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My Experience With A Reptilian Ambassador

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is a very important development and I offer it for discussion for forum members.

Sunday, October 10, 2004 I begin my meditation by breathing in the energies of my essential earth vibration. This is a low, deep frequency which connects me to the multifaceted core crystal of mother Gaia and resonates at the angle of the crystal face of this connection - it is my own unique vibration. The Earth carries each of our own individual signatures in her core crystal and it is through this connection that I am connected with the power of Gaia. No matter what type of being I chose to interact with or no matter what being contacts me, I know that nothing can harm me or be more powerful than me on my home world, in my home density, utilizing the energy and full power of my home planet through this connection.

(Many starseeds and lightworkers are not as comfortable with the lower density Earth frequencies yet, they are still remembering the higher vibrations of home and consequently are not very grounded. This must be recognized and adaptation achieved with the current birth place vibrations or ones power can be greatly limited when it should be incredibly strong - stronger than most fully utilize at this time. Humanity is very, very capable and powerful in internal resources.)

As I breath in these energies I realize that this deep frequency is representative of the great and dark mystery of the universe, very feminine and enormously dynamic. Breathing even more deeply, I visualize these mysterious energies filling my body and then I am aware that they offer certain possibilities I had not accessed before. When this type of energy is fully integrated into the body and put to work, it shows things for what they are and beings trying to disguise themselves will not be able to do so. This is why the earlier Native American peoples were able to see behind the illusions that the Reptilians used to project to blend themselves in with humanity. Even in today's society, Native American people tend to be very grounded and connected to the earth and access her strength easily, therefore it is effortless for many of them to still be able to see the lie of the human valence Reptilians use when they walk amongst us.

After continuing to engage for another 20 minutes in controlled breathing with this energy, I am suddenly aware of a 7 ft. presence entering my field of vision in my mind's eye and I perceive that this is a Reptilian being seeking a communication with me. My own energy and state of mind at this point of contact are excellent and clear, I feel ready for whatever challenge or issue may be offered by this encounter. I sense a respectful attitude coming from this being and I feel myself offering a similar posture as I invite this Reptilian to sit down to discuss whatever is about to be put onto the table. We both take our chairs across from each other and I am immediately told that he is an Earth-based Reptilian and that he represents his people. He says that our races have been in conflict with each other for eons and that he has come to end this battle between us. Most importantly he states that, "We wish to be on the winning side!" And this statement has an air of summation for the reason of the whole visit.

He tells me that his name is Jar and that his people understand what is about to happen to the consciousness of humanity on the planet and that they wish to form an alliance with us, the winning side. "What about the Draconians?" I ask because I know there will be very strong ramifications for this choice by his people in relationship to the Draconian nation. But he firmly asserts that his people are not afraid and that they are willing to take certain risks in order to achieve their own goal, even if this means defying powers that have been the established dominant force.

Jar tells me that there are three great Earth-based Reptilian metropolises and that these are named Shal, Uhl and Bar Ber. These are located respectively in the United States, the Middle East and in South America. Shal is spread out over the states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Northern California. His role is that of a Regional Ambassador for Shal, but he explains that he is speaking on behalf of all three metropolises which are in common agreement over this matter. These vast cities represents two thirds of the Earth-based Reptilian community, and I am told that they are much stronger than those who oppose them. Russia and the Ukraine contains the major camp of opposition who are direct Draconian supporters.

This Reptilian Ambassador has come to me to deliver a document brief offering his peoples assistance to humanity in exchange for contractual considerations for his own people. He tells me that he knows that I will see that this information is properly distributed and I acknowledge that I will trust my guidance on this matter. Next we go directly to the list of what Jar's people are willing to offer as assistance to humankind:

1) To support humanities awakening process. (No further elaboration here for now) 2) They will give us technology to counter some of the Draconian programming technologies, including mind control technologies. 3) They offer the strength of their numbers and their brawn to act in the role of body guards to us. (Jar elaborates that they can intercede on our behalf, and that there are threats that we are not fully aware of - including that of the Anunnaki, who Jar states are currently walking amongst us since they have returned with their planet and are maneuvering for control.)

I ask if they are also offering us assistance with the Greys and suddenly at this point the clarity and genuineness of the communication begins to deteriorate and I see Jar answering that his people will help, then not help and nothing is clear anymore between us. I sense deception with the affirmative response and that I am being told only what I want to hear to this question. So I call upon my angelic guides and witness them as they arrive in a large group all around me. Then I stop to center myself and I breath in slowly and with firm intent the energy of the divine, the energy of truth.

Almost instantly the communication reconnects solidly and I am strong and clear once again energetically and telepathically. Looking eye to eye with Jar, I know he sees the light of the divine glowing around me with the presence of the angels and our interaction becomes respectful, honest and real once again. This feels as if it was a test of integrity by this Reptilians Ambassador whose people so greatly admire strength and clarity and will give back integrity where it is present, but they will always take advantage of weakness (or foolishness) since they cannot tolerate either of these qualities.

Now with an unwavering link between us again, he responds that the Greys are our problem and his people will not interfere. He further adds that there are certain agreements in place (I do not know if he means between our government and the Greys or his own people and the Greys) and that he will not explain any further. Thus he concludes with a strongly decreed `Enough!' that this is what he is offering on behalf of those he represents.

"What do you want in return?" I ask with this conclusion and he states his list as follows:

1) Fair and honest treatment in the courts of reckoning. (Jar tells me that his people are willing to accept our standards of accountability as the winner of this war that has opposed humanity through history. His people are a warrior race and they are used to the victories and losses of battle and acknowledge that he who triumphs has the privilege of defining the rules.) 2) They want representation within our local and federal political systems. 3) They want to be left alone in their communities to live their lives as brings them satisfaction. (I reply that if his people want political representation in our government then they will be held accountable to our laws. Jar states that this is so, but that he wants it clearly understood that his people want to live in dignity and self-respect! They do not want to be targeted or harassed, they wish to fully integrate with our world in a way that allows them to maintain their identity and integrity as a race.) 4) They seek to be free to partner with humans as mates without any sanctions limiting such interactions. (I am assured that no force will be used here against humans. This is to ensure the right of the free will of both parties who chose such unions. Jar simply concludes that they like humans - they find us attractive.)

We are now finished with the terms of the brief and Jar hands me the papers which outline this information and more. It is time to end our meeting and the Reptilian Ambassador plainly states that he would like to be my friend. I feel that this is a sincere offer and I answer that I will consider it in due time and this seems satisfactory to him. Inside I do feel that we have begun a discussion here today that will have many good ramifications whether the brief is accepted by humanity or not.

There is an underground subway system of light, a series of tunnels and tubes connecting the many reptilian cities (and some human cities) and I watch as Jar now steps toward a waiting vehicle, enters and takes off through the gleaming tunnel system. Holding the brief in hand, I recognize the responsibility I carry and call upon the angels for council. In particular I ask for Archangel Michael, whom I often work with and call upon for guidance, but instead Archangel Gabriel presents himself along with a contingent of angels. He steps forward and I hand him the document after requesting of the angels that this be delivered to exactly the right beings and people who will need to see and work with this proposal for the highest good of humanity.

As I hand the papers to Archangel Gabriel I am filled will a sense of profound love and support, I am also filled with a sense of loving appreciation. Great satisfaction flows through my being along with the radiance of the present light and then our communication ends. My entire body is shaking discernibly from the very high frequencies which have been present during this contact, and I have to take time to reground my body and allow it to readjust to the denser frequencies of our lovely 3D reality.
