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UK to arm Ukraine with anti-ship missiles – Kiev

Murdered government whistleblower warned in 1995 about global depopulation using engineered bioweapons, followed by planetary-scale extermination of the human race

Dr. Zelenko: 'We could have ended pandemic long ago'

SORCHA FAAL: American “Deviants” Opt For Lunacy 22-Days From Critical National Emergency Decision

New York to Lift Indoor Mask Mandate

Parler Announces ‘Special Arrangement’ With Melania Trump


X22REPORT: Trump Is In Position, He Never Left, It’s Time To Return Publicly – Ep. 2691

SORCHA FAAL: America Faces Historic Political Earthquake Caused By “Great Confinement”

Ep. 2332a – [CB] People Controlled Reset Versus Trump’s People Transition, Watch What Happens Next

SORCHA FAAL: Fate Of Soros Controlled America Rests On Big Orange Cat Underdog History

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Weighs Three Options: War, Permanent Tension, Or, Just Smile And Wave

Ep. 2332a – [CB] People Controlled Reset Versus Trump’s People Transition, Watch What Happens Next

FULFORD: The Rockefeller “rules-based world order” circles the drain of history

X22REPORT: We Are About To Witness A Birth Of A New Nation,Everything Is About To Change – Ep. 2689

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Warns America Peace Only Possible After Moral “New World Order” Established

SOTN: APB: Evidence Indicates False Flag Terror Operation(s) To Be Staged In Ottawa

SORCHA FAAL: Atomic Hellfire” Warning Issued After “Mission From God” To “Lop Off” Biden Head Fails

X22REPORT: Ep 2689a – The Economic Direction Is Becoming Clearer, People Controlled Currency

Biden poised to ROUND UP anti-vaccine doctors and force them into insane asylums

Vaccine Passport fight intensifies.....

Neil Young and Joni Mitchell: mental midgets

Honey Found To Have Potent Anti-Influenza Activity

Triple-vaxxed Trudeau says he tested positive for COVID after fleeing Ottawa ahead of trucker convoy

The Russians Have Either Biden or Zelensky Completely Duped The question is only which one

As S-400 Air Defenses Arrive on Streets of Moscow, Russia Sends Final Communique to OSCE "Do You Intend To Fulfill Key Security Obligations?"

Miss USA Pageant winner jumps from high-rise, dies at age 30

Murdock: Mrs. Justice Kamala Harris: Migraine for America, Motrin for Joe Biden

Report: 76% of Americans Want Biden to Consider ‘All Nominees’ in Supreme Court Pick

SORCHA FAAL: New World Order “Resistance” That Defeated America In Afghanistan and Iraq Moves To Liberate Syria

X22REPORT: Message Received, New Narrative Coming, Think [MB] – Ep. 2688


X22REPORT: Ep 2688a – The [CB] Pushes The Great Reset Using Russia

SOTN: Russia Will Not Tolerate Nuclear Armed Nations On Its Borders

FULFORD: Worldwide Arrest Warrant for David Rockefeller Jr. as Khazarian Mafia Take Down Continues [FULL Report]

This is next on their agenda . . .

GoFundMe withholds $6 million raised for Canadian trucker Freedom Convoy

The Worst Ingredient for Your Immune System

CDC declares covid vaccines will be an endless treadmill of injections – and if you ever stop, you will be immediately labeled “unvaccinated”

Pfizer sweeps in to control the FDA and facilitate sweeping redactions of the court-ordered disclosure of their vaccine injury data

U.S., NATO Reject Russia’s Ukraine Demands, Offer ‘Diplomatic’ Path Forward

The Ukraine crisis, sponsored by US hegemony and war profiteers

'We say goodbye': Another nation ends COVID restrictions

Truckers stage massive convoy to protest Canadian vaccination mandates

Fauci proposes 3 coronavirus shots for babies!

Republican Reps. Call for Biden’s Impeachment

Virginia AG Says Universities Can’t Mandate Covid-19 Vaccines for Students

SORCHA FAAL: Russia Moves To “Red Dawn” War Plan To Aid American Patriots After Biden Rejects Red Line

SORCHA FAAL: Putin Orders “Elimination” Of Rogue American General As Apocalyptic Syrian War Nears

X22REPORT: Ep 2687a – The Battle Between The People & The [CB] Has Begun

Russia's super powerful nuclear submarine with 160 nukes on board appears off US coast

Fauci knows masks don’t work, but he told us to wear them anyway

It's baaack! Radical BBB bill returns . . .

The Government has isolated, purified, and sequenced Fear

Construction Costs Spike 17.5%, Worst since at least 1965. Inventories of New Houses Pile Up, Highest since 2008. Median Price Dives as Mix Shifts

Our nation’s security is at risk due to Biden’s illegal military vaccine mandate, experts warn

Biden cuts off America’s supply of monoclonal antibodies – only “vaccines” allowed

US Citizens Told Depart Ukraine Now By Any Means Possible In New Embassy Alert

Will predictions that Biden will install Kamala on Supreme Court prove true?

Stunning claim: 'Brutal sexual assault' by next pick for U.S. Supreme Court

SORCHA FAAL: Americans Warned Are Unaware Of Looming “Political Earthquake” Plot

X22REPORT: Why Russia? What Damage Can Russia Do To The [DS], Think Mirror – Ep. 2685

SOTN: US & UK Incitement + NATO Buildup + Ukraine Hysteria + Russian Demands = World War 3 [with Comment by Hatonn!]

X22REPORT: Ep 2685a – Good Guys Are Positioned, The [CB] Will Do The Rest

Democrats now turn to . . .

Is the virus real? Steve Kirsch suggests a debate

DC Asks Shoppers to Start Rationing Food: Is This Just the Beginning?

Poll: Only 15% of Americans Support Sending U.S. Troops to Ukraine In The Event of An Invasion

Biden Administration Is Withdrawing OSHA COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Photos show alarming extent of food shortages in grocery stores across the nation

California lawmaker wants kids as young as 12 to get vaccinated without parents’ knowledge

BIOTERRORISM at the highest levels: U.S. government caught targeting “red” states with deadlier batches of covid vaccines

A simple amino acid treatment protocol helps covid-19 patients recover faster

Revealed: The REAL insurrection transforming U.S. into darkness

Government data show 'vax-free' LESS likely to get COVID

New York Judge Strikes Down Indoor Mask Mandate


SORCHA FAAL: NATO Religious Cult Nears “Moment Of Truth” After Russia Warns “The Countdown Begins”

X22REPORT: SCOTUS Decision Needed, Trap Set, It Will All Be Revealed, Tick Tock – Ep. 2684


SORCHA FAAL: Insane American Warmongers Are Going To Be Bitten Very Hard By The Real World

This will give them 5 million per day to . . .

COVID: Why did mega-corporations accept the lockdowns?

Austria implements mandatory covid vaccination for EVERYONE

CDC report shows 40 percent increase in excess deaths among Americans ages 18 to 49

Police all around the world are standing up to covid tyranny

Federal judge blocks Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors

NHS Staff Throw Their Uniforms at Police Outside Downing Street in Protest Over Vaccine Mandate (Video)

Biden family received $31 million from Chinese officials with links to the highest levels of Chinese intel

Ukrainian general claims to know when Russia will ‘invade’

Homeless Man Celebrates Birthday With His Dogs

State Democrats block ivermectin treatments, kill public comment

WATCH: Did Jen Psaki just admit she works for President Obama?

X22REPORT: Ep 2684a – The [CB] Is Left With No Choice, They Are Now Pushing It All, People Are Fighting Back

NBC Host Labels Biden as ‘Incompetent and Ineffective’ in Brutal Synopsis of Year One

SORCHA FAAL: Russian Nuke Blast Provokes Panicked Biden Plea To Keep War Agreement Secret

X22REPORT: Rubber Bullets Sting But Do Not Last, It Won’t Be Boring Forever, Slow Drip Then Flood – Ep. 2683

Russell Bentley - Exclusive...LIVE From Donbass In Free Ukraine - When Will Russia Invade Ukraine?

X22REPORT: Ep 2683a – The People Reject The Elite And They Know It, Panic, Fear, Control Lost

FULFORD: The gnostic illuminati was right, we really are dealing with a rogue AI [FULL Report]

Dems next move to destroy the . . .

The Monolith: How I put together The Matrix Revealed

US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine

It’s Over.

Food shortages begin in Canada following trucker covid vaccine mandate

California Bill Would Let Children Get COVID-19 Jab Without Parental Approval

Western Australia premier says vaccine passport mandates could last for YEARS

Alex Newman tells Critical Disclosure Radio that a Florida hospital is trying to murder his father

PayPal drops nonprofit groups that oppose vaccine mandates

SOTN: BOMBSHELL! British Police Launch Major Investigation Into Covid Vaccine Crimes

Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate according to Government data

Why is airline industry so concerned with 5G network?

Top vax-mandate opponents to lead rally, testify in D.C.

France, Ireland follow England in lifting of COVID restrictions

TSA Allows Illegal Immigrants to Use Arrest Warrants as ID in Airports

These Gun Owners Are Standing Up Against the Crime Wave

X22REPORT: Just Because You Can’t See It, Doesn’t Mean Big Things Aren’t Happening, Fear The Storm – Ep. 2682

X22REPORT: Ep 2682a – The [CB] Makes Their Move, Right On Schedule, The People Are Ready To Counter

25 Federal Agencies Tracking Employees With Religious Exemption Requests

Massive tsunami nearly destroys Pacific island nation of Tonga following volcanic eruption equal to 10 megatons of TNT

Dems are not giving up . . .

COVID vaccines were designed to fail; that’s how they won authorization

US Special Forces Continue Mission Training Troops In Ukraine

BREAKING: Tens of thousands march for life in Washington, DC

Corporate media wants to “abolish parenthood,” says children belong to the state

Effort to beat back Democratic attempt to legalize vote fraud turns bipartisan as two Dems join Republicans to keep filibuster rule in place

If hospitals had utilized the Zelenko protocol with intravenous vitamin C and vitamin D, then covid-19-associated deaths would be virtually nonexistent

US youth mortality rate twice as high as other wealthy nations – report

Biden Authorizes Rush Deliveries Of US Weapons To Ukraine Via Baltic Allies

The Vaccine Is Much More Dangerous Than COVID-19 and It’s Not Even Close

Court rebukes California counties for shutting down gun stores during COVID

Students decry COVID response: 'They literally ruined our lives'

‘A Third World Country’ Democrat Governor Faces Brutal Reality of Crime Wave

Trump Disputes Rumors of Tension with Ron DeSantis During Hannity Interview

SORCHA FAAL: Fear Stalking America Awakens Europe To True Terror

X22REPORT: Nobody Is Safe, No Deals, Desperation, Fear, When Does A Bird Sing, Combat Tactics – Ep. 2681

US Nuclear Target Map

X222REPORT: Ep 2681a – The Great Reset Is Fizzling Out, The Push Has No Traction


They are close to eliminating the filibuster . . .

Part Two: I’ve isolated the virus lovers

Declassified video shows US drone strike on civilians

Theodore Roosevelt Statue Removed From New York City Museum, Headed to South Dakota

Quebec will require vaccine passports to shop at Walmart, Costco

Dr. James Thorp tells Pastor David Scarlett: COVID vaccines are causing massive pregnancy loss – Brighteon.TV

Vitamin K could offer protection against severe COVID-19, study shows

“Logan’s Run” and “Innerspace” both decades-old science fiction films with surprisingly accurate predictions of what the Covid apocalypse is now ushering in

Marxist AMA ignores its own code of ethics in calling for employer vax mandates after Supreme Court ruled them unconstitutional

Globalist Communist Turdeau Puts 38,000 Truckers On Unpaid Leave Cancels 76,000 Truckloads Of Goods A Week From Crossing Border Watch This Video - Canadian Trucker Erupts With Strong Language …And Infinite Truth...The US And Canada Are Being Destroyed!

Biden press conference blasted as failing 'horribly'

Supreme Court Denies Trump Plea to Block Jan. 6 Records Request


SORCHA FAAL: Biden Warns Of “Strong Response” For Russian Nukes In Cuba—Putin Gives “10 Megaton” Reply

SOTN: Booster Bust: Medical Establishment Changes Its Mind

X22REPORT: The Cure Will Spread WW, Demand Public Disclosure, Warning, Storm Coming, [FF]- Ep. 2680

Supply chain nightmare approaching as Canadian cross-border vaccine mandate goes into effect for U.S. truckers

X22REPORT: Ep 2680a – [CB] Right On Schedule, Fake News Projecting Rate Hikes

BREAKING: vote expected on election fraud bill

I've isolated the virus lovers

Truck Drivers Protest Against Trucker Vaccine Rule at Canada-US Border

Trucking companies sound alarm, say Canada’s draconian vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers will devastate economy

‘We like abortion’: Women’s ‘health’ group tweets that killing the unborn is ‘good’

SOTN: HUGE! Boris Johnson scraps masks, work from home and passports in latest Covid plan (Video)

Supply chain collapse worsening with massive thefts of merchandise from unguarded trains in L.A.

Russia evacuating embassy in Ukraine – media

MIT scientist warns of major brain damage to kids from COVID shots

Year One Review: 60% of Americans Call Biden ‘Unsuccessful’

Politico Poll: 37% of Americans Give Biden an ‘F’

SORCHA FAAL: Atomic Thunderstorm Ignited By Russian Doomsday Torpedo Blast Strikes Curvature Of Spacetime

SOTN: Everyone ought to know what “The Fourth Turning” looks like in 2022!

X22REPORT: The Initial Wave Will Be Fast & Meaningful,Signal Sent To [DS] & You’ll See The Tide Turn – Ep. 2679

Army Conducting Two-Week 'Guerrilla Warfare Exercise' in Rural North Carolina Focused On Battling 'Freedom Fighters'

Huge number of Dems want the unvaccinated to lose custody of kids!

X22REPORT: Ep 2679a – The Economic Playbook Is Known, Future Proves Past

“Bastille 2022”: Building a Worldwide Movement Against “Corona Tyranny”

Causing Dems to panic . . .

Arrest people who don't follow doctors' orders; put them in prison or camps

[Ridiculous!!] Substitute teacher was FIRED for refusing to “meow” to a student who claims to self-identify as a CAT

Bill de Blasio Not Joining Race for New York Governor

What's REALLY In Those LED Streetlights - Vid

Is the Biden regime gearing up to commit mass genocide against Christians?

Report: 19 federal agencies spying on Americans with religious exemptions

New York Sues Over Plans to Racially Discriminate Covid-19 Treatment

Supreme Court Rejects Effort to End Airline Mask Mandates

SORCHA FAAL: Russian Doomsday Torpedo Causing Global Shockwave Forces Feared American Sub To Surface

X22REPORT: The Wave Is Going To Begin In AZ & It’s Going To Sweep Across This Country, The Comeback – Ep. 2678

SORCHA FAAL: America Trembles After Russian Doomsday Torpedo Explodes Ocean Causing Global Tsunami

X22REPORT: Ep 2678a – Inflation Is Taxation, The Economy Is Uniting The People, Watch What Happens Next

SOTN: “Dark Winter” + 5G Activation + COVID-19 Bioweapon = Compulsory Prevention

Today is Schumer's deadline .

America is a Hospital

Pfizer’s Drug to Help You Quit Smoking (Chantix)Causes Cancer

Poll Finds Close To Half Of Democratic Voters Want COVID Internment Camps For The Unvaccinated

[AU] Self-Driving Trucks and Small Grocers Can Protect Food Supply Chain From Future Shocks: Experts

Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0? Putin may put hypersonic missiles, troops in Cuba, Venezuela, as NATO deploys forces closer to Russia

Prime age mortality SPIKED by 50% across multiple states during the year of the “life-saving” covid-19 vaccine

Aussies in Toowoomba, Queensland Push Back BIG TIME Against Globalist Police Force (Video)

Brace yourself for Impact: Luciferian elite launch ‘Great Collapse’ of Western civilization

MSNBC host floats tax for unvaccinated

Major U.S. newspaper insists on deploying National Guard to keep unvaxxed at home

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