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Prophecies of the Native Americans

TRanscribed by Harlye Swifdeer, 1983

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um leaps into love and light.

We are dreamers and we create physical reality through the thoughtforms we hold.

As things stand now, the human race is dreaming a hell. But as individuals and as a collective humanity it is our potential to dream of paradise and to create the kingdom of heaven on our Mother Earth.

Could it be that the pain in our hearts caused by the hell we have created will spur us on into visions and creations of a world formed in love?

It is my prayer and dream, along with a multitude of others who have taught me to dream the Rainbow dream, that each and every one of you learn to dream both while awake and keeping, the dream of unity and love through divine transformation.

The following prophecy is a dream and vision that is a potential reality for mankind.

It is not an ultimatum. But it is ours to behold and to create if we only dare to dream it together.

The Rainbow Dream Vision of Turtle Island (North America)

Editor's Note: When the Rainbow Dream Vision was first distributed to the world in 1984, the span of the Twenty Count, was given as 1980 to 2000.

The 'Twenty Count' actually has 21 years - however, the culminating year is the 20th, and the 21st is the start of a new beginning or a new Age.

By 1987, it was becoming apparent that not all of the Vision was happening. In 1987, Jose Arguelles, the Mayan scholar, revealed the changeover of Mayan Great Cycles would be in 2012/2013.

In 1993, many Crop Patterns displayed wheel and key, symbols as given in the first year of the Twenty Count. Therefore, this print of the RDV gives the time of implementation of this amazing vision as 1993 - 2012/2013.

Enjoy the Vision & then let's all get out there and Help it Happen.

1999 When Tagashala and the enlightened teachers begin to open the veil of the crack between the worlds, we will see our memory circles.

All kivas and sacred power spots will come alive in 1999 and be totally awakened.

The inner room of the great pyramid will be opened. The Temple of the Sun in Palenque will be reawakened.

The old, traditional ceremonies that are still applicable for today's world will be renewed.

Many of the ceremonies, teachers and leaders that are so-called traditional, but are trying to keep us locked in the past, will not function today & will fall.

Many teachers and wise people will be seen for who they are and they will be the farmers, the labourers and the gas station attendants because the Tagashala will be fully awakened.

2000: 144,000 Sun Dance enlightened teachers will totally awaken in their Dream Mindbodies. They will begin to meet in their own Feathered Serpent or Winged Serpent Wheels and become a major force of the Light to help the rest of humanity to dance their dream awake.

A Sun Dancer is any human being who has awakened, who has balanced their shields and who has gained the Dream Mindbody.

We,re going to put our Soul out on the table and say "I love you all". This is a sacred dance. That's what 2000 is all about.

That's a Sun Dancer. In 2000, 144,000 enlightened souls will sit down in Gathering Together Circles. Many of these will be the so-called common people, and not the teachers you see up there now.

On AUGUST 17, 2000 the various winged serpent wheels will begin to turn, to dance once again and when they do the RAINBOW LIGHTS will be seen in dreams all over the world and these Rainbow Light Dreams will help awaken the rest of humanity.

2001: We will sit in a new circle of law. Civil and social law will change. All civil and social laws will have to be in conformity with natural laws or the people will not accept them and they will have the enlightenment necessary to reject those laws. Science will once again become metaphysics.

They will discover four laws that will help them jump to Universal Law and transcend the time-space continuum which is the limitation of the age and once again we will begin to take our power and to work with rules and laws that are Cosmic Laws.

2002: We will once again see the way to continue a new dream. We will be given the road map back to the Stars and we will see the STAR PEOPLE come out of the illusion of their two-legged form and into their actual Great Sleeper-Dreamer form.

And so you will meet some really great people in 2002. This is the year of the Second Coming of Christ as spoken of in the Book of Revelations and it will be the awakening of a NEW CIRCLE, a new design of energy movement for humanity.

Christ, means A Circle, so the Second Coming of the Sacred Circle is all enlightened humans dancing as one consciousness.

2003: A Powerful Year and its really hard for me to talk about it. I am a great dreamer but I don't know if I dream that large.

We will see a real shift in planetary consciousness. Many of the enemies of the humans will begin to drop away.

In 2003, you will see the Twelve Sacred Driver Wheels of each of the Eight Great Powers stored and put together to create the figure 8 of Infinity Sign.

And 2003 will begin through the Feathered Serpent Medicine Wheels those groups of seventeen Great Sleeper Dreamers.

2004: We will totally gain the light of the Great Light Wheel. There will be one humanity, one planet composed of all the different ways of dancing in complete harmony in the Great Gather Together Circle.

In 2004 all the seeds will be planted.

2005: The Earth will have its true reality formed. It will join the Sisterhood of Planets, the daughters of Copperwoman and it will create within itself all forms of all things in harmony with the everything.

2006: We will see a whole new way of perfection. There will be plants on this grandmother earth that will give life and sustenance as never before seen.

Starvation on the earth will be gone.

2007: There will be total balance and harmony. All humans will be balanced fives, or enlightened fives & a six. And they will still be in their physical bodies.

2008: The new race of humans will begin to design their new reality of life on this planet as they intended it to be when they first came here from the stars.

2009: We will begin to establish this planet and use the collective consciousness to hold the power of this space in harmony with the Great Circle of Twelve and all the planets. There is a whole lot I don't even know.

There is more that I am not supposed to talk about yet.

2010: The dream will be actualised and this planet will hold its space in The Great Council of Planets and become a part of the Universal Enlightened Sisterhood & Brotherhood of humanity and Keepers of the Light Circles.

It has happened on many planets and it's expected to happen on a lot of other planets.

2011: There will be a moment in 2011 when the population will be the population!

2012: This planet will have its Design of Energy Movement guided by all of humanity living here.

2013: In the year 2013 the Great Spirit will have left its Seed and the Egg of Everything here on this planet and it will create itself 20 times over at the speed of light and this prophecy ends as I have been given it by the grandmothers that I share with you now.

Together & with a double effort we can make the difference. Go the distance...