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What's Up on Planet Earth? 2004: Showing Others The Way

Karen Bishop

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on to accept the light in June. November brought it in through the Concordance and now we are experiencing the effects of its integration. Like a detective with a magnifying glass, every nook and cranny from the tips of our fingers to the tips of our toes, is being opened, discovered and revealed as the light is moving in. This time the process is slow and deliberate, although all pervasive, like a steady moving ocean tide, but one that will forever be out. Although arriving with its own set of energetic challenges, I am personally grateful it isn't packing the punch of the solar flares.

Any behaviors, patterns and lower vibrational imbalances are politely being pushed aside. It is the "changing of the guard" in mass. Integrating and accepting our shadow sides is not appropriate or needed here.....that was third dimensional reality. The light is saying, "Time is up! Time to move on. You will not be supported and cannot survive here. This is no longer your home. There is nowhere for your roots to flourish and thrive". There is no corresponding energy at that vibrational level to attract and interact with these Old patterns. This process is moving forward with no ifs, ands or buts. It cannot be stopped. It is here to stay.

As the new light continues to flow through us, and these energetic behaviors and patterns of the Old World are moving up and out, this process is revealing itself in many ways. Emotions are running high. We are rapidly releasing. Many are creating situations that embody many issues or imbalances all in one scenario, or drama. Our Inner Child is the theme. This is creating great stress and deep emotional upset, but an integral part of the process. We are releasing the residue. Things we thought we had cleared seem to be back, but know that we are being swept clean of any remaining blockages. Won't it be nice when we never again have to embody these lower vibrational patterns and feelings? Yes, the time of feeling incredibly wonderful and completely full of love and light is just around the corner. Joy, passion and complete contentment are here in snippets, but eventually will be the all encompassing norm. It is helpful not to get caught up and lost in our drama and corresponding "story", as it is only a manifestation of what the light is hitting and illuminating within us. We are powerful creators now, with quick manifestation time, and what is within us is as always, without as well.

In this space of feeling uprooted or out of our comfort zones and in our dramas, we are wanting resolution.....we are wanting things to be resolved and everything to be "right" again. As we are moving into the New, this can never be. We cannot go back. There is no going back. By breaking these Old patterns, we are opening the door to the New World.....the higher ways of being. They do not exist in the past. A friend recently described it as "nothing seems real anymore". Children, pets and yes, we adults are exhibiting "clingy" behavior. We are wanting our Old securities. The mass exit of Old patterns and ways created a common theme in many as hyper and clingy energy. We are all sensing at some level that something is going on.

As these Old patterns and behaviors of "darkness" are being lifted up and out, they are flying around everywhere and creating a lot of grumpy people. It is just a mass exposure of all our dark sides being in the limelight at the same time, and bouncing off each other as triggers for our own imbalances. No wonder things aren't feeling so good! But remember, they are all on their way out this time. Not needing a healing to stay, but a fond farewell. We will eventually be squeaky clean.....the golden nugget of pure light. The plan is designed to stretch us as far as we can possibly go, but not to break us, with great love for us and with our comfort and well-being in mind. Otherwise, it would be too much for any of us to bear.

Our emotions are the vehicle. But what an incredible gift to have them. I remember once being in a higher dimension, observing the planet and my lower dimensional self, and seeing oh so clearly what an incredible experience it was to "feel". Even the lows were beautiful. The depths of feeling are running high. Many are reporting, and I am personally experiencing much of this as well, overwhelming feelings of gratitude, love and compassion for the smallest of things. I am frequently being swept away and brought to tears at simple acts of love, compassion and kindness. There is great love here now. It is here for the taking.....we need only tap into it.

Following this current phase of purification and release, will come, and already is, a time of integration. Many are wanting to keep to themselves, to nurture and bask, to stay home. These "phases" are predominantly overlapping now, and not so much in sequence. It relates to the blending of the masculine and feminine, and to the current vibrational frequency of everything now happening all at the same time. (Speaking of the blending and integration of the masculine and has been an interesting experience to energetically identify the sex of unborn babies, as boys vibrate feminine and girls masculine!)

We are accelerating at warp speed, and literally stepping over steps. Time has evolved into the NOW. Plans we have made for ourselves last month are now obsolete. They are no longer necessary, as time and the current human and planetary vibrations have so rapidly speeded up that our plans no longer apply.....they do not match the current frequency of the planet. We do not have to go through many steps or stages anymore. Where we are and what we want is NOW. It is as if these plans already occurred, as if we already gained the benefit of their existence, and are now in the future. I have personally been experiencing some interesting bilocation adventures accidentally, through the power of intent and imagination, but have decided that for now, I will drive to wherever I choose to go! As we are rapidly accelerating in our capabilities, we will continue to experience "leaps" in our evolution at pivotal points, and at times when the planets will be in a perfect alignment to guide and support these leaps. The planets so love and support us. They offer to us their unique vibrations and are thrilled to be a part of this mass ascension. They are, as always, experiencing with us, as we are all one. Yes, we are flying!

What will 2004 bring? Being and vibrating in the New higher frequencies of light have brought in an intolerance for the lower frequencies. Personally, I am finding them difficult to bear. They feel extremely harsh, out of place, and not something I am comfortable having in my space. As this pattern accelerates, we will experience the beginning of a "revolution" energy. We will no longer tolerate or accept Old ways of being within ourselves or our environment. The most dramatic revolution will be in relation to our government and revolving around our current societal structures. We will no longer tolerate controls. The current planetary vibration will not be able to support this energy, and neither will we. There will be interesting developments with the IRS. There is already a momentum building with successful lawsuits against them. They are being called to substantiate their purpose and methods, and they cannot and will not be able to hold up to this challenge. As the first pins are pulled, the controls will eventually begin to fall like a house of cards. They will easily fall away as there is no vibrational frequency for them to adhere to. The vibration of light is one of freedom. No attachments, no pulls, no suppression energy, no compromises, no fitting into the box of a mass structure. Total freedom, joy, boundless creativity, and extreme contentment!

Our educational structures will not be able to accommodate or resonate with the New children of the New Earth. Their presence will greatly assist with bringing in the New. Our youngest little beings are already leading the teachers! Lightworkers will also begin moving into positions as demonstrators of the New World, the New way of being. We will initiate the changes. We are the "changing of the guard". Yes, the light is taking over..... In addition, as the Old continues to fall away, many will become fearful. Many will choose to leave as they do not wish the experience of mass ascension. Lightworkers will greatly assist during this time of transition as healers, guides, supporters and teachers. 2004 is a "6" energy. The energy of teaching, counseling, healing, balance, beauty and family. Our time for teaching the New ways will be very ripe, and people will finally be ready to listen. All is in perfection. The plan is unfolding beautifully, if even at a more accelerated rate than anticipated!

By finding and staying in our passion, by knowing who we are and what our unique contribution is and sharing it with others, and by staying in our hearts, we can match and continue to be in these New higher vibrations, as we open the door and hold the space for others. 2004 will likely feel tumultuous and chaotic, but it is just the manifestation of the falling away of the Old. My personal tool box for staying centered and aligned has been opened very frequently of late, and may likely be utilized more in the months to come!

When we are experiencing these changes and transformations within and without, we tend, as humans, to separate ourselves from others. This will be the time when we need to unite and support one another. No matter how uncomfortable or off balance we may feel at times, I have found that when I offer my own unique contribution or gift to another in need, I am always placed in a space of alignment to source. It is beneficial to both parties. In addition, if I begin a sewing project to transform an environment, or just find myself in a space of writing an energy alert, I always feel wonderful. I remember who I am.

What is your passion? Who are you? This will be your gift to the world and to yourself. There is a niche for you just waiting to be filled. We need your special are a vital and integral part of the New World.

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the new evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). There is no charge (if you've benefited from What's Up On Planet Earth? and are inspired to make a contribution, see link below). And know that although many of us are having similar experiences, I believe we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert, giving soul readings, and as a custom design fabric artist for home interiors.

To make an electronic contribution click here Or send your contribution to: Karen Bishop, P.O. Box 19612, Asheville, NC 28815

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