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Sananda: "Recognizing and Defining the (12) Most Deadly Sins of Mankind" 3. Gluttony 4. Lust 5. Wrath --Phoenix Journal #27

Esu Immanuel Sananda

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be food or one could be what is termed a glutton for “punishment” by self or another. One could be a glutton for sex, for war or for power over others meaning he is hoarding unto himself, by expanding his capacity, a “perceived” physical pleasure because he feels UNWORTHY and, therefore, HE FEARS there will not be “enough” of whatever is the object of his excessive appetite. Gluttony is a form of self-punishment because ANY excessive “intake”, such as of food, sex, or power, often proves to be the very thing which leads to the destruction of the Glutton. It is this EXCESS, beyond reasonable need, which is not assimilated within the being, but is actually STORED, which then produces the EFFECT (remember the law of “Cause and Effect?”) of actually devouring and destroying its HOST. It is this HOARDING of ENERGY beyond the ability to ASSIMILATE and INTEGRATE it within his being, which the glutton has “trapped” and which, as is the nature of ALL energy, will seek to free itself from its “static” state in order to MOVE and remain ALIVE, even if it means the destruction of its HOST. Yes, this excessive trapped energy becomes much as a “parasite” upon the glutton. You see, chelas, the INTEGRITY of the energy deteriorates if it is accumulated, stored and kept STAGNANT OR STATIC for an inordinate period of time. Just as it is the nature of stored FOOD or ENERGY, such as FUEL, to deteriorate, if it is not somehow preserved. And even though the life of the food or fuel energy is extended by your various preservation processes, the quality or integrity, because of the stagnation or dormancy state of the food or fuel, is still usually lessened.

If you KNOW GOD/ATON your Father will provide ALL that you ever need to sustain in HIS service, why would you need to excessively HOARD any energy WITHIN YOU which is a part of the SPIRIT OF LIFE? The correct answer, precious ones, is that you do not need to over-consume the needs of your spirit or being to sustain you, IF the FATHER WITHIN is acknowledged and accepted as YOUR TRUE UNLIMITED POWER. You must KNOW within your very being that you will ALWAYS have what you need to sustain in HIS service!

Now let’s please make this clear to you ones who may be now in a panic wondering if your “body”, which you “perceive” carries more weight upon it than you would desire, is the result of gluttony. First of all, many of you under-estimate what is YOUR IDEAL weight. The image constantly fed to you of “thin, thin, thin is in” has caused many of you much unnecessary pre-occupation with this desire for a “thinner” you. This is VANITY which we will discuss in depth later within your “deadly” sins. Each ONE of you is gifted with a different skeletal frame for your body. If you are small-boned and petite in stature, then naturally you will need to carry less weight than one who is large-boned and petite in stature. When not tampered with, most of you were born with excellent natural functioning metabolic-mechanisms for maintaining an “Ideal” weight FOR YOU. Many of you simply eat MUCH more than your body needs to sustain in healthy harmony. Gluttony, then is EXCESSIVE appetite and desire for the hoarding of MUCH more OF ANYTHING which is a form of energy, than what one can properly assimilate in his experience. YOU each must learn to recognize whether your transgression against self is because of vanity or gluttony, BOTH or NEITHER.

For example, when one is a “glutton for punishment”, this means he hoards upon himself, because of lack of SELF-honor and SELF-worth, continuous, excessive and consecutive experiences which cause him undue stress and unhappiness. He becomes a “glutton” of the excessive repeat of his own self-created experience of VICTIMHOOD.

Gluttony really becomes a “mindless” behavior in that the glutton experiences a state of trance or transfixation upon whatever is the object of his gluttony. He is hiding from his pain of feeling unworthy, and by the mindless hoarding he becomes numb to his feelings. This, as you may now see, is much the same desire to “hide” from one’s feelings of being inadequate, unlovable or otherwise undeserving of life of one who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. You now within your society have MANY young men and women who feel so UNWORTHY that they will repeatedly “mindlessly” gorge themselves and then in disgust with themselves, they will vomit it all away. Ones have termed this “addiction” behavior “bulimia.” It has become the “new” dis-ease of your young people who strive to be, and can never “measure up” to SOME physical or other image of “false” perfection that either they have been given or that they themselves have adopted. What is the difference between one who is bulimic and one who eats more than he/she needs and retains the excessive weight upon the body? Both are eating to FILL an emptiness within, often of feeling unloved by self or others. The bulimic though can hide his/her food addiction from “the world” by maintaining a “slender” physique, thereby experiencing both gluttony and vanity. The one who overeats and gains excessive stored weight is experiencing an addiction to food for a variety of reasons, but most often the reasons revolve around “filling” the emptiness within and/or to give a protective “shield” (of excess weight) against emotional “attack” by self or others. This one too can feel vain, and get on a treadmill of overeating and thereby trying various “programs” of dieting formulas, diets, exercise, subliminal tapes and other so-called “miracle” programs to lose the weight. Until both (food addicted “types”) are able to recognize and come to terms with WHY they USE food to “fill” a need, and also learn what that “need” actually is, the one addicted will not be able to CURE his/her addiction.

Do you see, dearest ones, these “sins” we are defining for you are really the “symptoms” of the ANTI-Christ cancer within you, devouring, confining and limiting your creative SPIRIT OF LIFE. Your spirit is fighting the absolute AGONY of your self-created CHAINS of creative limitation. You must NOW recognize these symptoms and ASK the FATHER WITHIN YOU to give you HIS POWER, HIS WISDOM, AND HIS LOVE to help you cast off these chains of LIMITATION upon your creative spiritual unfoldment!


Lo and behold, precious ones, it has been this one “sin” upon yourselves and upon THE FATHER WITHIN which has brought your species to near destruction by the unmerciful ANTI-Christ. This one corruption of THE FATHER’S LOVE, WHICH IS THE LOVE OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE WITHIN ALL OF CREATION, has brought to you dis-ease of your bodies and emptiness and unfulfillment upon your souls.

Let us define LUST: “1. Bodily sexual appetite. 2. Excessive sexual appetite, especially that seeking of immediate or ruthless satisfaction. 3. An OVERwhelming desire: a lust for power. 4. To have passionate or inordinate desire.” Again, we are defining a behavior which is not only excessive and overwhelming but also depleting to the SPIRIT OF LIFE OF GOD WITHIN YOU. Lust is “adversarial” to THE GOD/ATON within you because it is an unnatural, excessive DESIRE allowed experience only upon your 3rd dimensional physical plane. The poison seeds of the feelings of LUST have been cleverly planted, molded, encouraged and harvested by the ANTI-Christ to replace and destroy what is true GODLY unconditional LOVE of THE SPIRIT OF ALL LIFE.

You ones have become so confused by what is your DESIRE for SEXUAL activities that you believe it now to be YOUR EXPRESSION of LOVE for your mate. Even those who know they LUST and that it is not LOVE, still eventually confuse their lusty desire as a part of their LOVE for one with whom they enjoy sharing companionship. LUST, for physical sexual release, IS LUST, dear ones, whether it be for a “ONE night stand” (oh my!) or done with one who you consider to be your “LOVE” MATE. For a more thorough description of the corruption of your spiritual creative potential through the abuse of “sexual” behavior, please READ OR REREAD THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION already set forth to print.

So then, the term “Lust” represents unnatural, excessive physical DESIRE, usually for “sexual” union, but also one can lust for POWER or MONEY or other “things” of your material “illusion”. By holding unto yourself these unnatural (to spirit) desires you will simply become heavily attached to your “illusion” of reality and will therefore remain HEAVY from the darkness of your ignorance. If there is ONE thing that we might encourage you to DESIRE, and it need not be unnatural or excessive, that would be YOUR DESIRE TO KNOW AND SERVE THE LIGHT OF TRUE GODNESS WITHIN YOU AND ALL THAT IS!


WRATH is defined in your dictionary as: “1. Extreme or violent rage. 2. Intense anger; rage; fury. 3. Any action of vengeance.” AND Vengeance/revenge means: “1. To inflict punishment, injury, or loss in return for the same. 2. A means of avenging oneself or another.”

Now understand the difference between what is wrath and what is anger because the two are often linked, rightfully so, EXCEPT that WRATH represents a MUCH more intense emotional state of rage, and one who is WRATHFUL seeks to actively AVENGE his rage, in some way, against the one/ones who he perceives maliciously “wronged” him or ones he loves. So let us define ANGER: “A feeling of strong displeasure and antagonism directed against the cause of an assumed wrong or injury.” So you see, anger itself directed at self or another is an emotion of displeasure because of witnessing, experiencing or being the object of a real or perceived “wrong”.

To feel anger at self for actions taken (or not taken) against self or another, more often than not begins with simple impatience which, if not resolved or released, then becomes frustration, and finally will turn to anger and then possibly wrath if recognition of truth is not achieved through the Knowledge of Wisdom of THE FATHER GOD/ATON WITHIN.

For example, many of you ones become most impatient when you perceive YOUR time is being wasted by actions or delays caused, in your perception, by another. You oftentimes are so busy rushing around with self-importance, with the idea, “time is money” or some such thought, that any unplanned infringement upon your perceived “valuable” time causes you great distress and impatience. Many of you have become so caught up in your self-importance that you just find it hard “to patiently wait” for anything or anyone. Are there times when ones deliberately MAKE you wait on them because of THEIR perceived self-importance? Of course. But you see you must learn to know the difference and, in any case, you are the one who suffers when you allow yourself to feel impatient, because the longer you hold it, the more uncomfortable you become by getting frustrated and eventually ANGRY and possibly even wrathful.

If for example, one is continuously “late” when he makes appointments of time with you, or others, recognize first that HE has the problem, whether it be just inability to plan his time properly or deliberate infringement on another because of “perceived” self-importance. By understanding what the actual problem or circumstance is with the other, through accessing the knowledge and wisdom of the FATHER within you, YOU then can respond with INTEGRITY by bringing your observations about the circumstances of the delay directly up with the one who is excessively “late”. You may actually be surprised to find that they are most apologetic and thankful for the truth, and you may have assisted the beginning of their recovery from what is THEIR problem. This is also what is termed actual “constructive criticism” in that you wisely recognize a “problem” and instead of internalizing it within or condemning the other, you offer them the truth about the circumstances, and perhaps even suggestions of how to correct the problem.

Criticism, on the other hand, is one of the most common “negative” offshoots of holding to self feelings of impatience, frustration and anger. By being critical of another, one is essentially condemning THEM and the behavior, action or performance based solely on arrogant “opinion” of what is perfection, to elevate their own feelings of inferiority, and NOT to HELP correct a problem whether “real” or perceived. Also, many of you ones are YOUR OWN worst enemies by being entirely too SELF-critical about ALL you are and do, condemning self always to feeling inferior and “worthless”. STOP it, dear ones, YOU ARE EACH carrying within you THE SPIRT OF LIFE, GOD/ATON/CREATION! If you are not pleased with how you handled a particular situation, whatever it may be, then DON’T condemn yourself, BLESS the experience, learn the LESSON, HONOR yourself and your courage, and MAKE the adjustments necessary TO CONTINUE IN JOY the discovery and utilization of your spiritual creative potential within.

Now, to feel angry because of a TRUE injustice perpetrated against you or one you love is a “signal” to THE FATHER within that you feel helpless (during those moments of anger), and perhaps you actually are, to set to right an action already committed against you or one you love. You must first release your anger to God/Aton within before it either internalizes and festers within you OR it turns up in DEGREE to what is WRATH. What you must do to “release” your anger is to recognize that the act against you or another is done, and that YOU participated in the manifestation of this act or crime against you for some LESSON you needed. So the quicker you are able to come to understanding about what is DONE, you can begin to confer with THE FATHER WITHIN to gain the Knowledge and Wisdom of Truth to find out WHY you have chosen to be a “victim” and WHAT must justfully and logically be done with the perpetrator against you. Whatever the degree of crime against the Laws of God and The Creation then, so too must the “punishment” be given ALSO within the Laws of God and Creation. If one murders or rapes another, then the verdict of punishment must be given in level-headed logic and wisdom according to THE LAW OF GOD AND CREATION, NOT wrathful VENGEANCE according to your will of fury or wrath.

For example, within the Pleiades star system, there are several planets occupied by your Pleiadian brothers and sisters. Although crimes against the Laws of God and Creation are now quite rare in The Pleiades, when they do occur, the ones committing same are actually sent to a “prison” planet of sorts, in separation from the GOD-LAW abiding ones, and also segregated by sex so that reproduction is not possible. This is the wise and logical punishment given by GOD’s directive to his beloved children of Pleiades. The rest of Pleiades society is thereby kept in relative peace, balance and harmony. The ones on the “prison” planet have freedom upon only the planet and must earn their survival without the more “modern” conveniences of Pleiadian society. Most spend the rest of that lifetime upon the prison planet, but a few are occasionally returned to society depending on the nature of their crime and how well they have recognized their “sin” and are willing to offer compensatory retribution to the “victims” of their crime or to Pleiadian society in general. Following is a quote from, “And They Called His Name Immanuel: I Am Sananda”:

“You have heard it been said: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you, exercise justice according to the natural Law of Creation, so that you find the verdict in logic and wisdom. Exercise love where it is warranted, and punish where the Law of Nature demands punishment. Ye shall, further, remain within the Laws of The Creation in deciding justice for ye may not impinge upon the Laws of The Creation in that which has already been laid down for thy judgment in wisdom.

“Give unto him who asks of you, if the request is made sincerely, and turn thee away from him who asks of you in dishonesty to deprive you of that which is yours in order to elevate his own comfort and status.

“You have also heard that it has been said: ‘You shall love thy neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Exercise love and understanding according to the natural Law of The Creation, so that you act and feel rightly, according to justice and logic. Exercise love where it is warranted, and despise (behavior) where the Law of Nature demands punishment.” (End Quote).

Does this mean it is “wrong” to feel angry and disgusted at the lies, deception and injustice which you may now recognize, witness and/or experience on your manifested illusion? NOT necessarily, IF the anger MOVES YOU to DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE IT. What will you do first? Confer and commune WITH MOTHER/FATHER GOD WITHIN YOU to find out just exactly what YOU have ability to do. Does this take days or weeks to know? YOU CAN KNOW IN AN INSTANT WHAT YOU MUST DO....IF YOU HAVE THE DESIRE AND NEED TO MOVE QUICKLY. Or it may take longer depending on your willingness to listen and intent to take action. Always it is your choice that which you are given of SPIRIT WITHIN, whether you are willing to accept and act upon it or not. If, for example, you have opportunity through the “speakers” to be introduced to “The Phoenix Journals”. You KNOW within that things are not right upon your place and you hear about and are angry and disgusted at the hideous lies and deceptions shared with you; in an instance of recognition that there is Truth here YOUR SPIRIT WILL MOVE YOU to learn more by reading the journals. That is your first step, become informed with Truth. Then what you do with it will be totally your decision. Hopefully you would be MOVED BY YOUR SPIRIT WITHIN by what you found to at least share with all who would listen. Whatever else you are given by SPIRIT to begin the change within self and upon your plane will be inspired within YOU by the gifts of talent given by CREATOR/CREATION!

Herein we would like to also repeat a truth as was wisely put by Commander Hatonn, “There are NO Victims, there are only volunteers. Ponder it.” AMEN!