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Bellringers Corner Vital Articles

Sananda: Recognizing and Facing Denial of Truth Within Self and Others: The "Secret" Inhibitor of Taking Personal Responsibility: Phoenix Journal #47

Sananda: All Days Are Holy, Therefore, Make Everyday An "Earth" Day

Sananda: "The Healing Power of Forgiveness" -Phoenix Journal #47

Lord Michael: "Countering The Distractions of the Physical" - Phoenix Journal #244

Keep Your Eyes Open As Earth Changes Accelerate - Phoenix Journal #111

50,000 YEARS PAST-- [ In Earth Shan’s History ] Phoenix Journal #21 Creation, the Sacred Universe

Government Banned Phoenix Journals (Re-posted )

Sananda-Lord Michael-St. Germain Chapter 6: What is "Work Fare?' --Phoenix Journal #47 -Pre-Flight Instructions For The Phoenix

Sananda: Chap. 4: Welfare (Sick-Fare) and the Anti-Christ; Chap. 5: Insurance (Non-Assurance) and the Anti-Christ; Phoenix Journal #47

Sananda: Chapter 1--Testing; Chapter 2-- The Creation; Chapter 3--Santa (Satan) Clause and The Anti-Christ. -- Phoenix Journal #47

Sananda: Recognizing and Defining the (12) Most "Deadly" Sins of Human. 12. Prejudice / Postscript by Complaint Department Manager-Hatonn. PJ#27

Sananda: Recognizing and Defining the (12) Most "Deadly" Sins of Human. 10. Hypocrisy 11. Vanity--Phoenix Journals #27

Sananda: Recognizing and Defining the (12) Most "Deadly" Sins of Human. 6. Envy 7. Sloth 8. Fear 9. Guilt --Phoenix Journals #27


Sananda: "Recognizing and Defining the (12) Most Deadly Sins of Mankind" 3. Gluttony 4. Lust 5. Wrath --Phoenix Journal #27

Sananda: Recognizing and Defining the 12 Most "Deadly" Sins. 1. Pride 2. Avaice --Phoenix Journal #27

Sananda: How To Recognize the Anti-Christ (That Which Is Against God) Within

Sananda: "Understanding the Nature of Your Personal Responsibility "- Phoenix Journal #27

Commandments of God and Creation # 16-18 from Phoenix Journal #27 by Esu Immanuel Sananda

Have We Been Gifted With Waters To Heal A Sick Planet?