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Alien Contact Imminent !!

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at has been plated as its food to the whirring and stir of what moves overhead. The Councils of many alien nations have convened and are moving in, despite the barriers being fortified in earth space. The governments simply cannot prevent you from receiving open contact with representatives of pioneering extraterrestrial civilizations, no matter how they intensify the smoke screen. Contact is imminent. You know it is; you realize that the Secret Government cannot keep the evidence from you any longer. You know that the sightings are proliferating everywhere around the world and that even the mainstream media, however silenced to truth, can no longer avoid the unavoidable. People everywhere on Earth have begun to take notice of new lights in the heavens; lights that dance, lights that move about, lights that illuminate the undeniable fact that humankind's isolation is coming to a most excitingend.

Despite the Power's desperate efforts (for desperate they are indeed) to conceal all they know of the alien life that thrives beyond and within your parameters, there is simply no way to prevent your discovery of the hidden domains. Contact is soon to be made with the people of Planet Earth; in your lifetimes. You are all going to experience this, no matter where you stand on the question of human evolution and the coming earth changes. The Power knows this, for they have been given a deadline in which to announce the news of alien presence in your realm, after which those who intend to stand before you will. That deadline, Dear Ones, has just about expired and yet they remain silent. It is quite apparent that they do not intend to honor that commitment, because they will then have to come clean on the alien secret. Their vulnerability will seep through their disguises, exposing their scaly underbellies and they will lose their grip the moment the society all eightbillion individual units understands that the reality they have imposed has been shattered. The vibrations of the entire human race will raise the nets and your slavery will be over

"There is only One Moment. It is eternal. It is this moment. There is only One Self. It is infinite. It is the self that experiences this moment" from THE DIVINE MOMENT by James Prior


In the Name of ONE , Sandy
