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Who We Can Be

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es a wandering path or meandering river. The pace can be quickened by not constantly changing your mind regarding who you are.

The Power is in You. So sit. Calm yourself and ignore all outside influences. Then set about building the Perfect You within your own mind. Write a screenplay for your life while in meditation. Create scenes of conflict, and all your options for reacting to them. Create scenes of opportunity, and all your options for reacting to them. Create scenes of offense, and all your options for forgiveness and healing. Create your greatest joys and darkest fears, and live them mentally before reality has a chance to offer them emotionally. Rehearse who you wish to be in every scenario you can imagine. Train yourself to be who you wish to be. Then you may enjoy the experiences of all things, in all moments of reality.

The next time you're driving alone, on a road with no traffic, try a little experiment. Turn your head 90º to either the left or right and take your eyes off the road. Hold it for one and a half seconds, then look back to the front of the car. You'll notice that the car has started to drift from the center of your lane and was moving towards the direction that you turned your head. Turn your head to the direction you wish your life to flow, and your life will follow your gaze. Life cannot help but follow where you're looking.

