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Thoughts from Spirit Eagle

Spirit Eagle

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past life problems by the Galactic Federation or magically healed when we are in 5th Dimension. There ARE NO Shortcuts! WE have to Face ourselves: the good, the bad, the ugly, feel the pain that we refused to acknowledge, ALLOW it! Only when we can be Honest with ourselves, then we can heal ourselves.

The way I see it is that we can't be dragged kicking and screaming holding onto the "old baggage" of victimhood, "it's their fault", and refusal to examine one's contribution to any unpleasant situation that we have created in our lives. All of those emotions stay in cellular memory until they are "Cleared". A Psychic can't do it all for us. WE Have To Do The Work! It takes Courage! But we Are Warriors of the Light! We can do Anything we Really Want to Do!

I have found that it is crucial to examine oneself with honesty, clarity, and humility! If we heed all of the messages we have received from many wonderful sources, we can see that it boils down to You Are Ascended Masters. It is up to You! If we need help in this soul and behavioral search, often a trusted friend can help or a professional counselor.

Holding onto the 3D baggage doesn't allow us to progress to our full potential as Ascended Masters. There is no "magic bullet", no substitution for willingness to take responsibility for one's actions and then get onto the Ascension Ship. 3D Baggage isn't allowed!

WE are the Leaders! If We haven't done the Work how do we expect to lead others to their highest potential!

Blessings, Spirit Eagle