as their planet. The more you say these Petitions every day results in more far distant planets to join in saying them with you.
Some of those that dwell on these other planets are beings looking far different from human. Some are like you, but what they are doing with the petitions is of a similar nature. They interpret the frequencies of your words that come to them, and translate them into their language. Thus, they are saying these Petitions just as you do.. That is the reason why Mother Earth is waiting for a few more days. More souls are waking up!
What I am telling you is magnificent! The wave of goodness has grown tremendously in these past days, and it overwhelms us all with the effect that has happened! The wave it has now become a tsunami of Light!
I tell you this to make you aware of the present situation and why there is always another delay when you shall be home. You must realize that it HAS to be the 3D humans to be the ones to make these petitions, for that is what the Lighted Realms have watched for, for over the 20,000 civilizations that have come and gone on Mother Earth. When the soul has grown to the point of Creation, these ones ask the Lighted Realms to help. We cannot do it alone but we work together.
All of you are needed at this time to say those petitions. Stay balanced, focused and calm, for the time Mother Earth has before she graduated is very soon. Keep saying those petitions every day that Mother gives you! She loves all so greatly, for she wants every soul to come to the Light. That time given is not forever, for she cannot hold her breath much longer. Time passes quickly, and she shall move into her birthing to a higher dimension very soon!
We of he Lighted Realms protect you when you ask. You are NEVER alone!
Greetings to all. It is with great Love that I give you this message today. I am concerned, especially for my Lightworkers, who have struggled these last days of this civilization, and long to come home to the Light.
As I told you before, lessons never end, not even in the Lighted Realms. I speak to all souls, including those upon the illusional school room in which you are experiencing, or if ones are on the Astral Plane or already graduated, and at home in the stars. Lessons continue onward and upward here, as well.
I shall explain something about lessons. If you want advancement in your soul growth, Earth could not be a better place to learn, for the lessons are tough, hard and get more difficult as Earth approaches her graduation to a higher dimension. That is why you volunteered to reincarnate upon Earth.
You knew of the great handicap of reincarnating without memory of who you were, if you did not wake up to your mission, even though you had graduated to the Higher Realms. I am happy to say that many of you sleeping souls have found the Truth these ending days upon Earth.
This great awakening has occurred with the help of those great Petitions that have been said, which have reverberated throughout Earth, as well as the entire Cosmos, including all the Astral Planes in all Universes. I am so pleased that many more slumbering ones have opened their eyes to the illusion and found the Truth!.
For this reason, Mother Earth has waited extra days for more ones on Earth and across the Cosmos to awaken to the Truth. I know that the Lightworkers are exhausted and long to come home, however, there are still those ones that need help, and are receiving such when you say those Petitions.
You must know that you, also, are helped to stay centered and balanced when you clear yourself and say those Petitions throughout these ending days. I always hear that some of you think I speak of a day as being a thousand years, because In the Lighted Realms we have no time nor space. Let me reiterate the fact that when I speak of a day, I speak of time and space of Earth.
You must, also, remember that your 24-hour day has been shortened to about 12 hours, because of the Photon Belt’s energy that makes the second shorter. The clocks you have register 24 hours, but you know that the day is so short it feels like you are tired and cannot believe how fast the day goes by. I tell you this to remind you how I care for each of you, for if the day was not shortened, it would be doubly hard to continue on.
With my help and that of all the Lighted Realms, you CAN MAKE IT THROUGH! Stay calm, centered and balanced, and keep on with your missions. You must finish the mission you set for yourself, and I tell you that your Earth lessons are coming to a close. Mother Earth cannot hold her breath much longer. She is giving you more time to help others and to finish your lessons with flying colors. That is how much she loves each and every one of you.
The Lighted Realms watch each of you with great care and are here to assist and help you when you need it. However, you must ask for our help, as we cannot interfere to do so otherwise.
Remember, each one of you have two Guardian Angels assigned to you since you were born in this physical world. They are with you until you graduate or your physical body dies. How many of you have called upon them for help?
Greetings! Another year has arrived upon Mother Earth. This ear great changes shall take place upon Mother Earth, for the long-awaited graduation int a Higher Realms is about to happen. For 4.5 billion years she has waited for this glorious moment.
She has waited patiently these billions of years for some souled ones to realize their great God
Spirit within that has the creative power of Creation. Each civilization that has come and gone every 10-12 thousands years never achieved this goal for which she desired. No, not one! Oh, there were some, who became enlightened, but you must know that the housing of Lucifer (Satan) prevented such to happen.
It was his goal and that for which he worked for several billion year was to convince the souled one that they were nothing, that they were sinners and that God existed somewhere out there as a great father with a big stick to punish anyone, who would dare to disobey his laws.
Do you see the picture that he painted for mankind? Do not think for one minute that Satan was stupid. He had great intellect and had delved into the Darkness to be the greatest Dark One ever created. How did he accomplish this feat so well?
I well tell you! It was done through religion and worship. He and his dark Angeles used that which was sacred to people, and subtly invoked his message of lies ad misinformation mixed with Truth. I speak thusly of your most “Holy Bible”.
It was taught that the Holy Bible was the ABSOLUTE word of God and that these” sacred” words must be obeyed or that person would go to hell. Not only that, but other religions across Earth were created such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and the untold number of Christian churches that vied for the Truth. I did not say it was wrong to worship God, but the lies and misinformation that were taught over and over became the Truth.
Finally, I got tired of all this mumble-jumble, and felt something HAD to be done. I dictated the words to a person via radio signal which were the Phoenix Journals. In these Holy Books of the Lighted Realms, I showed what was happening on Earth with all the Darkside, and used document after document that were recorded, and kept secret from you the people.
Yes, when you read the Journals, you will find that I quote many documents, books and laws that have been passed to prove my point. Oh, you say that these Journals are out-of-date. They are comprised in Journal format, so as to not have them copyrighted. I reveal to you the secret information your government had done and is still doing, and kept hidden, but also, I must remind you that I gave many messages that are timeless, as well as messages from the great Masters and Cohans.
Most importantly, the lie about Judas has been told, and that is the son of the High Priest. Judah Iharioth was the culprit, not Judas Iscariot. Do you see the similarity of the names?
Also, the biggest lie about Esu Immanuel. who was falsely named “Jesus” and the Son of God. NO! He was the son of Arch Angel Gabriel. Oh, my dear ones if you could only know the countless ones that have passed to find there was and is no pink cloud of rapture, and that they believed a lie that they foisted on others. Oh, the agony and anguish they suffered, especially when they were given the real TRUTH of the Journals, and threw it in the garbage as heresy.
Because of the great LIES, only a very few souled ones have awakened. The great news is that these awakened Lightworkers with their Petitions have helped countless souls on the Astral Plane to gain great soul growth with many graduating! Not only that, but countless ones on other 3D planet shave, also, been helped, as well as uncreating the Satanian Empire with the help of Sananda.
Mother Earth waits only few more days and hours for more souled ones to awaken, especially on the void from civilizations eons ago. But she is about to exhale that holding position.
My message is to those, who still slumber to the Truth---AWAKEN!
To the Lightworkers: Stay focused, calm and balanced.
My great love to ALL souls!
Greetings to all. As I look out over my wonderful creation of Mother Earth Shan, I am dismayed, for the situation upon her surface has gotten worse by the day. War mongering, although outlawed by Mother Earth, is still in process by the Deep State.
What has this done for the betterment of the world? NOTHING! NOTHING! It HAS caused several thinS.
First of all, waging war causes the countries involved to spend money. By that l mean billions of dollars to make weapons bigger and better to kill more people. It has caused poverty and hunger for the masses of people, for their wealth and goodness has been stolen by those, who wish to maintain control and be the ”big dog” on Earth. Wars have caused the loss of an untold number of not only humans, but the destruction of the environment of beauty, great cities, and wiped out plant and animal life.
What I have created has been turned to rubble. Destroyed!! Do I speak only of that which you see with your 3D eyes! NO! These controllers who design and perpetrate war after war have destroyed the human intellect to think only of war. Millions of people are left starving, hapless and in anguish over the loss of their mother, father, or children.
You see photos of a father in deepest agony carrying his dead child in his arms and asking for the war to stop. How pitiful has Earth become.
Do you think that Mother Earth has no feelings? She is a living sentient being with great feelings just as you, Man has treated her like a thing to rip up and build upon or to destroy with war. The would-be-controllers have created artificial food, and even article plants, trees and flowers! What I have created has been mutilated and changed! Man has polluted all the great oceans and has ripped down trees for his own use. This is done for money, greed and power.
Enough said of all that has been done to Mother Earth. The Satanian Empire has been uncreated, and my remnant Lightworkers have helped in this great clean-up.
Still, the minions of Satan keep on with Satan’s plans but to NO AVAIL! They are NOT in charge anymore, and their plans shall fail like a heap of garbage. Many of these controllers shall end up in the void or be uncread. When their physical body is gone it their soul, their real self, shall reap the consequences of their horrid actions.
Their great wealth shall vanish ,for when they pass on, they take NOTHING 3D with them. They shall stand before God and judge themselves. It is not I, who sends them to the void, but their soul!
The Lightworkers and Sananda have given all in the Void another chance! They have been offered to be placed back on the Astral Plane! I speak for those that have already passed. Many of these tormented souls elected to be placed on the lowest Astral Plane to start soul growth. They knew that when they elected to do so, that the lower Astral Plane is the start of peeling layer and layer of evil from their soul, and not without much agony and pain, as they proceed on their pathway to goodness.
I tell you of some very earthly famous ones of evil that are overjoyed at this great gift, but there are some, who elected to be uncreated, rather than to suffer the pain of what they have done and forgive themselves, as they would start over at the bottom of the Astral Plane. I shall not reveal these ones to you, for you would drop over in surprise!
Mother Earth has the last say. She cannot hold on much longer! She is ready to graduate, and that my dear ones, is imminent.
Take this beautiful day to work on your soul growth to forgive yourselves of all negativity and transmute it away by the Violet Flame of St. Germain to be uncreated! Do this often. Do not forget to read, meditate, say those Petitons, and ask for help of the Lighted Realms.
I LOVE ALL of you with a great LOVE, and am nearer than your heartbeat!
HATONN: This beautiful day upon your orb is a great time for me to give you a message from the Lighted Realms. Anne always wonders what I have to say, bu she is willing a ready, as I tell her what to write. I assure you these are MY words and not lies, for I tell the TRUTH! I want to again reiterate that Planet Earth is a freewill planet and each souled one has a freewill to choose light or dark. We of the Lighted Realms cannot, under Cosmic Law, do everything to clean up your planet. YOU must do it with your freewill and ASK us to help and we shall do our half. That is how it works!
At this time upon your planet, goodness is happening all over. There are protests in other countries against the illegal lock-downs forced upon the people because of a false pandemic created by Satan's minions. People are waking up to the evil forced upon them.
These most evil ones wish to destroy the economic system world- wide, as well as to genocide most of the people upon your planet. Those hit the hardest in this satanic fiasco were the elderly people. Many of these were in nursing homes that were deliberately infected, and with some non-care they perished. The numbers of those dead from this hoax is far from the Truth, for even the hospitals were paid $10,000 for each one they pronounced one dead from COVID-19. Many, if not thousands of deaths, were NOT from this disease, as these ones died from many other reasons...accidents, cancer, etc. However, the hospitals wanted the MONEY. Isn't that more important than a human life? Apparently so.
The illegal fiat interest system that has ripped untold billions of dollars from the little people to pocket those of the elite. They have lived like kings, but the GREAT LAW of RETURNS is in effect. They have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind.
The arrests have continued endlessly of the Deep State which reaches worldwide. You would be surprised that the infection of Satanism has reached into the many little cities and towns across the U.S., and, also, into many countries around the globe. It is incredible how his evil infection has permeated Mother Earth.
Is it right for one man to delegate the life or death of another? NO! Each soul is given the choice to WHEN they shall die, and not at the order of one person. The GREAT Law given is that man shall not murder his fellowman. I said in the Journals that life imprisonment brings time to think and forgive self of wrong doings !
My Lightworkers are wondering about Mother Earth and have asked the endless question, "How long, oh Lord, how long is it before we can be boarded to safety? It is getting harder and harder to be here on this evil infested planet! When is Lift-off? We have waited for years!"
My answer is that each of you Lightworkers have all the help Heaven can allow to keep strong and on your mission for the Light and for Mother Earth. I agree that the Dark Side will never quit their evil antics until the very end when Mother Earth cleanses all 3D life from er surface. You are to stay calm, centered and balanced, for that time now is nearly over for Mother Earth. She has given a few more days for souled ones to come to the Light, especially with the great help of those Petitions being said daily!
I do know that she is at the very edge of turning over and is rocking back and forth with her greater distance than ever. That is why is await her birthing with the positioning of all Pleiadian Starship ready at a moment's notice for this great event to happen.
The 200 Star Nations have waited for a long time to observe this event, and know that she could, at this very moment, end all 3D life. There are still billions of delegates and their star ships surrounding Mother Earth to await her graduation, but, also, to meet the Lightworkers for what they did to uncreate the Satanian Empire!
Mother Earth wants balance brought once again and more ones to come to the Light, not only on Earth and on the Astral Plane but, also, many ones on other planets in the entire Cosmos! That is happening now. As she waits a wee bit longer before turning over.
I want to reiterate that the Petitions must be initiated by ones in 3D, who have come to the realization of the great Creative Power of their God Spirit within, and then to ask the help of the Lighted Realms. Got that?
Just be patient, for you are all cared for each day and should keep to your soul growth to the last minute of time you have left on this orb. She shall and absolutely will turn as she has 20,000 times and there is nothing you can pray or say that will change this event. It is part of her growth and her freewill to gain soul growth, and she is doing that by graduating to 5th Dimension.
You all have your freewill, and you of the Light must stay strong, calm, balanced and centered, and to hold onto great soul growth. There is no in-between, my souled ones. Either you are moving up or down the ladder of enlightenment. Where are each of you?
Are you keeping with reading and meditating and helping others when needed? Are you keeping up with your prayers and petitions for the entire Earth to give her love and care including every blade of grass I have created? Just remember that it is not only the souled humans that need the help of these great Petitions, but the Plant and Animal Kingdoms, as well. Some of them even went to the void! Your prayers and those great Petitions you are saying have helped these Kingdoms, as well!
Send Mother Earth LOVE and Light, and keep strong to ward off the darts of evil that are constant against you at all times. With our help you can make these last steps to the top of the mountain.
For all you souled ones that still slumber these last moments of Earth, there is still this beautiful day to wake up.
My great unending LOVE to all of you.