Tonoise Soltec
by Soltec 10/14/95
Good evening, Toniose Soltec present in the Radiant Light of Holy God who watches, along with the Hosts, a most amazing array of antics and shenanigans being either attempted or played out on your planet at this very moment. For a most obvious example, the long string of Space Shuttle delays going on this past two weeks, since September 28th, in conjunction with some very specific storms, should be enough to tell those of you who have opened your eyes to Truth that much is afoot in that chess game being played out before your very eyes but unknown as such to the masses of walking asleep or walking dead.
On the geophysical front, activity has ramped up to a new level of intensity all around your globe, though the normal news media would be the last to let you know of same. And, as I have stated many times in the past, because of what has been purposely agitated, it is now very hard to separate what is “natural” earthquake and volcanic activity from what is the result of man’s direct tinkerings, as natural reactions to all such tinkerings shall occur.
The planet is becoming more volatile with each passing day. The energy exchange between the tectonic plates is constant as Earth-Shan seeks to reach a geophysical balance. Ones must be on constant alert, for catastrophe could strike at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! The most urgent message I can write is TO BE PREPARED! The emergency preparation list which used to be run regularly in CONTACT should be run again [see page 13] as a reminder to ones who drag their feet. (Check List is found at "Contact, the Phoenix Project" , p. 13.
If Mother Earth were not a VERY durable creature herself, lovingly putting up with sustaining YOU for such a very long time, without much of a “thank you” from those who derive all physical sustenance from her giving—if she were not this most generous being, YOU would not have made it to this day of experiencing on her “skin”, so to speak. But you are like the annoying fleas crawling around on the back of the longsuffering dog: there comes the time when even the most patient dog gives a mighty shake and those pesky fleas go flying. That is the condition rapidly building now upon great Mother Earth-Shan. Creation shall always seek order and balance, and those who do not conform to same shall simply suffer the consequences of their foolishness.
For several years now I have told you to watch
In a writing on 7/12/93 I wrote:
“Please remember, if you will, the previous writings we have presented upon the subject and place known to you as
“The Pacific Plate, as you have been shown before, is moving in a northwesterly direction, and the Eurasian Plate is moving in roughly an easterly direction, with the Indo-Australian Plate to the south moving in a northerly direction. This causes the little Philippine Plate to be squeezed from all sides, and thus is creating extreme amounts of pressure on the
“An oceanic trench is a narrow, deep trough, parallel to the edge of a continent or an island arc. The continental slope forms the landward wall of the trench, its steepness often increasing with depth. The slope will typically be 4 to 5 degrees on the upper part, steepening to 10 to 15 degrees or greater near the bottom of the trench. The deepest spots on Earth, nearly 12 kilometers below sea level, are in oceanic trenches.
“In most parts of what you call the Circum-Pacific Belt, earthquakes, andesitic volcanoes and oceanic trenches are closely associated. Distinct ‘earthquake zones’ begin at oceanic trenches and slope landward and downward into the Earth at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees. These zones have been named Benioff Zones, after the man who first recognized them. All Benioff zones tend to slope under a continent, or a curved line of islands known as island arcs. Andesitic volcanoes may form the islands of the arc, or they may be found near the edge of a continent that overlies a Benioff zone.
“These volcanoes form island arcs or erupt within young mountain ranges on the edges of continents. The rock produced by these volcanoes is usually andesite, a type of extrusive rock intermediate in composition between basaltic oceanic crust and the continental crustal material of granite.
“Oceanic trenches are marked by abnormally low heat flow, compared to normal ocean crust. This implies that the crust in trenches may be colder than normal crust. Oceanic trenches are also characterized by very large negative gravity anomalies. This implies, then, that trenches are being held down, out of isostatic equilibrium, resulting from equal pressure from all sides.
“Where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a plate with a continent at its leading edge, the melting of the subducting oceanic plate occurs beneath the continent. Consequently, the rising melted material (basalt) passes through and mixes with the granite of the continental crust. This results in a continental arc of volcanoes along the edge of the continent—for example, the Cascade Mountains in your
“If the spreading center producing the subduction plate is far enough from the subduction zone, an oceanic trench is well developed along the margin of the continent. The Peru-Chile Trench is an example of such an occurrence, and the
“So, what is all this about? Well, it is about that which is occurring within your Pacific Ring of Fire. The
“Chelas, have we not been telling you ones over and over again that your world is in a state of massive change? Do you yet begin to get the picture that all the mountains and islands are moving and changing? Do you not yet see that the face of your world is changing on a moment-to-moment basis? Are you yet beginning to understand that that which you ones have placed so much value and security upon can crumble and be only a memory in a moment’s time?
“And yet, most of your world sits and continues as though it were merely business as usual. WAKE UP, PLANET EARTH!! IT IS NO LONGER BUSINESS AS USUAL. YOU ARE IN A TIME OF MASSIVE CHANGE—MASSIVE UPHEAVAL AND IT IS TIME THAT YOU ONES GOT YOUR ACT TOGETHER! This time it is
And then, in a writing on 10/16/93 I wrote:
“I have written in past arrticles that the Islands of Japan were going to suffer greatly in the anticipated coming changes—and that has not changed. These little land masses are severely fractured and faulted now, beyond ability to continue to hold together through much more shaking....
“The stresses and pressures have not relieved sufficiently to bring calm to this area, so it is not over yet by a long shot. So long as that Pacific Plate continues its massive movements, there is going to be continued earthquake activity in Japan, the Philippines, North and South America, and all the little island areas within the Pacific Ocean....
“You are standing at the doorway of MASSIVE change, and you have but to look upon that which is happening daily to verify same.
Now let us take a look at a few recent events: A few weeks ago
Moreover, at critical fault-crossing locations in both Northern and
And as if that weren’t enough, the recent series of quakes on
Well, the way things are going, that’s going to be a true statement—as everything IS connected to everything else and one quake precipitates the next and the next. But to conclude that such a pronouncement of “aftershock” means that all is ok, as in, “Well, it’s only an aftershock”, is by no means sound reasoning! In fact, we are at a point of great difficulty in predicting earthquake and volcanic activity around your globe because the stress levels on those crustal plates, coupled with purposeful beam blasts from several sources (due to tit-for-tat warfare) coupled with those recently resumed South Pacific nuclear detonations by the French Government, all make for a most complex situation which sometimes extends beyond the envelope of predictive scientific causal analysis
I could go on, but the point of my noting these events is simply to indicate that you are in a time of accelerating cleansing activity on the part of Mother Earth and you should be prepared for some tough times ahead as a result of this inevitable cleansing process. We have written extensively on these matters over the past five or more years until we feel like an old phonograph record—but free will must prevail. We can but bring a small hint of the same sobering information to your attention as your own scientists are seeing yet are not permitted to share with the public. I shall not even remotely get into divulging what YOUR OWN scientists have at their desks which would scare the life out of you should they tell you the truth. But what else is new?
As I warned about preparations in that 7/12/93 writing:
“It is interesting, also, to note that the people who reside in your nation’s mid-section, though they be floating away with water [from the
“There is one dear child in
“You see, we do not simply tell you to get these things in order to scare or promote a state of fear or panic, but we do have a little better idea of what is occurring upon your world than you who reside there, for we have benefit of the larger picture. We are merely trying to get your rear-ends through all these changes and upheavals that are coming upon you ones in these days. So your neighbors think you are nuts—who will survive and who will not? Which of you will be forced to go to your corrupt, Elite-controllers for a handout, and which of you can make it on your own? In which category do you ones wish to be?
“When the water is polluted and contaminated and full of fecal matter from your sewage plants—and typhoid, cholera and dysentery or worse set in—these ones get a whole different picture of the way your world is. Most people in your
“How many of you ones who have been receiving this ongoing information have prepared sufficiently for your families, pets and loved ones? Would you have enough supplies stored in case there was a catastrophic event this day, or would you wind up being among those counted standing in line for the barest of survival essentials? How many of you have even considered doing so? How many have considered preparing, but have put it off believing that it could never happen to you? It might be a very good time for serious reconsideration of such things
“Those of you who live in the ‘earthquake zones’ of your United States need to be aware that there has been activity occurring all along the eastern edge of the Pacific Plate as well—from the Aleutian Islands all the way to South America. How many of you are prepared for a 7.8 or greater Earthquake? Did you believe that because the predictions of May did not occur that you ones are off the hook? Guess again. You are going to experience earthquakes sooner or later (more than likely sooner), so you need to reconsider the situation in which you and your family will find themselves.
“Those of you who reside in the large cities are at the greatest risk in more ways than one. First, this is where the greatest amount of death and damage will occur in a major earthquake. Second, they will also be the prison camps which your government will set up, because they will not know what else to do with you. Third, during a nuclear attack, they will be the greatest targets. You who live in the rural areas are in better condition; however, you would be wise to store whatever you have means for acquiring—INCLUDING MEDICAL SUPPLIES, FOR THERE WILL BE LITTLE OR NO PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL CARE AVAILABLE!
“We are not playing around at little survival camp games this day, Chelas. This is a very, very serious time and we mean to instill a healthy amount of fear and attention within you so that your physical rear-ends might be saved, for it is not our desire that any should perish.
We are quite busy this day. Ones are dinking with the weather, the faults and the grid system. Chaos reigns on your planet. May God have mercy.
I am Toniose Soltec, come as one of the Hosts of God, to fulfill His promise to you the people of Earth-Shan so that His people shall have means of survival in this transitioning evolution.
I bring this writing to a close with the warning to stay alert to your own inner nudgings and keep the Light of Holy God around you as you go about your daily chores—as a most serious time of gamesmanship is underway on your globe as various factions of the Elite controllers battle for the position of “king of the mountain”.
You of the ground grew are most cherished by all of us in the overseeing realms, as you are our front-line arms & legs for this planetary reclamation mission. Remember that we are NEVER farther away than a heartfelt call and we stand ready to assist as invited. Meanwhile we watch as Earth-Shan’s rebirthing process ramps up to higher gear and warn you that it shall be a time for much misery for those who remain unprepared.
Toniose Soltec to clear in God’s Holy Light of Radiance. Salu.
Reposted March 12, 2011
THANK YOU, Rocky Montana
#1 Reply)
----- Original Message -----From: A&CMTo: BellringerSent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 10:00 AMSubject: ADD-ON SUGGESTIONS - SURVIVAL LISTDear Patrick,My wife and I have been thinking about the survival list and want to suggest some items that may be helpful to others,as options. Many people may not know there are units made now that do not need batteries or household electricity. The " hand crank generator", influenced from the Tesla and Faraday era, was used in most of the first telephones and WWII field radios.The example emergency units below, found on the internet, produce there own electricity. A general rule of thumb with these units is 1 minute of cranking equals 15 minutes of electricity, 4 minutes equals 1 hour and so forth. We use the model flash light listed below. It is also waterproof. The light is quite brilliant from 3 LED bulbs. Will store the electricity 30-60 days when used for short amounts of time. All the radios listed below can also be used to recharge cell phones and other DC voltage portable devices.In Love and Light,A&CM