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Government Banned Phoenix Journals (Re-posted )

Patrick H. Bellringer

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using Truth to their own advantage. This has been done for centuries. Truth has been held secret in the mystery school libraries of the elite controllers for centuries. It is now becoming available to us. These banned Phoenix Journals are now readily available on our site in our Phoenix Journal section.

Everyone who is searching for Truth is urged to immediately access and download this "banned" information for your knowledge and study. Download, duplicate and distribute! Knowledge is power, and used with good intent, it can change our world back to balance and harmony again.

This Truth impacts all areas of knowledge. For example:

ASTRONOMY -- space, space/time travel, starships, Cosmospheres, "star people"/etheric beings/E.T.'s, UFO's/U.S. fake space program, UFO (alien) cover-up, life on other planets, Hale-Bopp, Earth's Pleiadian connections, Dal-Pleiades-Hyades universes, Cosmic Laws; universality of Mind; Our expanding, contracting, two-way, radial universal; our electric, polarized, gravity controlled, sex-conditioned, pulsing, mind-imagined, thought-wave universe; and the Ring Nebula of Lyra/"Eye of God" energy polarity system.

LIFE SCIENCES -- What is Creation, its purpose, and how it came to be; Laws of Creation, source of life, environment/pollution, beyond the five senses, instinct/God-control, photosynthesis and the geometry of space, genetic engineering, robots-androids-robotoids-clones.

EARTH SCIENCES -- Earth's creation and history, magnetic shift/axis shift, man-controlled weather, climatic changes, Earth's future/coming Earth changes, survival/Pleiadian Lift-off.

MEDICAL SCIENCES -- Drugs/vaccines, disease engineering, Rife microscope, crystal viruses, mind-healing.

CHEMISTRY -- Fallacy of atomic theory and periodic chart, element creation and decay, crystals/gem stones and health, killer metals/recycling nuclear waste, source of solar energy, cube-spheres, metallic glass, matter/anti-matter, cold fusion, universal octave, voiding principle, matter/wave motion/simulated light.

PHYSICS -- God/Aton's universal language of Light, spacelessness/timelessness, three dimensional illusion; fallacy of energy, matter, nuclear fission, and Coulomb's law; electricity/gravitation, gravity/magnetism, electric current/mind-thinking, momentum of inertia, octave-wave pulsation, radioactive suicide, new laws of thermodynamics, free-energy.

POLITICAL SCIENCE/GOVERNMENT -- U.S. secret government/Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik world controllers, One World Order/Plan 2000, UN hidden agenda, crimes of George Bush, Lie of FEMA, U.S. greatest enemies/Britain and Israel, U.S. government/drugs and gun running, slaves by gun control, illegal Federal Reserve Bank/Gold Standard, usurpation of U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, fake U.S. space program.

RELIGION/HUMANITIES -- scientific definition and proof of God-Aton, the true Anti-Christ, lies in the "Holy Bibles", religions and heresy, God-Aton and the Creation, god-Satan and the Dark Brotherhood, freewill, cosmic consciousness, reincarnation, love cycle, universal law of giving and re-giving, the Laws of God-Aton, prophecy, return of "Jesus" to Earth (when and how), how to know God-Aton/Our God-Spirit within, the Kingdom of God-Aton within you, meditation/how to communicate with God-Aton within and the Lighted Realms, where and what is heaven and hell, subconscious/ super-conscious mind, mind power/mind creation, life and death, life after death, good and evil, fear, pain, suicide, discernment, wisdom, Universal Law of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange, God-Aton is Light/creating all through electricity from light, transformation of man into 4th dimension/starship lift-off of man from planet Earth.

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Through a lawsuit in the early 1990’s the U.S. courts banned ten of the Phoenix Journals from public view. Through this action 110,000 copies of these journals were destroyed. These ten banned Phoenix Journals were the first ones that were posted on the Internet at in March, 1997. The other 105 published Phoenix Journals were posted to in November, 1998. All of the remaining Phoenix Journals that were never published in book form were posted to in early 2006. The 115 published journals and the 126 unpublished journals comprise the Phoenix Journal library of 241 volumes. Many of the published journals are available in paperback book form at the Contact Newspaper office, Las Vegas, Nevada for $6.00 per copy plus shipping. You may call 1-800-800-5565 for ordering and shipping information.

The Phoenix Journals were transmitted by radio signal from the Pleiadian Fleet Command Ship, The Phoenix, by Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters directly to receivers “Druthea”, and “Dharma” (Doris Ekker) of Tehachapi, California. Radio signal transmission was used purposely to avoid any error in transmission or any interpretation by the receiver, such as often happens when telepathy or other means of communication is used. Hatonn/Aton, Creator God of Light is giving Truth to Earth’s people one more time before the ending of this last third dimensional civilization on Earth Shan.

Eight of the banned Phoenix Journals comprise a series called "The Pleiades Connection" and are entitled as follows:

Journal #30: Pleiades Connection--Return of the Phoenix Vol. I, by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn and "dharma", 1991 (now reprinted as Journal #22 by PSD and available with deletions)

Journal #31: God Said: Let There Be Light and Creation Became, Pleiades Connection Vol. II, by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn and "dharma", 1991

Journal #32: I And My Father Are One--Secrets of Universal Order; Eternal Quest of Man, Pleiades Connection Vol. III, by Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn and "dharma", 1991

Journal #33: Murder By Atomic Suicide (Technical and Spiritual Disclosure Of The Secrets Of How, Why, What, Where, When And Who Of the Universe And Its Functional Projections) Pleiades Connection Vol. IV, by Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton and "dharma", 1991

Journal #34: E.T., Phone Home--Reach Out And Touch Someone--Like God!, by Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton and "Thomas"

Journal #35: The Sacred Spirit Within--Mitakuye Oyasin (for all my relations - which is ALL), Pleiades Connection Vol. VI, by Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton and "dharma", 1991

Journal #36: Human--The Science of Man (The Scientific Definition And Proof Of God And The Cosmic Order Of The Universe, What Is Creation And How It Came To Be), Pleiades Connection Vol. VII, by Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton and "dharma", 1991

Journal #37: Science Of The Cosmos - Transformation Of Man, Pleiades Connection Vol. VIII, by Violinio Germain and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton and "dharma", 1991

The other two banned Phoenix Journals are:

Journal #22 (original #22): Matter, Anti-Matter, What's The Matter, by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn and "dharma", 1991

Journal #47: Pre-Flight Instructions For The Phoenix Vol. I, by Jesus Sananda, Lord Michael, St. Germain, and "druthea", 1992

You are urged to obtain and share this truth immediately!

It will change your life, your world and your future!

URL for the Published Phoenix Journals from our old site is: