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What's Up On Planet Earth? Exciting News!

By Karen Bishop

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fashion, desiring a quicker manifestation of the New, with less interference from the Old. Many have grown weary of the timeliness and apparent setbacks of creating a New planet of light. We will soon begin seeing the Old systems and darker energies being challenged and held accountable. Many committees and groups will begin forming, calling for a full investigation of all practices and activities carrying any "suppression", "controlling", and "disempowering" energy. All will be revealed.....all will be held accountable.....all will be asked to depart. How will this manifest into form? Our government, the IRS, organizations relating to debt, banking, insurance, and much relating to our monetary systems will be "opened up" and eventually restructured to now match a higher way, a higher frequency, and an alignment with the New Energies. If you strongly resonate with this scenario, know that it is because you were at the meeting!

In addition, as our own personal frequencies have greatly accelerated, we will find it difficult to tolerate the Old suppression energy, as it is no longer in alignment with who we now are. We will be activated as a whole. Our New motto will be "We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take this anymore!". This will manifest in personal ways in relation to any situation we find ourselves in with other individuals, organizations, or prior life patterns. This phase is beginning now, and will accelerate into a much higher manifestation by the end of the summer. And again, in perfect alignment with our presidential election. The end of summer will also bring in the next phase and "bump up" into an even higher level of our human and planetary evolution. We will integrate this phase as well, it will result in more New manifestations and higher ways, and the process will continue on in this way.

The people will finally rise up, declare our freedom, and make it so. Hallalujah!

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the new evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

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About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability and multidimensional access since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert, giving soul readings, and as a custom design fabric artist for home interiors.

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