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Not For Peace, But For Doom Have You Been Made

Sorcha Faal

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informed citizenry living in the times of destruction, misery and death.

I cannot but be appalled by the utter lack of real news, real truth, real information reaching the American people, and in what has been my most astounding discovery this past month has been that our website, WhatDoesItMean.Com, run and managed by a collective of Sisters provides more substance of truth and information in one day than any of the so called American media outlets do in an entire year!

Why this is so is obvious has its historical counterparts from last centuries Soviet and Nazi German Empires, to the most ancient Empires of Rome and Persia, and which were all systems designed to subdue a populace that had been doomed for total annihilation. And, just like the America of today, these ancient Empires peoples were completely ignorant of what was to befall them, and, likewise, ignorant as to the frightening speed their destruction would come upon them.

Do you really want to know the brutal and horrific truth that you are facing?

"Two or three decades after the first war it will come a second war still larger. Almost all the nations of the world will be involved. Millions of men will die without being soldiers. Fire will fall from the sky and many great cities will be destroyed.

And after the end of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration will come. There will be weapons totally new.

In one day more men will die than in all previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will happen. Overnight it will take place -- in a pub in Zwiesel many people will be together, and outside the soldiers will ride over the bridge.

The people will run out into the forest. Those, who hide themselves at the "Fuchsenriegel" or at the "Falkenstein" remain spared."

These words were written by the 19th German Prophet Matthias Stormberger, and who unlike the often quoted Nostradamus did not speak, or write, in riddles, but instead predicted in plain and unequivocal language World War I, World War II, and what you’ve just read, his horrific description of the war you are living through now, World War III.

To the World, and times, you are living in now do not think either that Matthias Stormberger was alone:

The 17th Century German Monk Ludwig Heinrich warned you: “In the last years of the 20th century, one will see the disappearing of countless animal species, killed by man. But at the end, it will be the man that it will condemn the man to the death, because everything that grows on the earth will contain the essence of the death.

The air will be the blow of the death, and as soon as the man breathes it, he will breathe the death. As soon as the millennium touches its end, it will rain from the sky one pestilence never saw before on the earth. And this pestilence will remove all the force from the man; and the man won't be able more to fight, even against the worm that crawls on the earth".

From the Monastery of Sainte Claire, Perpignan, in France from the 14th Century came this warning for you: "For stranger than the last times may seem, the last century of the millennium will overcome all the others. It will be similar to one car that moves with difficulty, guided by unable and servants of Satan.

In that period of terror, there will be great spiritual poverty. (...) Many kings will lose the throne and some kings will recover the throne. A war will begin. (World War I). After, another war comes. (World War II) and so another war. (World War III)

From the sky the hell will fall. In the anguish of a bad life, the man will finish poisoning everything. (chemical bombs) Poisoned clouds will cover the earth.

Monstrous machines will dominate the skies. The fire will destroy many cities. The men will finish destroying each other."

From the 14th Seer known as the blind man from Prague comes yet another warning to you: "A new war will break out and this will be the shortest of all. The people will destroy the world and the world will destroy the people. And Bavaria has to suffer much. This happens because mankind will leave God, and God will purify them. When people attempt to take the creator's place the end is near."

Do you realize that our Order has literally tens of thousands of other such warnings as these stretching back over 2,000 years? Do you know also that the reason you do not know of these is because your ‘system’ of living (government/corporations/media/religion) have created an artificial structure for you to live in they call reality? And that this reality you live in that has been created by your masters has no basis in truth?

If you can imagine a child growing up with parents teaching him/her not to believe ANYTHING other than what their parents tell them too, that anything they might experience or see differently that conflicts with their parents teachings is not only lies, but is also a sin to know…if you understand this then you can understand your life.

Do you KNOW also that there was a very specific reason that Jesus DID NOT take for his followers anyone of religious value? Did you KNOW in fact that Jesus picked for Himself only those whom the religions of the day considered outcasts and sinners? Did you KNOW that these people were exactly like you?

OH! And don’t forget, Jesus didn’t give to any of his disciples a Bible to carry around, read from, or preach from….it didn’t exist.

I can tell you with authority too that just in your reading these words I am writing you are closer to God than any number of Sundays, or Saturdays you could spend in a Church or Synagogue. In fact, those who place their eternal lives in such places, and the men who devised and run them, not only have the only reward they will ever receive, but what they will soon be facing all that they believe they are stripped away from them in a shape and manner as to bring them to utter and devastating ruin.

This is NOT for you because you are of my family, and I of yours…we just don’t know each other yet. There are also many more of our family who are lost in the darkness of this World and its ‘reality’ who like you before them yearn for the substance of what is REALLY true, what is REALLY going on, WHAT this life of ours mean, and HOW to make all of this make a perfect sense.

I NEED YOUR help…RIGHT NOW! And the help I need, all of us Sisters need, is your labor so that our efforts can not only continue but also grow, until that time that OUR ENTIRE FAMILY has been reunited for the TASK for which all of us were born, to fulfill those promises WE made to each other long ago.

Now, if I was standing outside of your doorway, knocked and then asked you to help me pass out our message in your town or city I know that you would lend me your labor, your time, but this is not possible…or is it?

Well of course it is! And that is because money is nothing more than the physical embodiment of your labor, and that you DO have, that you can help me, help US with!

I have personally NEVER given into failure in my life, not for myself, not for my Sisters, and CERTAINLY NOT for YOU!!! This is NOT a GAME we in this World are playing either, this is LIFE, and NOT just OURS, but for all of our FAMILY!

Help me continue this mission and I promise you that I will not fail you, so please do not fail to heed this call from your Sister now.

With God,

Sorcha Faal


Note: For every donation to the Sisters made from this offer you will receive at no extra costs Sorcha Faal’s 1 hour audio lecture CD titled “The Words Of Prophets Kept From The West”