Good afternoon, my friend. Please release of the emotional charge and allow the energy to flow naturally and smoothly. It is I, Hilarion, of the Fifth Aspect of Creator's Spectral Expression. I come in the Light of Holy God of Lighted Creation. I come as the Cohan (Master Teacher) of the Emerald Ray.
Ones on your planet are greatly concerned with the physical well-being of the body in which they are housed. Here we shall give forth some insights that will help to clarify the causes of the conditions that ones are experiencing. For most this will not be "comfortable" reading because the reasons for illnesses are most often other than what a person wants to hear, let alone accept.
The physical body is "merely" a conduit for the interaction into and the interfacing with the physical experience. I say "merely" because that body is a most exquisite creation indeed and poorly understood by your current level of so-called medical science.
It is a self-contained bio-electric machine that is quite suited to handle a wide array of energy patterns and frequencies that allow for the animation and coordination between the physical and the non-physical. The body's electrical system is quite sensitive and balanced in such a manner as to have the capability to respond and alter according to emotional desires of the one controlling the mechanism.
YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY! "You" are the one inhabiting the mechanism and it responds to your desires. There is similarity between "you", inhabiting and operating your body, and the process of sitting behind the wheel and driving your automobile.
The body, for the most part, is self regulating and will tend to run quite well in an "autopilot" mode. However, there come times of experience where the body is subjected to threat, such as physical injury, when it will offer a reactionary response to the danger and bring focus to the impending physical condition.
As example to this reactionary impulse would be to quickly remove one's hand from a hot stove. The body will retain information that will help one to avoid future damage and will offer a cautionary warning to the host (YOU) when the hand even gets close to a warm object.
This mechanism is part of the design of the body so that more primitive (lesser aware spiritually) users will be able to persist long enough in the physical without demise so that there will be adequate time sequence for growth.
This is the situation wherein one will tend to live instinctively and obey the signals of the body such as hunger, thirst, and rest. Ones will seek out the satisfaction of these basic needs so that they can experience as fully as possible.
As entities begin to grow more and more aware spiritually, they will begin to come out of the fog and into a more reasoning condition wherein mental anticipation of the future need for food will be recognized and planned for through storage.
This is the point where ones begin to awaken enough to realize that there is something more to the experience than to just exist and search out survival needs. This is where ones begin to reason with others the value of working together with one another in order to quiet the distractions and concerns of the body. This is where there occurs the first spark of sensing that man is more than a reactionary animal and that there is an inner desire to explore this awareness.
As cultures and beings evolve, there comes the need for Guides and Wayshowers to interject more and more of the true nature of the physical experience. While Esu "Jesus" Sananda is a good example of one such Wayshower who came to your planet 2000 years ago, MANY have come at this present time. These more advanced ones will volunteer for the challenge of fulfilling this task and will choose to take on a body in the physical to bring forth the all-important messages concerning the non-seen-but-felt spiritual connections of mankind.
These awakening nudges will often cause great emotional stirrings in the body. Ones will not know how to handle these energy surges at first, because they are subtle yet strong in their grip upon the physical apparatus. The surges will cause an array of sensations within the physical which, in turn, can provide the physical entity with guidance as to what is right versus what is wrong.
Much like the reactionary impulses to avoid physical danger, the body will offer reactionary impulses in response to other kinds of situations, which can nudge you to go toward that which will offer comfort and warmth. And in the case of the presentings of spiritual truth, the body will offer the best it can in the way of "gut felt" responses to that which is being offered.
"How", you may ask, "does the body do this?"
The physical part of the body is but "only" one small part of the entire apparatus that makes up the entire, functioning, bio-electric machinery. Just like in a computer, you have all the physical components--the main processor, the memory modules, the peripheral (audio and video) circuit boards, and the interconnecting wiring. And yet, more fundamentally, the computer still requires electricity (energy) operating in very focused ways in order to function and come to life at all.
In the case of the body, there are various electrical counterparts associated with each physical part of the body, including each organ and each individual cell. More fundamentally, there is a coordinated electromagnetic (LIGHT) energy field that encompasses the entire physical body. Some can actually see this "luminous" electromagnetic field under the proper conditions and call it the aura.
Your body's electromagnetic field interacts with the electromagnetic fields emanated by others and will respond to the various frequencies of these fields.
This is when you ones will say that you KNOW you can trust a person immediately; you don't know why but you can just "feel" it. This is why, when another comes offering true spiritual knowledge, you "feel" it within your "gut". You are responding to the higher frequency energies flowing into the electromagnetic field of the body. The body then responds with a desire to find more of what causes this reaction.
This is also the reason why some ones will be frightened of you. They will know that you hold truth and they cannot hide their trickery from you and that you will, in time, see through their games. These ones have resisted the spiritual path, having not yet learned to recognize that there is value in the experience. These ones have an energy signature that is much lower in frequency. They are usually the ones clinging to the physical material for their comforts and security. They are much like the animal that has to horde and hide food from others that might take it away--not realizing that there are infinitely abundant sources of nourishment for both the physical apparatus and, more importantly, the soul (the non-physical, God-like, thought projection of Creator Source).
When ones turn from their purpose, there come the "STRESSES" of the life experience. This unbalanced condition is a signal to you so that you can stop to evaluate where it is that you are heading and compare that to where your heart tells you that you should be heading. The heart knows the direction that will garner fulfillment.
More accurately, it is the emotional (electromagnetic) energy center associated with the heart that is attuned to both your Purpose from Creator Source and the impinging emotional currents of the impinging emotional currents of the ever-changing electromagnetic pulse-wave universe in which you exist. This heart energy center responds by instinctively offering that which will help you to discern your most satisfying path in life.
When you first start heading in a direction that is not fulfilling to the purpose for your being down there, you may or may not notice the subtle annoyance that you feel. But be assured that it is there. This causes slight distortions in the energy field of the body as you resist the natural flow of your experience. These distortions are what you ones refer to as "stress" and the corresponding worry and frustration is a by-product of the electromagnetic distortions in the non-physical part of the body.
If these distortions are allowed to persist, they will cause physiological malfunctions within the body. The physical body will respond to the out-of-balance (out-of-phase electrical impulses) condition of the electromagnetic energy field of the body. This will result in negative physiological changes within the body if the condition persists--such as colds, flu, cancers, and especially that #1 cause of death, HEART dis-ease.
Please be aware that the direction of the individual always starts with a thought and a decision. When ones are considering choices of action, ones should really make an effort to monitor the response of the heart or "gut" while evaluating their choices. Some do this automatically and may cause frustration in others because there will be times when the only reason they can offer for an action is: "I don't know' it was 'just' a feeling." These perceptive ones have learned to recognize and utilize the "bio-feedback" that is being offered to them.
When there is illness of any sort in the body, you can be assured that the one experiencing the illness was not paying attention to the signals offered through the heart energy center. There are choices and decisions associated with the condition that allowed for the stress to persist on and on until there is great unbalance within the physical, causing improper coordination between the various energy centers, and thus the body will not regulate itself properly.
When ones can isolate that which causes them "stress", they will be looking for that which has a decision or choice associated with it and would be wise to perhaps re-evaluate or look for that which they are resisting. Usually those things that the heart desires by way of growth have responsibility associated with them, and ones know analytically that there are often "growing pains" associated with such responsibility--as the primitive, ego-based, reactionary mode of living is replaced with a freer, more personally responsible mode of living.
Many will go through many life experiences without ever recognizing the connection between the physical condition and the non-physical stress, only to cause blame upon another for their [own] lack of physical balance. YOU each are creators of YOUR experience, either through deliberate action or passive reaction. Your physical condition is no exception!
Ponder upon these words, for they are offered in love and NOT with the intent to be offensive or hurtful. At this time many are crying out for assistance with the physical condition of the body. You will see that there is great value in finding within yourselves the TRUE cause(s) of any unbalanced situation.
The subject matter discussed here is far from complete. It is offered as a general overview so that one can come into awareness of self in a general, yet more balanced manner. There shall be more coming forth on this subject of the physical body's functioning. Please be patient and understanding. Thank you!
I am Master Hilarion. I represent the Heart Center of God. In Light and Love, SALU!
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, May 20m 1997, Volume 16, Number 13, Pages 18-19.
Understanding Your Bio-Electric Sensing Machine - Part 2
Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Master Hilarion, of the Emerald Ray of Creator's spectral desires. I come within the Wholeness of The One Light, Creator Source. Let us please continue from last we wrote, for there is great interest and desire for this information at this time.
We last spoke about the general overview of the basic functioning and interactions of the physical body. [Editor's note: See last week's 5/20/97 issue of CONTACT, page 18, for the first part of this extended writing.] The various energy centers of the body function in a harmonious and balanced interchange in carrying out the regulation of the various physical-functioning organs and cellular matter that make up the entirety of the body. There must be two-way communication, in a timely manner between the physical body and the non-physical counterpart, we will refer to as the light-body (light being electromagnetic pulse-wave energy), in order for the body to respond to the delicate fluctuations of the electrical impulses generated by each cell of the body.
That exquisite communication is accomplished through what you ones would call superconductivity as the conduction of electrical energy without resistance to that flow of energy.
In the world of "science", ones are having trouble achieving this superconducting state utilizing just basic metal and ceramic compounds, even at temperatures just slightly above where the conditions are most favorable (very old). Yet, in Nature (God manifest), it is happening all the time right before your eyes. (In fact, it is happening IN your eyes, for that matter!) And in the body, this superconductivity occurs at temperatures averaging 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and higher when the body is fighting foreign invaders.
The problem is that the current perceptions of "physics" are based upon assumptions that would appear to be true, but actually only include half (at best) of the picture. This is why your typical mainstream scientists are having so much trouble duplicating (or even realizing the true physical nature of) the world in which they live. But here I am digressing from the lesson for today, so let me return to that subject.
Each individual type of cell is attuned to very specific frequencies and will respond to the regulating currents of the light-body energy pulses. There is an underlying unique frequency signature associated with EACH individual on the planet that will keep each of you, to some extent, electrically isolated from one another, so that the direct electrical functioning of your body will not interfere with the direct functioning of another person's body.
This is the "genetic signature" of the body, unique to the DNA structure or blueprint of each cell. This is a "plasma shielding" that the body exists within. It will allow physical matter to pass through, while shielding out specific frequencies and wavelengths.
Without this shielding, ones would emphatically alter the state of one another. There are ones who can tune into the various frequencies associated with this energy field, and if not careful, make themselves quite sick (unbalanced) if they are tuning into one who is out of balance.
When ones are in an out-of-balance condition, these energy fields tend to be compromised in that they will lower in frequency and in intensity. This is a condition wherein you ones become more susceptible to manipulations by those who specialize in the "black arts". These dark ones will alter their frequency state that you enter when in these "stressed" states. Know that these dark ones operate ONLY in the lower spectrum of the physical range of existence.
When you move up in frequency, you are moving beyond the range of their influence. This is why we of the Lighted Hosts of God will urge you to keep your Light Shielding in place and fortified.
While each physical body is isolated in certain frequency ranges, each entity is also connected in other HIGHER frequency ranges that will allow for the communication with the rest of the universe (God's infinitely creating MInd). As we spoke about in last week's writing, the creative desires are projected out from the heart energy center and are focused with the mind. The greater the desire, the quicker the physical manifestation of the desire.
This mode of creation exists and works outside of the limitations of moral and ethical beliefs of the individual. This is to say it works for everyone regardless of their morals or beliefs. This is a basic Law of Creation: Go forth and CREATE, expand, and GROW!
There are ones on your planet who will manifest money and power without regard for who they step on, in order to reach their goals. Their desires often manifest quickly because they are not easily distracted with the Conscience that the average person has to contend with.
These ones who are so physically focused and self-isolated from their Conscience (inner guidance from their Higher self), will achieve a state where they get to the top of the mountain and will have everyTHING (physical) that they desire, only to find that there is still an inner lacking that is not satisfied. These ones are taking to extremes, one aspect of creating, and will, in time, either disintegrate their souls completely, or rebound back into the Light Source that created them--then wiser, for they know then where value IS NOT!
You focus your desires and send them out through the heart, and then the universe responds. Yet you never seem to get what it is that you are wanting. Therefore, you dismiss these words as fanciful delusions of a lost soul.
NO! They are NOT!
You ones fail to monitor your thoughts CAREFULLY! You will send out conflicting signals, and thus negate the energy pulses. You will say, "I want more money!" And then, in the next breath or thought, you will say, "But, I never get it." Do you see that the one thought cancels out the other? Your vacillating heart will send out both, and the net sum will be zero, or quite a bit less than you "thought" you were creating!
The seeming lack of clarity and single-mindedness of thought and focus usually comes from a conflict between what you consciously desire and what your Higher self is desiring in the way of growth. And that Higher self is doing battle with the ego-based self that desires comfort and satiation of physical desires.
This causes the kinds of stress that you ones feel usually in the heart area of your chest. While this lower, ego-based self serves a self-preservation purpose in the primitive cultures, it must be overcome if you are to ever move beyond the limitations that hold you from reaching through to Higher levels of realization.
The ego's reactionary impulses will serve your physical "warnings" to obey, by offering physical reactions or pains if you do not follow what it desires. Much like the warning sensations felt when your hand comes into close proximity to a hot object, the ego-based reactionary self will attempt to cause you to avoid situations that could lead you to override the ego's functioning. This war is perhaps the greatest challenge that you ones face in the physical experience because there are great efforts on the part of the dark ones to hold you from progressing through that physical classroom.
When you live in fear, you live in a reactionary state that will, at best, only serve the ego's desire for self preservation. However, your Higher self knows the functioning of the ego and will offer to you challenges that will shed light upon this fact. Most often the "clash" which results from encountering the lessons of this learning process will cause physiological changes and unbalanced conditions within the body. This reaction could manifest in many different ways, from sudden weight gain or loss, to colds and flus, or even cancer.
Most elderly people in poor health are in that deteriorated condition due to years and years of ignoring the "small" stresses and allowing them to build and accumulate into conditions of cancers or other various dis-ease ailments. These ones will often be very unhappy in general, and will reflect this in their physical demeanor, appearance, and voice.
Middle-aged people on this same path will often exhibit physical symptoms of old age (such as prostate troubles or menopause) at an "early" age. The individual always has a choice to turn around the physical conditions of the body, for it will respond miraculously to a re-balanced mental state wherein the head and heart can live in harmony.
Teenagers and younger adults tend to act irrationally to their inner conflicts and will lash out and hurt those around them in both physically and mentally abusive manners. When they realize that this behavior is not acceptable, they will begin to internalize their frustrations and hide them from the world. Meanwhile those stresses begin to manifest in the body, in later years, as degenerative malfunctions like cancers and organ failures.
You may be asking, "How can one avoid this, or turn it around?"
First there must be a desire for inner balance. This means that you have to either confront the garbage that the ego-self holds onto, and see it for what it is, and come to grips with the fact that you are responsible for your condition, and accept the responsibility for that which you have created. Or, you can (and this is possible though difficult) simply insist on balanced physical health, and focus the mind and heart on that singularity with the entire passion of your heart, and don't listen to those who would hold you down, for they are the puppets and tools of the adversary.
Particularly within the framework of policing controls set up by those dark ones who own the drug companies and make great profits from a drug-based "health" business, medical "science" has yet to (be allowed to) discover the correlation between the various electromagnetic energy fields of the body and the body's physical functioning--let alone perceive the connection between (and the true impact from) this "clashing" of the mental reactionary ego with the Higher self or soul connection. Therefore, there is, more often than not, misdiagnosis of the cause for a condition that is manifesting in the body.
These ones trained in your so-called medical schools (again under the control of those drug companies) can prescribe electrochemical mixtures (drugs) which will cause reactions and responses in the physical as your body tries to deal with the chemical invader. They can offer electromagnetic radiation treatments to kill living tissue (both cancerous and non-cancerous). But these "medical professionals" do not understand the non-physical effects that their treatments have on the light-body part of the human apparatus. Therefore they, for the most part, end up treating the symptom(s) instead of the TRUE cause(s).
These ones are usually well intending and well educated in the physical structure of the body (to a point), yet they would need to study fundamental electrical science and molecular physics to great depths in order to come into a more complete understanding of what is taking place around the body. And even then, they would need special abilities and talents in order to directly perceive these all-important energy fields of the body.
You will have to follow your own Guidance and be responsible for the choices and decisions that affect both the quality and length of your stay in the physical. Do keep in mind that what you voice with your mouth is often in conflict with what you radiate from your heart. You may be able to hide behind words, but the heart will give you away every time. And for those who tune into the heart energy emanations, they will know you and they will know when you are out of balance and off course.
And for those of you who like to deny this to yourselves, you can look to that which manifests in your life: Is your current state of "living" this life's experience something that is fulfilling to you, or is it full of stress and frustration?
May your heart be your guide, and may you learn to listen with the heart and project forth from those inner satisfying desires that bring forth balance. I am Hilarion, Master Teacher and Healer, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source so that His promise to you be fulfilled, and so that I, too, may grow in wisdom of experience.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, May 27 1997, Volume 16, Number 14, Pages 32-34.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.