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Free Your Mind NOW

By Corey, An 18 Year Old American

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at you can have freedom now. You can control your own life. Two laws to follow are "Question authority, and think for yourselves".

Freedom is here. I pose the following questions to you, dear reader.

Will you think for yourself?

Will you accept freedom?

Will you control your own life, your own brain?

Of course, the various socio-political and religious leaders will demonize anything that causes or creates open mindedness, free thinking. And why do they do that? It is all about control. If even a small percent of our society became free, they would be out of power, there would be no way for them to control them. So, this message is addressed to those people who value freedom above all else. I am trying to impart this message onto them- You can be free now.

The most you can do is to free your own mind, by questioning what authority has told you, and others will follow. They will see your freedom, and start asking themselves questions. This is the dawn of the beginning of a new age, one that embraces personal freedom. There are still many out there who are brainwashed, by socio-political leaders, and religious fundamentalists and their ignorant concepts. These people do not embrace freedom, because they are not ready for it. They are still brainwashed and conditioned by society and religious dogma. These people are not ready to leave the comfortable ignorance they now dwell in. Their minds are not free.

It is these people who need to be awakened. It is these people who need to hear the truth. What these people don't realize, is that they are NOT happy. They are not happy living a one-dimensional life, they are not happy being slaves. But, as the old saying goes, "Ignorance is bliss". But these people are not our enemies. They are our brothers and sisters, and they are trapped in a prison that society and religious have created for their minds. If we ever wish to be free, we are going to have to smash the bars of their prison, and free them with the truth.

True freedom is at hand. Are we going to embrace it, or let it slip between our fingers and lose it? We must stay free, so that others can become free as well.

In Unity,

